asian love dolls porn Relevant Information

(80 People Likes) I’m thinking about buying a realistic sex doll. The thing is, I haven't dated anyone with my interests in 5 years. Are sex dolls a strange thing to buy?

t asian love dolls porn er of opinion. Some will find it odd and others will not. If you start seeing it as a real person, it is very odd.
Personally I think it is odd, but that is my opinion. It is not going to replace a real woman and they are not ch

(21 People Likes) Who can write something random here?

py analogies.
Now, what have I been putting in here? What in the world has the world been putting in here? What if...what if I find tentacles all over the place? Geez, it's a bit of a mess. Chaos within chaos within chaos, really. Stuff is constantly being created, disintegrated, reintegrated, reformed. The furniture is constantly getting rearranged and the hallways with their twists and turns almost never lead you to the same room it took you before.
...that's strange. Has this door always been here? It must have popped up while I was consolidating something in my sleep. Maybe? Might as well check what's up with that shit. How...suspiciously easy to open. Hm.
Boy, these silly mental caricaturizations. Like looking at the mise en abyme of your reflections generated by standing in between two especially warped fun house mirr-
W-wait a second. What's this box, and why is it whispering...?
Oh no. OH NO.
I KNOW nothing ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ uoʇɥᴉuƃ-
It had been another one of those puzzling psychogenic disasters of indeterminable cause, just another fool who unwittingly ventured a little too close to the fringes of the human mental landscape, flirting with neural firing patterns that just barely overlaps and synchronizes with the far-reaching thought waves of wordless horrors of unimaginable complexity. They were mostly unknown unknowns unknowable because of their inadvertent power to devastate the physical substrate of those unfortunate consciousnesses that happen to glimpse an iota of their actuality.
It would be inaccurate to ever say that these events are laced with ill intent like in those of budding sociopathic children who concentrate sunlight on unsuspecting ants. No, it is comparable to the complete indifference and unawareness of an average human about the inconsequential unravelling of a single dermal cell among thousands of millions of similarly damaged cells whenever they wash their hands with even the mildest detergent.
The Perils of Excessive Introspection, a charmless tale I perfunctorily wrote to

(64 People Likes) Can someone help explain inflation to me? Why isn't there a cap on how much currency represents the wealth in a country, and is inflation an inevitable consequence of capitalism?

tems regularly over a given period.
Monetary base x monetary velocity + net borrowing. = current account
So, if you print more money or if people spend it faster or borrow more prices go up (Assuming stable production / imports)
That’s it.
While inflation isn’t necessarily a result of capitalism, volatility / panics are. An economy requires the collective adoption of an inter subjective imagined reality. You have some influence on your well being. So do other people - and not every one acts rationally — in fact, a portion of them can be countered on to make really bad choices. (And they affect you too!)
The amount of leverage in our banking system, combined with an uneven distribution of capital activity and the occasional shock to the economy creates distortions. Misinformation, mistrust and fear then act as the gasoline that blows the problem out of proportion
It’s a “Type 2 Chaotic System”…. meaning, not only is the system chaotic, but the system knows it’s chaotic which makes it more chaotic.
A strong federally chartered banking protects is from irrational panic and essential for any modern economy. In the US, the Federal Reserve directs our system and has two roles
Lender of last resort
Create stability through keeping inflation under control
GOLD IS A REALLY POOR SUBSTITUTE FOR A FEDERAL RESERVE… Most is the people who advocate for a Gold Standard lack any real understanding of what they’re advocating.
HOWEVER, THEY’RE A COUPLE THAT UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT THEY’RE SAYING…. I always wondered why the just don’t ask me directly for all my money. A Gold Standard would basically freeze the economy, offer no chance for improvement, and make sure the wealthy could stay on top and not worry about the whole “working thing”
I saw a gold bug among the respondents. 100 years ago, there was still some debate as to a neeed for a central bank. People wanted to tie the money supply to something stable to show the world how disciplined they were. It was a show of confidence — a really dumb display of confidence — nonetheless, it’s confidence
Tying the monetary supply to some quantum of gold is about as effective as tying it to the supply of cheese in my basement. Take a look at a historical price chart for gold sometime and imagine overlaying that kind of volatility onto a macro economy — it would be kinda like trying to drive your car safer by only driving at a really his speed… going in reverse, steering from the paasenger seat. In the US, the Tea Party thinks this is a marvelous improvement.
Despite the wacky conspiracy theories of doomsday preppers and tea party candidates, the US banking system has a strong macro-orga

(65 People Likes) What is a "reborn" silicone doll?

a 'reborn' ma Cheap Sex Dolls ufactured vinyl or silicone doll is one that is re-painted (with special paints and techniques) to appear more lifelike, and often the person who repaints the doll will also give it 'rooted' hair (real or mohair). Most often, it is baby dolls that are reborn, and are made to look like real infants, with veining of the skin, pinking of the knees, knuckles, heels, etc., and even 'drool' moistened l

(59 People Likes) What is the craziest thing you have ever seen someone do at a baseball park during game?

, the Braves right fielder was swinging the bat in the on-deck circle, warming up to bat next. She motioned wildly for him to come over. He took about two steps and she grabbed and hugged him. The umpire saw this and called time out. The umpire started walking over and