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(83 People Likes) A friend told me that she made a voodoo doll for her boyfriend so that he would love her forever and stuck pins in her heart and head. He suffered chest and head pain. Is black magic real?

nts from her past lives. Somehow managing to manipulate physical reality…
Now get a load of this idiot huh :D?
Using any practices to make someone specific love you, and “love forever” is immature.
Tell her this: You want real relationship and love, right? Not some artificial relationship manifested from your black practice? Then don’t do this anymore, you’re disrespecting yourself and him. If you’re that blinded that you don’t see your disrespect towards you and him then you are clearly making your own obstacle here.
If she pisses off that’s quite predictable from her pit she has made, if she curses you or something, then man that’s what wusses do man :D
But, sensing from her energy, she’s quite an old soul, so she’ll realize this soon about the immaturity. Old souls are mature obviously but it takes some time for her physical-stuck awareness to reconnect to her real side, it’s always like this. I’ve been there, wanted to use my energy to make a girl like me in 6th grade. Now I’m 19 and not giving a f**k if some girl likes me or not, I trust my frequency of aura to attract what I need and only high vibes of love and light.
So, yes black ma

(55 People Likes) Why should I buy a real doll at Roridoll?

I don't believe in demonic spirits, but even so, playing with the occult never ends well: the mind is a freakishly powerful thing.
BuzzFeed's I Bought a Haunted Doll From eBay:
Stay safe, happy and pensive,
Win ;)
Why are porcelain dolls so creepy?
What was the name of the most famous doll that was not made out of plas

(54 People Likes) As a 14-year-old girl, it's so weird, but why do I find myself constantly thinking about a specific, female classmate using me as a sex doll?

fantasy. You're entitled. Enjoy it! She will never know unless you or others t cheap male sex doll ll her. I find that 14 year olds generally tell their friends a lot more than their older counterparts. Since your fantasy could be considered “juicy,” be careful who you talk

(87 People Likes) Who let you down the most in the bedroom?

off right away. He was shockingly beautiful, shiny black hair, wide muscular shoulders, a brilliant smile. We cheap male sex doll finally get to the point in our relationship where we were going to be intimate, and……. He starfished. I was unfamiliar with the concept at the time. But have learned over the ye Love Doll rs it's not uncommon for exceptionally beautiful young men to go completely passive in bed, to the point of immobility. They just don't know what to

(75 People Likes) As a lawyer, what's the wildest evidence you've used in court?

at made the case different was Real Doll he product at issue.
My client was a sculptor who worked in Hollywood on realistic models. He came to work for a company which produced full size silicone love dolls. The agreement was that he would receive a percentage of the profits from his improvement of the dolls and other “products.”
My client had left and started his own silicone doll company which competed directly with the original company. The other company filed a cross-complaint alleging that my client had created his dolls while still working at the first company and had stolen proprietary information as to how they were made.
The evidence used in court included 8 of the female dolls, a flat back torso, various heads and a “real cock.”
Opposing counsel and I had to handle and ask questions about the various products. Although opposing counsel would only refer to the “real cock” as the “RC,” he did not seem to have a problem waving the 11″ silicone penis around during questioning.
During litigation, there were disputes over what documents and other evidence should be produced, so we were assigned to a “discovery judge” to informally help us with what was relevant a