It's almost time for my flat chest sex doll full body wash again. And oi, oi, oi, do I dislike that day. And with a full body wash, I mean warm water, reducing a little bit of soap, and gently, carefully taking all the sweet time in the world, cleaning every inch of your companion doll to, of course, oil afterwards and to finish her off with a small layer of baby powder. Even though waiting their dough for some people can be a great bonding time, for me, it brings a lot of stress. And then there is stress, and then there's more stress. Of course, I'm always as careful as I can possibly be, but somehow I cannot stop myself from worrying and stressing about all the things that could possibly go wrong. What if I find some minor CBE damage? What if I accidentally damage her myself? Or what if I don't pay close enough attention to Avery positioning and I somehow mess up, making it even worse? Like I said, a stressful day for me.

The whole process of debating can take away a lot of time. And if I'm unlucky, it will even take me two days to finish the job. Why two days, you ask? Well, my Mini Sex Doll likes oil, baby oil, to be precise. And for the skin to be ready for powdering, it is very important that most of the oil nicely is absorbed by Avery skin. And since I don't want to overkill with the baby oil, I sometimes have to do certain body parts twice for the extra boobs. But we will take the topic of oiling the companion doll for another day. So let's go back to the question of today. How often should you bait your doll with bathing? We mean a full body wash, and for most people, that means a warm bucket of water with a little bit of soap. And to keep this video in general terms, in most cases, it is not recommended to plop your girl in a bus or put her under the shower. Simply said, most of the companion dolls are not built to be water resistant, and we have to think about the skeleton. Yes, there are exceptions. Some dolls can go into bob, some dolls can handle a shower. But for the purpose of this blog, I would say let's just not do it.

Let's just think about the general doll ulnar, because I don't want anybody to accidentally damage the carpet doll. That's not why we're here. We're here to help. So a bucket with warm water and some natural soap will do for this blog, I believe that for every doll, the time in between the boss is different. Depending on the environment, depending on the use, and depending on how well you take care of your goals. As for Avery, I try to give this girl a full body wash every three to four months. But do take note that in between Avery bathing days, I do clean certain body parts, I do oil them up and I do powder them, because if I have to wait until a bathing day, then this girl would be a complete mess. So we're not going to sit around and waiting for bathing day until I take care of my girls, cleaning the necessary parts to keep the personal hygiene up, and that is a thing that you will thank yourself for in the future. But like I said, for me, I bait Avery every three to four months. Then, of course, I put the baby oil on and I don't go completely bunkers with it.
Like I said, sometimes I put two layers of baby oil on her because I notice that certain body parts need it because it is absorbing the oil like crazy, meaning that the skin actually needs it. And honestly, whenever your doll needs baby oil, I think it is very noticeable, it is very visible. There's just something about the skin, the way it looks, the way it feels that makes you go, I think that she can use some oil. And for me, the whole oiling part is the best part of the day. It's the most fun to do. It is. Well, I think that most dog owners agree with me and I think you all can fill in the blanks why.
So keep an eye on the status of the skin of your doll and don't give her a fool spa day too often, but certainly not too late either. Thanks for Reading and I'll check you guys later.
Author name: Eva

Eva has many years of sales and service experience in love dolls, providing you with the most professional love doll shopping guide. Our expertise has grown over time and we have a solid reputation based on the quality of our product range and our qualified customer service.