Don't just throw away your sex doll

Posted Friday, Nov 15, 2024 | By Eva

Now,I don't only want to go over articles like this where sex dolls are being mistaken for corpses, but I'm also looking for more fun articles or interesting articles . Just basically love companion sex dolls in the news,kind of like lighthearted tone. Just have a little bit of fun, just browsing through the articles and just having fun, basically. And this is, well, yet another side of the coin I think,where people just don't care about their dolls anymore and just floss them away. today's we are diving yet again into another article about sex dolls , And yes, it is still a sex that has been mistaken for a human corpse.But this time, ladies and gentlemen, it's in Hong Kong and there's even a news Now, one thing, a little point I want to make with this, is that if you want to get rid of your sex dolls, don't just dump it in the middle of nowhere Don't dump it into the garbage. Please do not cause other people to suffer from heart attacks

And besides that, it's just a shit mold to do and it's not good for the environment at all. There is much purpose in recycling the sex dolls There's better ways to dump and get rid of your sex dolls And besides that, I know that on forums people are often enough asking for free sex dolls. So hey, there you go. That was an extra tip. Let's just dive right into the article

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My friend came running in and said somebody found a body in a bin.I don't like what it is, is that basically it is becoming a lol. It's a sexual meme with these kind of things. That's what I just don't like And I assume that it's like always one of those people dumping their doors. those kind of people that I'm talking about. Not us, ladies and gentlemen. And then they go explaining basically what we have just seen, that the police officers were on wrapping the life size psychic goal or life size goal. When I took out the rubbish this morning, I opened one of the bins and jumped a back and saw a body wrapped up in black garbage bag with mascade tape around it just laying at the bottom of the bin with nothing else in it

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Well, I can imagine that that will spook people out. That's why I say don't cause other people to have a minor heart attack even though a millisecond later they realized it's a ball. At that moment I can imagine that you are just jumping back like this fella over here So I went around to the other side of the bin and I opened it up to see from a different angle and it was like a legit body kind of sitting up. Like I could see the head, the shoulders and legs. One of the residents is basically telling how the morning went there, that the police officers were there, that they were opening up the bags and at first they saw the shoes and then later on they realized like, hey, the body is made of silicon.

And that is the moment when everybody snaps, as we saw in the video. And you know what it is? This is just not good for the positivity of these kind of dolls. And this makes them seem as like a disposable item, as a household item, as an item to use. And yes, it's debatable. They are an item to use and this and that. Of course I get it. I understand the freaky purposes of these dolls, but this is not helping for the doll positivity, for people who actually own these dolls as companions. Oh, yeah, I just wanted to have that out of the way. In the local village was Sep, group visitors speculated that the body may have been discarded by an outsider until it emerged it was a sex away companion. Huh? Not anymore. Is this the police just simply denying that they went out there and found a silicon dole? Is it what I understand that this can be like this is a waste of time for the police enforcement. Totally true, totally agree. But we'll also just deny the fact that they went out there and searched the bins and found the door.

Author name: Eva


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