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(89 People Likes) At what rate are women being replaced with sex dolls?

se, simulate sex wonderfully and can be perfect for quick and long sexual release.5 dollar giftcards with love notes > The sex dolls me and my boyfriend use as this article explains
don’t replace the part of a relationship wit

(85 People Likes) Why am I friendzoned by every single girl I like? How to get out of that friendzone?

talking to her but instead of letting her know your intentions right from the beginning you meet her, you just talk to her like a friend, you share the things you have in common, start getting close to her, you eventually like her a lot and have feelings even though you never kiss led her, or flirted with her or let her know in any way before you got feelings that you were interested in her as more than a friend.
You should have acted in a different way when you meet a girl, which is to flirt with her, playfully tease her, playfully touch her, and ask her or from day one. You should not have waited weeks or months or years to ask a girl or on a date, you should ask a girl out as soon as you meet her and realise that she could be a girl you like. You shouldn't wait to have feelings to ask her out, you should ask her out first even if you are not sure if you like her and then asses each other's compatibility on those dates before pursuing an actual relationship.
In those dates you should have fun, flirt, compliment her, make moves, Sex Doll go for a kiss, and keep doing that every time 5 dollar giftcards with love notes you go out on a date with her. You don't wait to have an official relationship to go for a kiss, you jut do it on those dates if you and her seem ready for it.
Basically you want to go from platonic friends to relationship, and that is not how it works.the way it works is you meet a girl, ask her or immediately before you are close friends, and then if she accepts the date and you happens to like each other's on the date and you kiss on the date then eventually it will progress into relationship, when you go out with girls you need to act like you are interested in her romantically and sexually, instead of acting friendly and nice and like a friend. If you are not hitting on these girls when you go out with them, then you are just behaving like a nice friend and that's why they friendzone you.
So hit on the girls, don't hide your romantic interest, let the girls know right from the start that you are not interested in friendships with girls; that when you go out with girls is because you wanna find out if you like them to go out with them. Some girls wil reject you, and some others will accept. Those who reject you ignore and don't hang out with them

(98 People Likes) If you were God, would you be mad at the men, who are a part of your creation, and who permenantly replace real women with silicone love dolls?

tic partners?
An answer by a serious approach:
If I become mad about something humans do or don’t do, I would know for certain that I am NOT God. The monotheistic idea of God becoming angry or mad about something earthly, is so silly idea that only silly human minds can attach such typical humanistic attribute to something noble like God.
This silly idea is just part of the major egocentric trend dominating the organized monotheistic religions. It’s the same trend which placed the earth as the center of the universe and then the same egocentric trend placed itself (the human ego) as the center of God’s creation. And then it made the God to become a servant of the human needs whims.
In short, what you ask is just the result of the dogmatic teachings by organized monotheistic religions. Those teachings have created the God as nothing but just a projection of their own humanistic ego.
All this isn’t meant to support in any manner men’s bad habits which you ask specifically about them — or anybody’s bad deeds.
This was an answer by a serious approach. Next answer of mine to this will be by a humoristic approach.
A humoristic approach:
If I was a God, then instead of becoming mad about it, I would ask

(26 People Likes) Can Women Enjoy Sex With a Male Doll?

age where kink-shaming is out, and encouraging people to be authentic is in! Today, we’ve also become much more comfortable interacting with AI in intimate ways. We don’t just bark robotic commands and queries at Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant. We can ask them to play us songs, tell us jokes, or play the music that they’ve learned we love. Of course, we cannot deny the advancements in both robots, sex dolls, and the hybrid of AI sex dolls. In 200

(36 People Likes) How does a life size doll feel when you touch it?

e a head and limbs that look real but they are not as soft. Most take magnetic pacifiers but that’s about all they do. These are mostly for looks. If you want a very real feeling reborn you will want a silicone newborn. They look and feel real. Some can drink bottle


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