Now here's a funny thing, should you tell your family and loved ones about your partner, because you might be surprised but many nerdy owners keep their partner as some dirty dark little secret, now don't get me wrong, I understand why some people decide to keep their partner as a secret, but I believe that these types of dolls are portrayed as being accusatory whenever you say Dollar mini sex dolls, people always, assume all sorts of things and I think that it is normal, how we are programmed and that is how we are told.
Sex dolls are wrong, 100cm sex doll are bad. Sex dolls are basically a gag joke.
It's sad to say, but most people don't know what to do with it, and that's okay because that's exactly why it's so important to talk to people, to make them understand, to show them why? It's such an important part of your life, why would you want to hide that, that's what I did, when I decided to buy a companion doll I definitely included my family in a process because I didn't want to keep it a secret, I didn't want my doll to be this dark secret that I hid in the wardrobe or under the bed whenever I had people over.

Because Luna is about to become a big part of my life, Luna is about to be treated like a companion, now do I still hide my girlfriend under my bed? Because I'm ashamed whenever someone comes around, no. Some people might not understand, some people might be offended, but it's worth at least starting the conversation, so two years ago I had breast surgery, which meant that for about a little week I had my mother over every day because I couldn't cook, I couldn't vacuum clean, and I basically wasn't allowed to do much more than sit there like a little T-rex.

Obviously I was stubborn and I didn't sit like that and they basically gave me a month to six weeks of medication, which was weird, but honestly, in the first week, there was no way I was going to be like that.
So my mother was here to help me and it was the same when I hurt my shoulder not too long ago, my mother was at home a lot, which meant that if I didn't tell her about Luna I panicked, absolutely panicked, because how could I hide her, I had an injury.
For me, if that was the case, I can imagine it would be a very awkward moment, so needless to say, I don't want to deal with the pressure of hiding it from my partner, and although I know it might be different for everyone, for me, I have a very good relationship with my mother and we can share things very easily, and I don't say bringing up my partner's conversation is an easy thing to do, but I'm curious and I basically bring it brought into the conversation and told her how I saw this documentary about companion dolls.
Author name: Eva

Eva has many years of sales and service experience in love dolls, providing you with the most professional love doll shopping guide. Our expertise has grown over time and we have a solid reputation based on the quality of our product range and our qualified customer service.