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anal and oral capabilities with added moaning fe Realistic Sex Doll tures. You can also customize y annalee dolls i love you to the moon and back ur sex doll as per your choices for skin color, hairs, nail polish, lipsticks, height and weight. All ELOVEDOLLS come virgin and are discreetly

(80 People Likes) Why souls have no empathy to human experience? If I had a doll acting on behalf of my soul, I would treat it more lovingly knowing it has feelings and doesn’t understand that I make her play a game (even if I will throw her away at the end).
u Yourself have just “Confirmed “.That Those with any of these personality disorders (overlaps included, ) Are Aware, and by Being As Such, that which has been doubted is made even Clearer : They Do Make A Choice to Inflict Harm on Others . Y annalee dolls i love you to the moon and back ur Statement ,has No Question, I myself would like to Thank You Again though- I will remember your Analogy when I myself am Faced with Again, Having The Choice of giving someone too much Benefit of the Doubt. Also your Analogy may Help others to Understand What I also struggled “to get “. I Understood Being Used, but Anyone Not Havin Anime Sex Doll Object Consistentcy? That is their Deal? How Can That Be? And What? …It Took me a long time to figure t
(31 People Likes) Can you make a voodoo doll of your ex and yourself and make them fall in love?
and that we are expected to follow. You’ll be forcing that person to love you when, in reality, he doesn't. He is just a victim, a prey of that voodoo. Did you think what will happen when that voodoo effect wears off? You’ll be more miserable than ever. It will become like a vicious circle. Voodoo. Boy. Love. Leave. Voodoo. Boy. Love. Leave. Voodoo. Boy. Love. Leave. When you do something “unnaturally”, on
(87 People Likes) What way would you discuss divorce with your spouse due to the purchase of a sex doll?
e some kind of legal or financial benefit to do so while still maintaining our romantic relationship? Well, thanks to a new law, we both get massive tax benefits if we purchase sex dolls, but only if we’re not married, and you know that I’ve always wanted a sex doll, so can we talk about the possibility of divorce to purchase a couple of dolls, and then maybe remarry to get the other legal benefits that we get from being married to each other?” That’s honestly the only situation I could come up with in which both divorce and sex dolls were part of the same sentence, especially given the requirement that the purchase of a doll (specifically) be the cause of a divorce. Since A) my spouse and I are not financially entangled and even have a prenup to keep our finances separate and B) not encumbered by restrictive codes of sexuality that cause anxiety or insecurity about what other people do with their own bodies, it was really difficult to think of how I might possibly open a conversation on the given subject under the given criteria. I just can’t see why either the purchase of a sex doll nor the use of one would lead to a divorce. He has his own money and if he wants to spend thousands of dollars on a sex doll, hell, I’ll congratulate him on having enough disposable income to throw at something so frivolous. I sure as hell would if I had the money. He also gets to do whatever he wants with his own body. And, honestly, masturbating with a sex doll is a helluva lot less problematic than other sex-related things that he could choose to do. Since there are no other actual people involved here, I don’t see why I would have an opinion on this at all. Him getting a sex doll, other than the expense, is no different than him getting a pocket pussy or yet another steel sound or a dildo or butt plug - nothing at all to do with me (unless he wants to invite me to join). And since we’ve already established that his expenses are not my problem, this is a total non-issue. Since the question was “What way would you discuss divorce with your spouse due to the purchase of a sex doll?”, that’s how I would discuss it, since sex toys are not my concern, and his expenses don’t affect me. This probably won’t apply to other people who have arranged their relationships based on ownership of the other’s body and
(20 People Likes) Will you buy a sex doll to satisfy your sexual demand if the technologies is advanced enough to customize it to your dream mate with AI and automation, and, will be ready whenever you turn it on, but would never bother you once you turn it off?
ht about this, and I'd probably like to try it once, but that would mean renting one, and how gross is that? It's just not the same in my opinion as being with someone real, so I'd rather do without. And what do you with it when your not…. You know … using it? I just wouldn't feel right stuffing “ her”in a clo