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(14 People Likes) Will population growth slow down in the future as better VR adult media/realistic sex dolls arrive (removing as large a desire to find real partners)?
are huge) then the sky's the limit really. All technology tends to improve at an ever increasing rate as well, the snowball effect, so I would expect a faster rate of improvement over the next four years. It is possible that cost will prove a limiting factor, there might be an upper limit to what people will spend on a sex doll, but then again, there might not be. I have noticed that the real doll is in a wider range of models now, with a wider range of prices. The top costing models are amazing, if it wasn't for the mould seam, you would struggle to see they are not real, at least in a still picture. It appears that some form of vocilization and animatronic movement are likely to be the factors that are improved upon next. I could also see the real doll company including some sort of internal heating unit, it seems to me a pretty basic idea, and I'm surprised that hasn't been done before. Also, as users often poise their dolls, in chairs etc, needing to warm them up in a bed with an electric blanket on must be quite limiting. But then, perhaps once the doll is warmed up it might stay warm for awhile? Would be interested to know. So anyway, in 20 years I think sex dolls will be warm like a real person, and able to talk, move, and respond. They will probably be able to pass all bodily fluids as well, urine, blood, tears, spit, semen (remember there are male real dolls), sweat, milk, vaginal secretions, shit, (have I forgotten anything?) which seems to be the work they are doing now. I have to think they will sort out that alarming mould seam as well, but I'll be sad when that goes, it's the most interesting thing about the dolls, their real/not real frisson. I guess for both sexes of doll, the ability to convincingly orgasim would be something that sex

(89 People Likes) Why do girls love Barbie?
Let's have this beautiful Barbie doll in our mind for a while as you read the points. 1.Firstly promotes stereotypical thinking among children, so a little boy might learn to say, “Hy why are you playing with that car, you are a girl! You should play with these dolls and not with my cars.” So it gonna tune the child's thoughts and gradually their behavior too. 2. Secondly, the appearance of the Barbie gonna inoculate certain beauty standards like only if you are fair, tall, etc, etc, you are beautiful or good. (Well this isn't good) 3. Thirdly, let's say this particular girl has grown up and puberty has hit her hard! Now she would develop a very poor self concept and image about herself and this would greatly affect her self esteem. Now this is what the main issue is. Barbie have a very unrealistic appearance and these young girls are too young to understand that and hence they are affected directly. 4. Lastly in an Indian context, the luxury shown is absolutely unattainable. A girl from poor background might start feeling inferior because she can't get what she sees and adores. So in this way these ones are negative role models for young girls. But now let's consider these hybrids of Barbie dolls. 1. So here the beauty standards are more realistic and practical. 2. It also teaches them that there is diversity and not everybody is the same or can have the same features. 3. They learn beauty can't be measured nominally! Infact each and every doll has its own beauty. Like not necessarily that a fair doll is only beautiful but also the dusky and the dark dolls are beautiful! (Indeed they are) Yet the gender role stereotype can't be broken here, but these Barbie dolls could save many girls from heart brea
(59 People Likes) What is your review of Silicone Sex Dolls, Asian Realistic Sex Dolls, Asian Fantasy Do?
u mean after using one or what? They are close to the real thing off course but not moving, no intelligence or all. But all the body parts are real type and you wil dollar love fieldReal Doll rong> have no issues at all. they are all very usable, easy to clean and maintain. Also you get to choose the features you want at the time of buy
(73 People Likes) I paid to have a sex-doll shaped (both in face and body) like my ex girlfriend, she discovered it and threatened me to denounce me if I do not get rid of it. I live in Texas, can she do it?
s. As long as she can safe word the stuff that doesn't transmit in to reality that well, and you can move on to the next thing ... you should have a fun time of trial and error. Don't forget to properly de-brief. Also, an idea is a "time out" signal. Like a safe-word, but you don't have to come out
(90 People Likes) How pleasurable is sex with sex dolls in comparison to real sex?
have sex with a sex doll. A sex doll is a sex toy, a masturbation aid. Sex is sex with two or more people. Sex dolls are not people. Depends on the sex. Masturbation and masturbation with sex toys (including dolls) could be better than sex. Generally speaking, masturbation is better than bad sex and good sex is better than almost all masturbat