adults who love baby dolls Relevant Information

(48 People Likes) Since Barbie was gonna be Woody's girlfriend in Toy Story 1, if Jessie breaks up with Buzz, could she fall in love with a Ken doll?

est to be wi adults who love baby dolls h him and enjoy the time they have left. Besides, the alternative was to spend the rest of his existence behind glass in a museum, a completely empty life.
The situation with Bonnie is completely different. She had lost interest in Woody and never played with him anymore. His life with her wasn’t fulfilling the way his life with Andy had Real Doll been.

(33 People Likes) Watch sex doll porn to learn more about love dolls

TPE dolls must be cleaned carefully. Otherwise, the product can stain, or be negatively impacted by moisture. TPE wins out when it comes to realism. Our TPE dolls have that realistic ‘jiggl

(16 People Likes) Do you think the Japanese sex dolls called "Dutch wives" are hot? Or do they look too fake to be able to turn you on? Or do they have to be able to move to turn you on?

ng all the way from the utterly ridiculous to the vaguely disturbing.
But even so, the whole "dolls" things still scares me off, even today. And no amount of moving or not-moving will remedy that... no. Strike that. Moving makes it worse.
Good masturbation is 80% mental and 20% physical. And the entir

(35 People Likes) What are the disadvantages of being born in India?

possible. However despite all the mentioned points, I love my country and cannot imagine being born anywhere else.
Corruption. From the national leaders, the top bureaucrats to the policemen and lowly clerks, everyone is corrupt. I'd say almost everyone is corrupt. Money is leeched out of our country in hordes each passing day, money which should have been spent to develop our country further, reduce poverty and combat other serious perils faced by India.
Lack of dependability. You just cannot expect the police/fire department to be there on time. If something takes 10 days to complete, it gets completed in 50 days here.
Lack of national pride. We hate our country for so many things. And its easy since there's precious few to love about India at the moment. Indians however love everything to do with the west. We think its paradise on earth. Umreeca, kanneda and englaaaand, the top three nations where Indians love to go and settle. And yes, they live there and yet cannot pronounce the names properly.
Inter religion hate. Yes this is still prevalent in most parts of the nation. Parents teach their children to hate followers of other religions. We do not accept people from other religions so easily. For example, lets say you want to rent a room in an upscale metro in India. There's a huge chance you may be rejected for being from another religion, eating meat, being a north eastern etc. Yes we discriminate our own fellow citizens too. And this is hammered into our brains throughout our childhood by a variety of jokes and stories.
We know less about our country than the west. We probably could name more American states than Indian ones. We hardly know about our country's leaders etc.
Our education system is, rather was too rigid. We were taught a lot of things, mostly facts, which are of little use. And we never gained practical experience. Its all theory here. Our teachers aren't up to the mark, our syllabus is way outdated, we don't have facilities like projectors etc. We still had a brilliant education system. It might be based on rote learning, yet it gained amazing results. Now copying the west, like we always do, we've began the process of reducing our education system to a much less demanding and a more student friendly system where everyone participates and learns through doing. Balls that would work, i had exams at the end of each semester. I did nothing throughout the year except those ten days of exams each semester. That system works brilliantly in India. We do not have the resources like those of the developed countries to implement their education system here. And why do we even want that system, we were much better off i'd say.
We learn to shy away from responsibility. Read my previous points. I always blamed the government, the system and never myself. We excel in blaming others. The politicians are corrupt and hence our country cannot progress. Well that's essentially true, but its because of us that they're corrupt. Our country isn't dirty because of the govt, its because we, myself included throw trash on the ground rather than in a bin.
Costly Health Care. Too many people, too few doctors. Obtaining medical degree a nightmare. You can see where i'm going with this.
Values. Balls to your so called values. That's what i would like to say to so many of the values and traditions the upper generation keep on forcing upon me. They were relevant in your time, not mine, so please back off. A few of them are actually good though. But most are way to rigid for the 21st century.
The huge disparity between the have and the have-nots. Now imagine we go for lunch and a movie in Delhi (the capital city, my city). The movie would cost about 200-300 bucks in a decent hall. The popcorn plus snack about 150. Lets round it off to 370 bucks. Now lunch. Even McDonalds, the cheapest of the proper restaurants would cost about 150-200 bucks minimum. Let the total be 550 bucks. Take 50 for travel, though autorickshaw rates have jacked up a lot recently. Let the total be 600 bucks, and here i'm low-balling as much as possible. There are people who support huge families with wages like 30 bucks a day. That too on days they can actually find jobs. That's 900 bucks for a whole family for a whole month. Taking one dollar to be 60 bucks, thats like 15 USD. Good luck surviving on that. Yet people survive. And it sickens me when i think of how rashly i spend money when people live in such situations.
Its sucks being a girl here. Its sucks being a guy too, but i think females have it way worse. From female infanticide to dowry (a tradition where the brides family gifts the grooms family exorbitant sums of money, jewellery, automobiles etc for no apparent reason), girls have it worse. Plus many parents don not believe in wasting money to educate their daughters. So many families want their sons to marry a well educated girl, but she should not work after marriage. Then comes the crimes against women. They're alarmingly high and sometimes really nasty. We suck. I don't know what goes in a molester/rapists' mind, and so i cannot fathom why they do it. But we seriously need to combat these crimes so that our cities and towns become safe for women.
Bullshit customs like honor killings. Basically the village/town community decides to kill their own kin because they dared to fall in love. I don't get it either. But this happens a lot. And there are so many other creepy disturbing customs too.
We don't care. If the country is dirty, we'll make a fuss on earth day, and then the next day throw trash on the ground. If a stranger needs help, balls to them, we've got our own problems. Our country is in a pathetic state at the present moment and we just don't care.
We spend more on marriages than probably the entire education, school, college, post grad, everything combined. Yet we bargain for amounts as less as a buck from the local vegetable vendor. I mean just give the poor guy that buck.
Social Reservations in schools, colleges, govt jobs and now if i'm not wrong even promotions in govt jobs. So basically if you're a prime idiot belonging to a caste of supposed lower standing, you get into a good school easily, an awesome college with virtually no hard work, you get a great job, and you even get fucking promoted. Welcome to India. People say reservation is done to uplift the poor societies, then make it a fucking economic reservation rather than a social one. We have, actually had an exam called the AIEEE. The All India Engineering Entrance Exam. Its the exam with the highest participants, about one million each year (We love engineering here). Most decent colleges get over by rank 40k. But wait, those are only the general category seats. We still have a plethora of reserved seats to fill with lesser rank people just because they belong to some caste. So a 42k guy might not get a seat, but some 500k guy would. God bless our nation.
We face a lot of racism when we go abroad. But its not like we don't reciprocate. We complain on end about the excessive racism we face outside yet are completely oblivious to our own racist deeds.
We don't have many of the facilities provided in the west, It sucks sometimes, but we manage. We're very good at jugaad, basically getting our work done someway or the other.
Too much population. It equates to too much competition. You have to be the best among the best. Or you're just another average guy. That's the harsh fact of life.
Lastly and mostly importantly, there is no security here. I'm not talking about security against robbers etc, that's also not there, but i digress. If you fail in life, go to your family, if they can't support you, neither will the state. You'll go hungry and die unless you find a job. you cannot depend on the country to take care of you. This is why Indians save up a lot. When hard times come, we have to be well prepared.

Every country faces problems, India faces more than its share of problems, yet its a brilliant country to grow up in. We may complain against our nation all day long, but deep down e

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