a doll's house love quote Relevant Information

(53 People Likes) Is it okay to buy a 2600$ sex doll?

it is, if that is what you want and you can afford it. What you do with yourself and your toys is no one else's business. There is nothing immoral about masturbatio a doll's house love quote and a sex doll is just another way of masturbat

(61 People Likes) Is there any evidence showing that the prescription of child sex dolls to pedophiles is effective in preventing the actual sexual assault on real children?

there are two different ways to mode class="nturl" style="color: red">mini sex doll the effect of child sex dolls. You might think, “of course they will reduce offenses, because otherwise a pedophile has to stay repressed and has no outlet until it all boils over.” Or you might think, “of course it will only make things worse, because it will encourage the pedophile to keep fantasizing and fantasizing until they actually commit a crime.”
Which theory you believe depends on how you model human sexuality. Which one is true… probably depends on the person. I don’t think it would make me more likely to offend, but I could imagine someone where it would. (I also doubt I would use a doll all that much.) I think in the aggregate, people will think about and fantasize about sex no matter what, so an outlet is probably a good thing, but even better would be a less stigmatized and less dangerous way to talk about it.
However, in the ultimate calculation, don’t forget that many child sex offenders are not primarily attracted to children. For m

(36 People Likes) How does a sex doll change your life?

en told us some information I taken to the grave and started implementing. She said “everybody should masturbate to learn about your body and know what turns you on and not.”
It's nothing like owning yourself as to say. Toys are just added fun to experience. I realized I do not like vibrators since they are stationary, I like ones that pump into you or one you can pull out and in like a guy would.
Sex toys have added benefits like its 100% std free unless you have a STD yourself so that's a added benefit.
Also sex toys are more creative. Like I said, there are pumpers, they have sex toys that release water at the end to have that feeling of completion inside you, and many more.
My favorite is handcuffs but break apart ones only. I watched way too many true stories about women dying handcuffed to their beds due to the Realistic Sex Doll r lovers dying of heart attacks.
My favorite is a velvet one with the words slut on it. My second pair was leopard printed but those broke.
As far as changing lives, it doesn't. Outside of sex, I am still me. I dont think about sex more, I don't think about madturbation, I dont think about getting a new toy, I just live my life.
However, during sexy times alone of with somebody else, it changes a lot. I always ask my partners: vanilla, fun, or rough and go from there.
Now, there are some people

(81 People Likes) Would a woman be okay with their boyfriend owning a high-end sex doll, only for situations where his GF is not in the mood for sex and he is very horny? I thought of buying one but I’m single and worried it will scare off a potential GF.

ng that’s basically another person. Yes I know, it’s just a doll. But it’s not something I’d be comfortable getting, or comfortable with my boyfriend getting. Because it’s almost like a submissive replacement.
However, there are lots of different girls out there, all with different opinions. Perhaps some would be okay with it, perhaps some wouldn’t. I can’t sit here and say “Ew that’s wrong, you can’t do that!”, because it isn’t.
Right now, you’re a single guy that’s free to do as he a doll's house love quote pleases, but in a relati

(38 People Likes) Whenever I look at the real Annabelle doll I feel overwhelming discomfort, and it remains for awhile after. Is it possible for evil such as the one attached to Annabelle to send bad energy through photos?

oked the fabric, commented favourably about how warm and soft it was, all the stuff you might expect.
They were then told that this jumper belonged to a famous serial killer (I forget which one; it could have been Bundy, or Manson, or any of the dozens of others). They then reported feeling a sense of evil from the garment, and a great reluctance to put it on, which was completely absent when they didn’t have this piece of information.
Of course, it’s entirely possible that the sweater in question was never owned by any serial killers and the researchers were lying to them. The effect is much the same either way.
There is a notable psychological bias called the “halo effect”, in which people assume good things about someone because of another, entirely unrelated positive quality. People can’t believe, say, a priest could be a bad person. A lesser known bias is the opposite, called the “horns effect” - if someone or something has a negative quality, it is perceived as worse in other, unrelated ways.
The Annabelle doll is just a creepy-looking old doll, but it is the central point in a (fictional) story about demon possession. Because it has that negative quality ascribed to it, the horns effect makes you feel it’s evil as a whole.
There’s no such thing as “bad energy”, and even if there was, how would a photograph be

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