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(29 People Likes) If people need guns for safety, why don't they just buy imitation firearms or firearms filled with blanks/ rubber bullets?

ew, when I heard a kerfuffle outside…
Being me I went to check it out.
A neighbor boy of 16 was standing in the road, bleeding from his hand. I know this boy. He’s a good kid. I walk over and ask what’s happening. He said he broke a beer bottle against the doorframe in an arguement with his stepdad… I took a closer look at his hand and realized he had a pretty bad gash that needed attention… I took him back to my house to patch him up… Several other neighbors came with us… It was 2 am… On a saturday night… But everyone was up… Most of them drunk or on drugs… Many were both.
So, I sit him down at my place and start cleaning his wound, he starts to tell me what happened, gets to the part where his stepdad is high and drunk and gone crazy when said stepdad comes bursting through my front door, cussing, yelling, basically acting like a pissed off meth head… I told him to leave… There were 5 other people there, plus my two toddlers asleep in the room just off the livingroom… This man was acting buckwild…
He told me to shut the fuck up… at the time I kept my gun stashed down in the crack between my sofa arm and end cushion, where you wouldn’t see it even if you removed the cushion… I grabbed it.
It was a revolver, 9 shot .22, I kept the first three chambers empty as it had no safety… As I brought it up I spun the barrel and cocked it… I said, “I said, get the fuck out of my house.”
His eyes went big as saucers and he stumbled, backwards, out the door… He went to his house and got his gun…
Neighbors saw him stomping toward my place with a 10 guage and stopped him…
If they hadn’t, I’d have had 7 people, 3 of them kids, to defend from a madman with a shotgun…
Would a fake

(93 People Likes) How can I gain the courage to talk to a girl, if I've never talked to any girl and I am in college?

> If you don't know the girl and want to approach, just think you're still at the non-personal level. Practice Best Sex Dolls t that level with different girls. Then when you're comfortable, practice at a little personal level. Then show some interest, ask for a number. Etc. You may think you need a lot of time to do that, but in just a month, practicing every day, you can reach a master level that most guys don't have.
If you need a detailed

(67 People Likes) Are there any lesbian couples who would be willing to enter into a polygamous marriage with a heterosexual man?

biology and have been married twice both long term I understand woman and their biological needs, saying that its all good I have the highest respect for our woman. What I do know is they are driven and controlled by thier hormones and the monthly cycle. Biologically woman are ment and hard wired to have multiple male lovers weather it be affairs or an attraction to their doctor or more often a romance with a good girl friend, however that's a simple alternative to society labelling her a slut cause she enjoys intercourse with more than one male
Sperm competition exists and men don't realise that their wives have semen in their ovaries and this is normal also more common then we all care to except, saying that I'veost two loving relationships due to a woman’s need to parboned with another even when it's open the philandering male seeks and concers at al lcost then can't respect she was in a commitment.
I don't hold anh woman responsible for this choice based on biological needs and the male should respect cause he knows better and wouldn't share his wife the same and the

(80 People Likes) What are some of the best pictures ever taken of a vacation?

n an old school photo lab and the best vacation photos i saw were someone’s paddle boat trip down the Colorado through are sex dolls worth the money he Grand Canyon. It looked fabulous. The scenery, the food, even the volly ball looked fun.
The 2nd was a bunch of guys on a boat trip. The alcohol flowed from picture to picture as did the inflatable doll they brought with them. Seriously it was the star of the show. It looked like great fun as w

(52 People Likes) Will Everyone Own a Sex Robot?

oint increase represents a fairly even spread between men and women. A full 6% of men indicated they were all in for robot sex. For women, it was 4%. If you guessed that younger folx were a bit more willing to experiment, you are correct. The 18 to 34 demographic was 12 points more likely to try sex with a bot. There was only a slight increase in those over the a


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