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(72 People Likes) Why are people lonelier than ever even after having more devices that supposedly keep us connected? Is this related somehow?

that we’ve found and they help to basically reframe the question.
It does seem like a contradiction if you think anime inflatable sex doll about it intuitively, right? People have X level of social interaction without technology Y. Technology Y makes it even easier to coordinate social events, manage one’s social calendar, and talk to people. Surely X should be higher after people adopt technology Y, right?
But that’s not… exactly what happened. What has happened is… complicated.
One study found that social isolation hasn’t actually decreased since 1985 and that
“Mobile phone and Internet use, especially specific uses of social media, were found to have a positive relationship to network size and diversity”. Some studies have found positive correlations between social media use and social isolation (i.e. social media makes us more isolated); and other studies have found the opposite
. Some
has looked into how social media impacts our core social networks versus more disparate ones. I can’t find the specific studies that show the data, but it’s generally well-accepted that social media does seem to increase our core social relations while possibly making us less likely to see more distant acquaintances in person
. Social media can expose us to more caring and more demands on our attention, time and emotional resources
When you get such disparate results in sociology, that’s telling us something. It’s telling us that the problem is really complicated and we don’t have the right tools to ask the right questions. How do you measure social isolation? Is it based on how people feel, phenomenologically, or how they actually demonstrably are, based on their interactions with people? Is someone who has a few really close friendships more or less isolated than a celebrity with hundreds of hangers-on but no one they really feel they can be honest with? Is there a difference between being really involved and respected at work than at church, or in your family network versus your friends? And then there are really important theories that we may have overused that may have dictated how we thought about our questions and methodologies. For example, Mark Granovetter revolutionized sociology when he considered the Strength of Weak Ties, the power that comes from more distant friends and relationships who by virtue of being less closely connected to you also have a large amount of information you don’t have access to. But later research has pointed out that, sure, the people you don’t spend as much time with may know things you don’t, but you also don’t spend as much time with them, which means you’re less likely to get a bandwidth of useful information. In contrast, your close friends are exposing you to a ton of information, and while a lot of it is redundant to you, not all of it is.
So are we more or less isolated from technology? It’s complicated. But I do think we can reframe the question helpfully.
Step back for a second. Were people really all that deeply social before the era of the ubiquitous mobile phone?
You can just read Anarchy Revolution by Greg Graffin, or look at any of the punk songs and the music of people like Marilyn Manson and Rage Against the Machine, to see a sense of isolation and anger at that isolation in youths going back decades now. Putnam’s research that he presents in Bowling Alone suggests that Americans have been pretty well isolated for a long time. As an anarchist, I think that there’s been actually a pretty effective set of policies and corporate priorities that have dissolved a lot of traditional mechanisms for people to meaningfully coordinate (meaningful political parties and elections, meaningful unions) and that have generally promoted atomistic values that suggest we are best off when we go home and just watch TV. But even if you disagree with that assessment or think it may have been less deliberate than I might imagine, the evidence is still really clear: Americans are fairly isolated, and have been for decades.
What I think social media has done is just make that isolation more palpable and obvious.
For some, it has made us aware of the people we care about who have drifted away and makes us feel guilty for having let them go.
For others, it gives us tantalizing glimpses into the lives of people who seem to have better and more authentic friendships. (The fact that so much of that is itself posturing and public branding intended performatively doesn’t really matter).
Indeed, in that vein, it has made some of us so worried in terms Silicone Sex Doll f how we look to others that we can never be “off”, never just home and alone.
For many of us, that isolation then leads us to destructive rabbit-holes, like multilevel marketing schemes and scams, cults, anti-vaccination movements and other fringe social movements, and other communities that turn a slight interest and a need for belonging into fanaticism.
But these problems preceded social media. They’ve just been brought to the forefront. And social media also helps solve some of the problems, too. The Arab Spring may not have been as promising as so many of us hoped, but it is still the case that long-standing corrupt and authoritarian regimes got challenged because social media made it possible for people to coordinate activity and share revolutionary ideas. Social media makes it easier for people at non-profits to talk to each other and work together, which can help with alleviating burnout and compassion fatigue.
Technologies make their own context that we adapt to. But they still only do that because we let them. And we can change that context. The only question is how to solve a problem humans have been grappling with since the very first people could ask questions beyond what was for dinner that night: how do we make societies so that a good spirit hangs over them, so that everyone has their well-being fulfilled? And we finally are gaining the tools to start really answe

(74 People Likes) Who do little girls love dolls so much?

rs. Maybe there’s a specific reason you didn’t like it. Maybe you were spooked by the movie “Chuck” which you saw at an inappropriately young age. Maybe you didn’t like girly things because of some internal m anime inflatable sex doll sogyny or because you related to boys more. Maybe you just found them boring an uninteresting because who would choose dolls over video games?!?
But maybe it’s just because everyone is unique and like different things for different reasons, and we don’t all fit into nice little boxes. I liked mushroom

(45 People Likes) How does a sex doll moan?

I entered her she was moaning like a porn star. Now, I know I’m good. And I’m hung. But what makes me good is that I care how the woman feels and sharing the moment with her is what it’s all about. When she pulls out this fake moanin stuff I know she is not really in the moment. Without that intimacy of being in the moment, there is no connection. No passion.
At one point I told her to just be real with me. She moaned without face expression, without touch, without eye contact and without warmth. In other words, she just wanted to be reamed out. No foreplay. And I knew it’s because she had a lack of experience.
I told her again to just be herself. Don’t give me any of that fake shit. Let your hair down.
Finally, I just got off of her. I told her that she was a bore and a lousy lay. I wiped my dick on her pillowcase, put on my clothes and left.
Of course I sound like a jerk. It’s one thing if my partner is a little inexperienced. But this was a totally different level. It was a total, emotionless act. If she wasn’t going to acknowledge that she had another partner, than we could both just go jerk off. I think that all she knew about sex came from watching porn. She d Real Doll dn’t know her own body or her own mind. Incapable of being in the moment.
Men don’t always tell you - but they just want a woman to be herself. Don’t put on an act. Faking might even make him think worse about his own performance. When a woman orgasms, I can always feel her do it from inside. And her demeanor is flush and involuntary. That’s what I want to share with her. That’s intimacy. Give me hat fake shit and you can go find a college boy to prematurely ejaculate before going back to the keeger. But if you can just be yourself, I can take you on a

(17 People Likes) Which is affordable 3D printer for replica and real copy mini doll?

t I knew of. This example is in reference to the Monoprice Mini Select Pro or whatever it is. They have a cubic print volume of like 6 inches in all dimensions.
Mine (an Anet E10) cost like $280 because it was on sale, then went up to $350. It has a print vo anime inflatable sex doll ume of like 9.5x10.5x12 inches. But it's not super user-friendly (despite me choosing it for my first printer because of its size) and the bed has to be leveled manually by turning little knobs on each of the corners and there's some stuff going on inside the control box that people say to change and just all sorts of things because it's a Chinese knock-off. The one it's a smaller clone of, the Creality CR-10, is like 10x12x15, and probably costs like $500. There's an even bigger model of the CR-10 that's like 18″ in all dimensions and costs about $1000.
Then there's ones of equal (or even smaller) size (of the smaller CR-10) that cost just as much as (if not more than) it does, because they have b Silicone Sex Doll tter quality control or manufacturing or quality of materials, or they have a bunch of extra internals to help them run smoother — things like a bed leveling sensor, which enables automatic bed leveling. This is where things like the Makerbot Replicator and Ultimaker come in.
Then there's resin printers — small desktop ones use an LCD screen the size of a smartphone to cure a vat of liquid resin layer by layer and actually print upside down. These start at maybe $300–500. Notice I said START at. A midrange one would likely cost $1000.
Then there's SLS and some other s- one that lay down a layer of powder and then go over it with a laser to melt the granules together. These probably start at $2000–5000 if you're lucky. I don't follow these printers, because I've always figured they were far too expensive for me to ever be able to afford anytime in the near future where I've yet to get a good job where I can afford things like that. They do, however, produce far stronger and smoother prints than FDM, about on par with resin.
A note on resin and powder printers is that you need to include holes in the model if you make them hollow, for the powder/resin inside to drain out of.
Then there's huge versions of the powder and resin printers that can cost anywhere from $20,000 to $250,000. There's also even bigger industrial-sized ones that can cost into the millions, that can be used, say, in the prototyping of 3d-printed cars (which are a thing — Google/YouTube it).
One dad somewhere did build a giant FDM-style printer that used cement to print his daughter a cement castle to play in. No idea how much it cost.
So yes, as a private individual, you can most certainly buy your own household 3d printer. And as the guy who answered before me said, you can find them on Amazon. I bought mine from Banggood, and you may also be able to find them on AliExpress. I haven't looked, though, because I don't use AliExpress.
Edit: One of the most common 3d printers, from my understanding, is the Ender 3. It's a fairly decent-sized desktop printer, and not a bad one to start with. B

(82 People Likes) What do you think about real life dolls?

society is more accepting of sex toys for women, so should men be able to grab a bit of the spotlight!
For that reason, we’re hoping to remove any stigma or aphrehension surrounding sex dolls for men, so that men all over the world can start enjoying their sexuality even more, in a safe space, just like women all over the worl anime inflatable sex doll do.
So, how do sex dolls work? Well, it’ Sex Doll a loaded question, as it involves many different facets. But, in short, a sex doll is a device that mimics that of a real woman, and comes with one or more holes that give a man a real-feel experience. In this way, a man can enjoy sexual release and even companionship, should he seek a new experience.
The longer version about how sex dolls work would be t