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(83 People Likes) How does it work?

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(45 People Likes) What is an example of a time someone took political correctness too far?

longer able to teach mathematics. The school accused the teacher of violating equality and discrimination policy.
Joshua somewhat unhappy with the school's accusation.
Don’t look at me like that. I know what you are thinking. You guys are wondering that the teacher made some racist, homophobic, sexist, Islamophobic, sexist, or Nazi remark, right?
Nah. Nothing like that. Joshua did something much more serious. He… used the wrong gender when addressing a student.
What do you mean, Rafinha?
You see... His class’ students were working in groups, happy and content, like any other day. Our friend and esteemed teacher walked through the classroom, watching attentively students interacting with each other while doing their homework.
At one point, Joshua passed a group of (apparently) girls.
Can you imagine the utterly inappropriate comment he made?
"Very well, girls!"
The teacher lost his job for praising, or making a positive comment about, the work of a group of his students.
The problem is that one of the students identified herself as a boy, although she did not appear at first. Okay, honest mistake. S/he corrected the teacher right there, which was fair, right? Joshua apologized and proceeded to call the boy by name of his preference, and that's should be the end of it.
Joshua's school policy is to call students exclusively by the appropriate pronoun or chosen name by the student. The idea is that this would avoid problems or occasional misunderstandings.
In that case, Joshua should have followed that rule to the very end.
The boy, dissatisfied with having complained to the teacher only, went home and told her parents what happened at school. The parents were outraged, and went to complain to the school. The school then decided to suspend the teacher.
The accusation? An honest mist cindy sherman sex dolls ke regarding a student's gender, and the worst, calling him (the student) by his name (which is prohibited by school policies), instead of the chosen pronoun.
There is an inability of people to de-escalate situations like this. Or to accept that in social relationships, honest mistakes and apologies are normal, acceptable and recommendable for good social interaction.
A simple situation that could have been resolved between the teacher and the student has turned into a snowball so uncontrolled that, now, instead of an apology and returning to a normal and producite life, we have literally the whole world knowing about this, a hyper-unnecessary exposure of those involved, a group of young students who lost a teacher in the middle of the school year, and an absolutely avoidable litigation against the school.
The teacher apologized. But the boy did not accept, or just pretended to accept. The parents threatened to take the case to the newspapers. And the school gave in.
What did the parents gain from this? Revenge? Against what? For what?
How, explain to me how, did the boy, or anyone else involved in it, win in this case?
Excess of "politically correctness" in order to satisfy only some hyper-inflated egos is the reason why a 27 year old lost his dream job, for which he spent several years of his life training for.
Very sad episode, which reflects well how some values of society are changing negatively.
Ok, mea culpa. Apparently, the dude repeated the offense after that episode. Sad. I will sustain my initial point, however: people should learn to defuse

(54 People Likes) How do I tell my wife that I'm repulsed by her saggy tits?

y be a hell of a guy, deeply in love with your wife, and sadly have an issue with her aging body. I'll try to give you some practical suggestions (other than studying your own sagging body in the mirror or divorcing her because she deserves better).
1. Never tell her that you are repulsed by a part of her body. Focus on the best parts. Does she have a great ass or terrific legs? Sexy feet? Smooth lovely shoulders? Enchanting eyes? Mmmm, study and admire them. Encourage her to wear clothes that play to her best features. Focus on them when you make love. If necessary, fantasize about perky tits (while she's fantasizing about studly firemen).
2. Tell her that you would love to see her in sexy underwear and lingerie, and that making love to her while she is wearing a pretty camisole or frilly bra would really turn you on. Take her to the nearest quality lingerie store (like Victoria's Secret) and treat her to a spending spree. Peruse the displays together and tell her which items you like best. If she wears a larger size than the store carries, there are online stores that sell provocative and sexy underwear for plus size gals. A properly fitted quality bra will support and shape her amazingly well.
3. If she says she is unhappy with her sagging breasts or tummy, tell her that you love her as she is, but that if she is really unhappy you'll spring for breast reduction and tummy tuck plastic surgery. Never ever admit that you would really like for her to do this.
4. Thank God that she has not had breast cancer and a radical double mastectomy, in which case she would have no tits.
If you do these things, when the day comes that your sags and wrinkles (or bald scalp, pot belly, skin tags, age spots, varicose veins, hair sprouting from your nose ears) turn her off, she will be equally kind and loving to you. If you see her with lovi

(77 People Likes) Since Prince Louis is only a baby, how do British commoners grovel when he's presented before them? Doesn't a Briton's head have to be below the neck of the royal, to whom they are groveling?

n she took his hand and led him to class. And there are plenty of adults who bend slightly to give handshakes to kids that way, including teachers with very young pupils on their first day.
So, to answer your question NO. Commoners don’t grovel before any member of the royal family, much less an infant.
Seriously? Everything you ‘ask’ on quora isn’t so much a genuine question than a terrible, snide remark. You are making comments about a BABY for crying out loud- someone who has no idea what in the world is going on, much less who he is, and how different he is to other kids just yet. And don’t go on about how his parents buy him and his siblings designer things or things that cost thousands of pounds. They don’t make the purchases.
So if you’re going to criticise a baby for his lifestyle, please ask yourself how ridiculous and stupid this sounds.
Update 9/08/2018:
Wow guys, thanks so much for your support. I just couldn’t believe royal or not, that people would happily troll kids. And these kids may be royalty, but they don’t have the same rights as any other kids. If there’s a big scandal, and the parents are in legal trouble of some kind? Nah, their faces will still appear in the media. Even those poor Turpin kids , Elisabeth Fritzl and her children had their faces and identities concealed. They can’t stand up for themselves.
In case any spiteful, potty-mouthed idiot who finds it amusing to be jealous of and pick on BABIES- here’s another picture that proves my point.
Compare that with the picture of Prince George with a teacher bringing herself to his height at the top. This kid is a normal kid, and his mother or teacher isn’t royalty herself. THEY’RE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING.
I actually responded to a snarky comment below, but I think if there’s anymore questions, I put up this picture for easier comparison.
And if anyone wants to snark, I’ll just say to them what anyone would say in a situation, non-royal or prince/princess:

(10 People Likes) Are the recent concerns about love robots legitimate or are they just fear mongering?

achieve and naturally your body uses hormones to help you.
One of these hormones is called “dopamine” and makes us feel good.
In this case, good about making love without any hassle or difficulty.
Just flash out some money :)
Here comes the realisation:
You might be thinking, it’s okay and I could morally accept it!
They do what they like to do with their lives anyway!Realistic Sex Doll > Now take a step back, imagine we’re talking about parenting and people who have no time to do it right. Would you let that become automated by robots?
No you wouldn't in a million years, it’s essential for that little toddler’s life to be parented by people and it’s the parents their moral obligation..
Getting awkward in a relationship to maybe .. once .. “get cosy in bed” is part of you honing your social skills and building a rich life. The ONLY reason why we talk about the chance of it happening is because our lazy dopamine-powered heads want it and because others can make lots of money off it.
My answer?
This is one of the many many excuses NOT to have to talk to girls or boys, although you ARE getting the most exciting part out of it.
Nature or God or whatever you believe in has NEVER intended


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