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(15 People Likes) What would be the closest Western equivalent to how many Muslims feel about Muhammad cartoons? Many Westerners' feelings about the possession, sale, and distribution of child sex dolls--which are perceived as VERY morally repulsive but also harmless?

phemeeee and rioting whenever someone insults (or they feel like someone insulted) Islam, Muhammad or the Quran.
Really, Muslims need to go easy on this. I honestly don’t understand why they think their religion and its icons need their “saving” like this. The event will come and go if they don’t make a big deal out of it by rioting internationally[2] or murdering people.[3]
What happens instead is that such actions bring a lot of harm to Islam and Muslims. It is almost as if it is a shortcut for the people who want to prove that Muslims are uncivilized savages unfit for the Western world. Go burn a Quran in public or conduct a Muhammad cartoon competition and invariably, some Muslims somewhere — often people in a faraway land — will respond violently and they can stereotype the entire community based on that. That only feeds further into the narrative and worse, it even makes people who have otherwise no beef with Muslims to support such events because they value free speech.
And what do Muslims gain? Nothing.
I hope that Muslims understand the value that the modern world places on the freedom of expression. The next time such an event occurs, I hope that they will just let it happen and leave the organisers alone. And when a few such events pass without incident, the rest of the society will stand with you to condemn deliberate provocation attempts in the name of expression. Freedom of expression only says that you are allowed to express without fear of violence or legal repercussions. There is nothing prohibiting the society to stand up and call you an asshole or conduct peaceful counter protests if you want to conduct an unprovoked pork barbecue in front of the mosque during Ramadan.[4][5]
Instead, if you go riot and kill people when someone draws Muhammad, it will only result in more Everybody draw Muhammad days and you will find this same sympathetic society standing against you then.[6]
PS: Initially, this question was aimed specifically at me: “What does Raziman T.V. think of controversies related to prophet Mohammed and how does he justify the rage of Muslims when some people use their freedom of expression to depict Mohammed through cartoons?” Am I supposed to justify other people’s rage now? Thank you for letting me know!
[1] Blasphemy
[2] Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy - Wikipedia
[3] Charlie Hebdo shooting - Wikipedia
[4] Barbecue Pegida in Rotterdam op laatste moment afgel

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(23 People Likes) What is the rate of real silicon sex dolls in India?

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