doll real chance of love Relevant Information

(49 People Likes) Is it immature for a 14 yo girl to love dolls or has society just pushed our kids to grow up faster than they should?

at whatever she is interested in is appropriate for her. Many kids, like myself, just could not get interested in dolls, though my mother loved them. I grew up to be a good mom and it turned out all I needed was a real doll. If you think she is too focused on playing with dolls at her age, slowly introduce her to books for her age and other things which may take her attention towards the fut

(55 People Likes) Do you think SRK still loves Priyanka Chopra or moved on with Anushka Sharma or a baby doll singer?

enly there were rumors everywhere that they were having an affair.
These are different than the usual affair rumors because 1) they are about Shahrukh Khan, who is never ever rumored to be cheating on his wife (unlike other actors like Ajay Devgn or Akshay Kumar, for instance, where these kinds of rumors are fairly common). 2) they were so sudden, after years of Shahrukh and Priyanka knowing each other and being photographed together and all of that, suddenly know was the time that they were rumored to be in love. 3) There was also no firm denial or response from the Shahrukh camp. He continued to appear with Priyanka, to invite her to large social events at his house, to interact with her at awards shows.
Shahrukh’s wife, Gauri Khan, is very well-known and liked in the film industry. Her best friend, the very powerful producer and director Karan Johar, confronted Priyanka at a party and on twitter about the rumors. Various other actors, supposedly, were told by their wives that they were not allowed to work with Priyanka any more.
Around that same time is when she started exploring her career options in America. Sometimes you will hear the narrative that she was “driven out” of Indian film thanks to these rumors.
Now, personally, I don’t know if I believe the rumors or not. As I said, they are very unusual for the media being willing to say something about Shahrukh Khan, being so sudden as though they were based on a real event that just occurred, and that Shahrukh never issued a firm denial or tried to shut it down.
However, the same things would all be true if Priyanka Chopra’s camp was trying to float this rumor in order to help her career. A firm source direct from her would make the media brave, it would also provide the sudden source for the rumors. And it would explain why Shahrukh never responded, in order to avoid getting into a messy he said-she said situation (exactly where Hrithik Roshan is right now).
Honestly, I don’t know how we could ever know the real “truth” of the situation. It could be anything from a couple one night stands that Priyanka spun into an affair for the purposes of the media and Shahrukh was too embarrassed to deny it, to an actual passionate love affair which could never go anywhere because he wouldn’t leave his wife, to absolutely nothing happening and Priyanka deciding it would be a savvy career move to start putting around this rumor, knowing that Shahrukh would be too cautious to emphatically deny it.
I do think what is fairly clear is that one of their teams was providing support for the story, and it wasn’t Shahrukh’s side. And it is that spreading of the story that the industry resented,

(90 People Likes) Who are your friends on Quora?

Shut up! ”, a bit too many times.”
“ He bags literally every possible academic-based award.”
“ Something about him speaks for innocence.”
“ He and his friend A***; all they know is how to cry over grades and sweet talk”
“ He’s too effeminate.”
“ Whats with his voice? It’s too soft.”
“ Beauty Queen”
“ Makeup Queen”
“Let's report him in a joint effort against him.”
“ He has the whole school acting on his orders.”
“ There, he goes making another guy to a gal.”
“It's good, he is transferring to another branch, our grades will go up that way.”
They say, being independent is something to be praised. if someone is ascribed with such an attribute. But, it's the harder path to life. When he made his very first male friend who turned out to be his BFF; he never realised, a time will come that they will go on separate ways. Being lost in the moment for 5 years, the thought of not being able to sit with him every weekday never came across to him. It was as if he had gone on the way of celibacy, restricting himself to just one type of person, who he will sit, talk and hang out with him. But obviously, whose life hasn’t been ruined by fate?
To cut the crap, “fate” and “independence” were the saving grace for him. Why? Because this helped him to blame whatever happened in his life was fate’s fault. And, independence was the medium of suspending disbelief that he no longer needed a companion by his side. No one would affect his daily life, morals, judgments, and actions. All of these will be purely done by unbiased means. Everything will be fair.
On paper, this might be just 4 years but these years can feel eternally long when things don't go your way. Having, no one by your side to tell you that it's fine to cry in public because it's communicating to yourself and being emotive is valiance but with emotions done in a manner that is carefree to the tattle that flies in short order. For many, this may appear to be petty but for him; he needed acceptance. Acceptance equated to him as success in life. Things weren’t easy, but at least they will get better as time passed. Boarding on the hope train was the haven.
“ Since when did femboys became this bold to appear at school.”
“ He cries even in Grade 8.”
“ Men don’t cry.”
“ I hate men who cry.”
“ It doesn’t suit a guy to have watery eyes.”
“ Grade 9 and still crying.”
“ Yup, his crying never ends.”
“ His composure needs to be altered.”
“ What man walks and sits with closed legs?”
“ Crying and behavioural disparities weren’t enough, now he even dresses in feminine coloured-attire.”
“ Must have been sleeping around since when did teachers began to write notes and gift books.”
“ I don't consider you the best student, because you cry while he doesn’t”
“ We didn't vote you for the Student of Year because you aren’t quite a guy. You don’t even play sports.”
“ He’s a failure in life if all he knows is how to get grades”
“ He has it easy.”

(57 People Likes) I caught my boyfriend having sex with a sex doll. What should I do?

ten than you do. The Internet is full of men lamenting that their significant others aren’t in the mood as often as they are. To give you a point of reference: In my late twenties, my personal preference was to have sex 4x daily.
For most of us men in that situation, the problem is resolved, err, manually. Using a sex doll is a more expensive solution and calls for more preparation and planning, so it’s less common. Two advantages of sex dolls are: (1) it’s a more immersive experience, involving more body contact and motion; and (2) it can be argued to be something different from masturbation. Some men have hangups, probably religious, about masturbating, so the sex doll may be a way of getting around that.
So how will you react? Are you going to get jealous of a rubber product? Would you be jealous of his hand? Come on, it’s not like he’s investing himself emotionally; he’s scratching a strong physical itch. If I may venture another guess: given a choice, he’d much prefer you. The doll is his substitute only because he can’t get as much of you as he’d like.
Your options, then, are (1) giving him more nookie or s doll real chance of love me “lighter” alternative relief; (2) pressuring him into evicting the doll and maybe cutting down on his self-helping; or (3) tolerating his solution, on the understanding that you continue to be his #1 and he’ll be reasonably discrete and hygienic about his #2. Just for the record, there is of

(63 People Likes) What is the best way to obtain a fake ID for 21 that scans and passes for a real one?

discover if it is legitimate or not.
Not so many years ago, I lived in Southern California. I maintained a California drivers license as well as a California state ID card even after I moved from California to Oregon. One vacation I went to Europe with my family and returning to the US we stopped in Los Angeles and decided to stay in Anaheim for two weeks. We needed to rent a car, but alas AVIS requires a valid drivers license and I had left mine back in Oregon. I only carried my work ID and my CA state ID with me. AVIS refused to allow me to rent a vehicle. I was shit-out-of-luck. 🙁
At first I thought it would be easy enough to just go to DMV and get a new license. What a stupid idea! DMV in any location near Anaheim is a full day affair. Waiting lines are horrendous. Even once attended, they have to mail the new license to you. AVIS will not accept the temporary license you are issued. Again, screwed.
So I was explaining my problem to a buddy and he told me that he had an easy and foolproof solution. He took me to a strip mall in who-the-hell-knows-where to meet a guy who for $50 promised me an exceptionally high quality fake CA license Sex Doll Torso I gave him the money and my CA state ID and went to McDonald’s to wait. Half an hour later he calls and we go back to meet him. He gives me back my state ID and a brand new CA drivers license which looked just as real as my original license. If had the same photo and same ID number as my state ID and the guy said it was foolproof.
I went to AVIS and after they ran my license I was able to rent a vehicle. A few days later we drove down to San Diego for the day and returning to Anaheim got stopped on the interstate at a Border Patrol checkpoint. For some strange reason they asked for ID and I thought, “Shit, they will know my drivers license is fake.” As tacky as it is, I decided I will just show they my credentials. Doing that, they apologized for the inconvenience and I was on my way. I dodged a bullet. Until about an hour later.
The CA freeways are the worst part of driving in California. I absolutely hate them. I almost missed one of the interchanges and had to make a last minute turn. Fortunately there was no traffic so it was relatively safe. But there was a CHP. And the guy got behind me and pulled me over. I thought, “Boy, am I fucked!” How the hell can I get out of this one. I don't mind the ticket, but he will definitely find my license is fake. I thought of how best to handle this and decided that worse comes to worst I'll be honest. I gave the patrolman my license and he came back after running it and just gave me a warning about making safer lane changes. He never discovered my license was a replica of my real one. I never had to pull the DYKWIA stunt. And no ticket. Just like winning the lottery!
So, yes, there are some exceptionally high quality fakes out there. I was lucky in that my fake had real data on it that cleared the computer. If it