airi himekawa love doll Relevant Information
(79 People Likes) If you were God, would you be mad at the men, who are a part of your creation, and who permenantly replace real women with silicone love dolls?
tic partners? An answer by a serious approach: The monotheistic idea of God becoming angry or mad about something earthly, is so silly idea that only silly human minds can attach such typical humanistic attribute to something noble like God. This silly idea is just part of the major egocentric trend dominating the organized monotheistic religions. It’s the same trend which placed the earth as the center of the universe and then the same egocentric tren Sex Doll placed itself (the human ego) as the center of God’s creation. And then it made the God to become a servant of the human needs whims. All this isn’t meant to support in any manner men’s bad habits which you ask specifically about them — or anybody’s bad deeds. This was an answer by a serious approach. Next answer of mine to this will be by a humoristic approach. A humoristic approach: If I was a God, then instead of becoming mad about it, I would ask

(27 People Likes) What were the weird things you did when extremely bored while serving in the military?
straight out of AIT and was wrenching on Blackhawks in-country just a few months after finishing training. About 6 weeks after we arrived we made a trip outside the wire to a local gravel pit for Small Arms Practice. Shortly after finishing our first firing iteration and settling in for an MRE lunch we were overrun with Gypsy kids. Not to reinforce stereotypes but they are thieving little bastards and damn good at it. In the commotion, my Kevlar helmet was stolen along with several other items from our gear pile because the PFC guarding it had gotten distracted. We returned to base and I filed the paperwork for a field loss with my squad leader as I was supposed to, and forgot about it. A month or so later we had an equipment inventory and my Kevlar was missing. Enter my Platoon Sergeant who was a self-centered space cadet and a first-rate scumbag. He had forgotten to file my field loss paperwork and now had nothing to blame the missing equipment on. Rather than copping to his mistake he threw me under the bus and claimed I never informed him and must have "lost" my $1,000 helmet. My squad leader was pissed because he had personally given him my field loss paperwork. As a result, I was given a summary grade article 15, forced to pay $1000 for a helmet, and given a month of guard duty. The latter would turn out to be a serious mistake on his part. Deployment is usually hyper boring. I took all that bottled up boredom and made it my mission in life to get revenge on this guy for screwing me out of a thousand dollars. I fucked with him in numerous ways, two of which are most worth retelling. I may have gone slightly overboard. I am an INFOSEC professional and was prior to entering the military. So I enlisted a friend with a set of 2-way radios and started to screw with him using NETSEND messaging. (This was early 2000 and rules were looser) He had a habit of viewing pornography on his government computer while eating donuts in his CONEX. I had my friend spy on him with some binocs and relay his behavior to me over the radio so I could contextualize my messages. It would start something like: "Warning viewing of pornography is against DoD policies and will be prosecuted if uncovered... Etc." My friend would relay "He just blew it off and grabbed another donut." Next message: "Hey fatass, don't blow me off, put down the donut, wipe the sugar off your uniform, and click out of Playboy. Don't make me turn you in." It continued in this vein for several weeks until he was searching his CONEX for hidden cameras and calling base Ops to confess to his pornography vi airi himekawa love doll wing habits. He ended up being hospitalized in Germany for an anxiety attack due to concerns over him displaying symptoms of "paranoia". Wayne Newton visited him, he made the base newspaper at Ramstein AFB. However, I was still not satisfied as he screwed our entire platoon in a number of ways in the interim. When I went to Hungary on pass I visited the nastiest sex shop I could find (way nastier than I expected, Hungarians are apparently very freaky) with a diabolical and well-fantasized plan hatched on my month of unearned guard duty. A mind tends to wander when staring at a pitch black tree line for 10+ hours. Unfortunately for him, he had given me a good reason for it to wander in a productive direction, his direction. You see the base defense guys were special forces and had a sick sense of humor. I had also become good friends with most of them during my extra duty. As a result, I was able to enlist them in my revenge fantasy come to life, with their participation becoming somewhat enthusiastic as I laid out my plan. Sick senses of humor often find common cause in the Service. While I was in that sex shop I purchased "Granny Tranny" (the actual title) magazine, a bottle of lidocaine infused lube, and a purple tinted clear double ended jelly dildo longer and girth(ier) than my arm. These items were properly secured in the bottom of my duffle which I knew would not be searched, because the searchers were in on it. They did search my bag in private when we got back to base to make sure we followed the rules. No rules against dildos but it would have ruined the surprise if I got "caught" in public during a random bag check. There was a lot of praise for my choice of weapons. I stored that shit in the BDOC locker until right before we redeployed back to the states. My time on guard duty was clench in the execution of my plan, my PSG had been the architect of his own demise. I knew the routine and so after everyone packed their shit and left it in their Barracks room for the detail to load I let myself into the PSGs room with a key sourced from a disgruntled roommate (my squad leader). I proceeded to stash the half-full bottle of lube, magazine which I had splashed with water/lube to make it look well used, and rather scuffed double ended monster in one of his bags. (There may have been a dildo sword fight or three with it by bored BDOC staff on the night shift, one of which may or may not have involved the dildo->face version of a slap fight between two bored SF e-6’s, rendering one of them unconscious…) I then misted the outside of his bags with chow hall gravy diluted in water to make sure the drug dogs alerted. You see all our stuff was set out for us, an entire battalion worth, as we stood at parade rest in front of our departure aircraft while the base defense team ran dogs over our bags prior to loading the aircraft. Anything that was found resulted in the culprit being called out in front of the entire battalion while their shit was dumped all over the ground and searched. When they got to the PSG’s bags the dogs alerted strongly as food (chow hall gravy) is not allowed. I swear Karma was in on the joke because he could not have played into it any better had it been rehearsed. The first bag they dumped wasn't the money shot, but unsurprisingly he had tried to skirt the rules on his own and had local coffee and crackers in his bag. He was high strung and talking rapidly in a nervous tone that they really didn't need to go through his other bags because that was all he had. He essentially jumped right in front of the oncoming phallus bus by acting for all the world like he was desperate for them not to search his other bags. As one of my friends was explaining to him that it didn't work like that my other friend piped up at the top of his lungs with a drill instructors voice: "Holy fuck, Top, what the fuck is this?!?!" Being in on the joke he made sure to dramatically whip the meter plus double ender out of his duffel and hold it over his head like he was unsheathing Excalibur from the stone. It took a second for the battalion to realize what it was as it gyrated over my SF friends head, but when they did the result was a total battalion-wide loss of all military discipline. People were sitting on the ground because they were laughing so hard they couldn't stand. When my battalion commander recovered he had an obvious pee stain on his BDUs and he was not alone. To top it off my base defense friends were really getting into an improv comedy routine riffing on the best material they had after months of pranking each other with that dildo. Timing it so as soon as people started to recover they would pull another item from the duffel and double down on the misery/hilarity. "What the fuck Top, why does this lube have lidocaine?" "Dude look at that monster dildo. You would need it." “What I want to know is why is it double ended? Who is your battle buddy Top?” *retching* ”GRANNY TRANNY? Seriously?!?! What the fuck?!?!" *more vigorous retching* “Eww, dude the fucking pages are stuck together.” My platoon Sergeant was reduced to stuttering incoherently along the lines of “I swear I don't know where that came from, it's not mine.” has turned the color of a well cooked Maine lobster. When we got back to the states he dropped his retirement package instead of the promotion he had talked about. Served him right, no NCO worth a shit throws their soldiers under the bus to cover their ass. That's what officers are for. That prank became legend for a time in our unit. I never copped to it and officially nobody “knew” who did it. However, for as long as I remained at that unit, every time we had an inspection, someone managed to sneak a dildo in my duffel. I suspect that it was my squad leader who shook his head at me in a strange
(89 People Likes) Are we going to be cursed, possessed, or suffer from bad luck if we see real demonic things online on any site, video, or social media like the Annabelle doll?
chotic episode from schizophrenia, Huntington's, drugs, etc.)? Were the demons exorcised? Broken people are vulnerable. Susceptible. Illness begets illness without treatment. I am not a scholar on demons. I have my own observations. People say it is an entire race of beings with specific social structure and mandates. I am completely ignorant of that lore. I know nothing of official exorcisms. My perception is of energy. There is healthy and there is thwarted flow and connection. I’ve observed what appears to be a primordial demonic energy. It’s as if an area or a person has an infection. Alcohol and street drugs invite entrenchment of negative energy. Anger and violence are symptoms. The world is very black and white. There is very little room for exploration of soul and meaning in the tapestry of modern life. This alone creates vulnerable people. There were once integrative roles for all walks of life, ages, abilities limitations within a naturally intuitive and dynamic social structure. We don’t comprehend this, because all we’re taught is discord and warring culture. Competition, elitism. Gluttony. Peaceful, benevolent peoples were our ancient progenitors, but you’ll never know their names. Their ways are lost to us, while we share the same spirit and biology. Our natural selves are interdimensional. We are intuitive. We thrive on being loved, loving, building, creating, healing. The world today mocks, distorts and crushes those parts of us. We are not allowed the natural ponderance of our collective consciousness. We don’t understand how much stress we are under. We are born into a screaming cacophony of torture, we think it’s normal. We think war is normal. We think poverty and disease are just how it goes. These are lies. These are unnecessary stressors entrenched into our global culture. Wounds where negative energy grows and infects our consciousness and therefore action. We’ve forgotten that we are a race of empaths, all influencing each other's flow and energy. Negative energy is enhanced and hugely magnified by our war, disease, poverty culture. If you are looking for a demonic force driving people out of their minds, turn on the TV. Join the military. The faces of power reveal their demons. Power is entrenched with negative energy as much as any crackhouse. The wound grows anywhere and is infectious. What I’ve seen had nothing to do with media. It was genetics. I witnessed a fiery being within family. I’d seen the black, oily energy on land, in homes and around family. It made me queasy but a lot of things did. At the time I worked to suppress rather than understand things I saw. Both my mother and her brother brutalized their kids. He especially struggled with addiction. This behavior normalized in family culture. Both of them should have done jail time. Their fiery inhabitants helped me understand generations created a wound of vulnerability to infestation. I entered years of specialized healing practices to undo and subdue the binding to dark energy I was born into. I worked with shamans and energy healers. I’d stopped the negative scripts in my head. I kept my distance from negative people. My heart became more peaceful but my health and pain far worse. I’m far happier now. I was miserable, angry and lost when I’d been my most successful and productive. I am no
(73 People Likes) Meet Our Anime Sex Dolls
y! Our male dolls are meant to give pleasure to Real Doll oth women and men. We also carefully select dolls to provide companionship. Our male dolls have the right body parts for every sex act there is. Then, we ensure that they are realistic, well constructed, and stunningly attractive. airi himekawa love doll That’s what leads to amazing sex experiences with ma
(90 People Likes) Would you buy your partner as a sex doll (if you were going to be apart from them for a long period of time)?
I’m aware that there’s a social stigma surrounding toys like this. But I figure if women can buy dildos, what’s the problem with me buying a “friend”? It’s not as if I’m going to sit next to her at the dinner table and pretend she’s my wife or anything. Not unless she magically springs to life! No, I think it would be good for me to buy one of these things. It’s not ideal, obviously. But I’m not really in a position where getting “out there” and picking up women in bars is really a realistic option anymore. Nor have I ever been interested in meeting people in such places. And the “nice” women I like, are more or less long since married and settled, so i figure: why the hell not? Simulated sex is better than nothing, right? And if I dim the lights, light a few candles and put on Greatest Love Hits by Richard Clayderman, I think I can even convince myself that I’m having a genuinely intimate moment with an extremely shy person. It’s only afterwards when you remove parts of her Anime airi himekawa love doll Sex Doll natomy and clean them in the kitchen sink that reality seeps back in… But never mind reality! I may be totally wrong about all of this, but I’ve a feeling that buying a doll could perhaps make me feel less alone. It’s not real company, but if you pay enough cash, it can LOOK like real company. And for me, that’s a start. How many men own a Fleshlight? Millions, probably. Well, this is just a life-size