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(77 People Likes) Can someone help explain inflation to me? Why isn't there a cap on how much currency represents the wealth in a country, and is inflation an inevitable consequence of capitalism?

tems regularly over a given period.
Monetary base x monetary velocity + net borrowing. = current account
So, if you print more money or if people spend it faster or borrow more prices go up (Assuming stable production / imports)
That’s it.
While inflation isn’t necessarily a result of capitalism, volatility / panics are. An economy requires the collective adoption of an inter subjective imagined reality. You have some influence on your well being. So do other people - and not every one acts rationally — in fact, a portion of them can be countered on to make really bad choices. (And they affect you too!)
The amount of leverage in our banking system, combined with an uneven distribution of capital activity and the occasional shock to the economy creates distortions. Misinformation, mistrust and fear then act as the gasoline that blows the problem out of proportion
It’s a “Type 2 Chaotic System”…. meaning, not only is the system chaotic, but the system knows it’s chaotic which makes it more chaotic.
A strong federally chartered banking protects is from irrational panic and essential for any modern economy. In the US, the Federal Reserve directs our system and has two roles
Lender of last resort
Create stability through keeping inflation under control
GOLD IS A REALLY POOR SUBSTITUTE FOR A FEDERAL RESERVE… Most is the people who advocate for a Gold Standard lack any real understanding of what they’re advocating.
HOWEVER, THEY’RE A COUPLE THAT UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT THEY’RE SAYING…. I always wondered why the just don’t ask me directly for all my money. A Gold Standard would basically freeze the economy, offer no chance for improvement, and make sure the wealthy could stay on top and not worry about the whole “working thing”
I saw a gold bug among the respondents. 100 years ago, there was still some debate as to a neeed for a central bank. People wanted to tie the money supply to something stable to show the world how disciplined they were. It was a show of confidence — a really dumb display of confidence — nonetheless, it’s confidence
Tying the monetary supply to some quantum of gold is about as effective as tying it to the supply of cheese in my basement. Take a look at a historical price chart for gold sometime and imagine overlaying that kind of volatility onto a macro economy — it would be kinda like trying to drive your car safer by only driving at a really his speed… going in reverse, steering from the paasenger seat. In the US, the Tea Party thinks this is a marvelous improvement.
Despite the wacky conspiracy theories of doomsday preppers and tea party candidates, the US banking system has a strong macro-orga

(23 People Likes) Are some people better off alone? both romantically and platonically?

here, I don’t mind them being gone.
It depends on how you mean this question, so I will answer two ways.
These are people that chose to be alone because it is what they want, but in your question details you are not speaking about them being on their own, you are speaking about them being outcast from society. Not the wording chosen I notice and likely for a good reason, but that is what you are implying.
Just because someone is difficult doesn’t mean that they are better off shut away somewhere of cast out. I just used this example in a previous answer, but it is fitting to reuse it now.
Blanche Monnier was a woman that fell in love with her neighbor. Her mother did not approve because she felt that the low earning lawyer was not worthy of her daughter and forbade the relationship. Blanche ignored her mother and chose the man she loved. Difficult to be sure, no one likes disobedient children.
So her mother locked Blanche up in her room for twenty-five years to force her to change her mind, and not deal with her until she did. In the meantime, the lawyer died, but her mother did not let Blanche out. Had it not been for someone reporting that they suspected that the missing Monnier girl was imprisoned in the house, she would have died there, locked away from everyone, because she was difficult and her mother didn’t want to deal with her.
The Miserable Imprisonment of Blanche Monnier
Just because you don’t like how a person is, doesn’t mean they have lost their basic human rights to be treated with dignity and respect. Unless they have committed a crime or are dangerous to themselves or others, they have every single right you do. If you wouldn’t care to be cast out because they don’t like how you are, then don’t wish it on others.
However, if you are asking if because YOU have difficulty with others, would it be better for others if you removed yourself and went away on your own, difficulty for who exactly. Lots of people want to hang me up by my toenails and beat me with sticks because I am a psychopath. I haven’t done anything to them, they just don’t like the fact we exist. However, I have people I get on with great. If you are worried about other people’s reaction to you, forget it. If they don’t like you, nuts to them. They don’t have to, someone else will like you for exactly who you are.
There are different types of people in this world and it takes all of them to keep the world interesting. Don’t get on with this group? There’s plenty more to try. If you are having difficulties in maintaining relationships, there are things you can do for help improving those aspects of your life. If you need it, seek that help, find people that get you, live a happy life. Just because you feel like you have a bad effect on people doesn’t mean that’s how they see

(88 People Likes) How do interest rates affect the strength of the dollar and/or inflation?

to illustrate my point later, but for now, think of international currency exchange rates as acting like a credit rating agency. How are they similar?
Well, it’s okay if, as an individual, you have some debts. Especially if those debts are for a house that’s a reasonable cost given your income, or even a car or two, again, given you income level. Whereas, if all your debts are on credit cards at 25% interest, whatever your income level, increasing debt is never a good thing, but an honest history of buying down your debt will likely get you a higher score.
That seems to be the case with the US Dollar (USD). When an administration is reducing its deficits, or even running a surplus, the value of the dollar goes up. When an administration is ignoring the growth of its deficits - or threatening to - the value of the dollar plummets. Hence, it’s no surprise that under Clinton, the dollar was up to 120 (the market symbol for the USD against a basket of six other world currencies is DXY). Under Bush 43 (“Reagan proved deficits don’t matter”) the dollar plunged 45% down to 70. Under Obama, even while the debt was growing, the deficit in each successive year was shrinking, the dollar went back up to 102. Now, under Trump with his “who cares about the debt” policies, the dollar has already lost about 12–14% of its value.
Why is the value of the dollar important Real Doll One simple answer: the price of gasoline. The price of crude oil moves opposite the value of the dollar (inversely), and when the dollar plunges, like it did under Bush 43, the price of gasoline nearly quadrupled, and the price of gasoline is the tax that we all pay regardless of income level.
In short, currency markets

(89 People Likes) If a girl calls me "doll" or "love” or other pet names like that, does she like me?

answer without additional information. For instance, it is not usual for some waitresses to refer to me as “hun”, “baby”, “honey”, etc… and I’m pretty sure they don’t all love me, it is simply their habit. This is not to say she doesn’t like you, but rather that alternately

(98 People Likes) What is your opinion about sex dolls?

child dolls made as well as adult dolls made. Without consent of the people they use other people's genital dimensions and also create dolls to abuse women's integrity because they are not paedophiles. Paedophiles never mature socially and don't know how to communicate as adults. Paedophiles in networks also get very bitter and aggressively because they are always rejected and always believe they should be wanted because they never developed out of childhood sex abuse. Bitter social.acts include revenge porn, using and abusing child welfare, as well as putting in legal applications in absentia of a parent for custody! Their anger and humiliation sends them that far into stupidity and insanity especially when they are female as well as, in some cases it has been reported , intersex females. Sex dolls have to be policed and the production of them isn't and there doesn't seem to be any ethics governing their creation. It's fine if people consent, however a parent can't consent for their child because it is child abuse
Daniel Hilson and Rebecca Gilsenan with the help of Marcel Tobar have enjoyed shaming people with sex dolls and doctored photos to abuse people because having a paedophile brain coupled with Asperger's or a personality disorder has meant the most debased acta of stalking, including legal name changes, have gone protected by the police and unnoticed. Just as stealing a tattoo design is viewed as bullying so is I suppose non concensual doll making. What are the laws? And are they international? Australia doesn't even have laws protecting children and people from human trafficking to and from LEBANON how would anyone protect their rights when a lot of stupid people want to be rapes and looked on social media (like Kim Kardashian in America's rape culture)?
Sex dolls are cleaner than a celebrity and a North Sydney Girl from 1991 (gosh you wouldn't want to ask why North West was called North after knowing she was designed to be born on 15 June 2013- a year late..and Kate Middleton and Megan Markle wear North Sydney Girls uniform colours… all allegations since Kanye is too ignorant to know Hitchcock films North by North West!!!!)…There are benefits to sex dolls and there would n adult sex dolls for women ed to be sexual assaults studies and drug abuse around them to consider whether they are ethical
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