how they make sex dolls Relevant Information
(99 People Likes) Why are the really realistic looking sex dolls so expensive?
I were single for years and didn't want my right (or left, idk) hand to be my sole companion, I'd buy one. The reasons would be the following: Always in the mood ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Never going to leave me Does not complain or nag (regardless of gender) Does not expect anything in return No need to have an emotional connection All in all, I think th Real Doll t they're pretty great for Thirsty As Hell™ people that do not seek a partner and just want to satisfy their appetites.

(64 People Likes) Will sex dolls and cloning make modern women more humble?
Nowadays I’d say women hold all the cards in any relationship. They’re the ones who get to pick and choose who they’ll be with, and are largely insulated by a society that bends over backwards to coddle and protect them. At any given moment, should they decide to pursue any man, and he refuses her advances, HE is the one who is generally seen as being in the wrong, but if the roles are reversed, then “How dare he act entitled to her body”. She can choose not to date someone if they’re too short, too fat, too skinny, and can even get away with racial preferences without any real issues or drama coming their way, but again, if the roles are reversed, the man is always wrong, because then he’s “Body Shaming” or he’s being “sexist” or “racist” or a “misogynist”. Not to say all of this is 100% the fault of women, but the fact remains that they stand to benefit the most from the vast majority of double standards and a world that’s way too willing to look the other way for things it would come down hard on men for doing. I hate to say something like “Female Privilege”, but the state of things being what they are, I can’t really call it anything else. And with all of this in mind, I would say that modern western women can’t HELP but become more arrogant over time, because on the one hand, when they do something wrong, no one is stopping them, and on the other, they’re constantly being told “you don’t have to take that from anyone, you’re strong and independent, etc”. Not that the latter is wrong, but it’s taught in such an adversarial manner that it effectively teaches young and impressionable women to view the world as some sort of constant battle; everything and everyone (“everyone” meaning “men”) always needing to be checked and challenged and subdued. Even worse, many women actively go out of their way to insult men who don’t live up to their personal standards. But, as I’ve written about in another answer, things like sex dolls (sex robots, actually) remove a lot of the power women hold in society. Why put up with the drama, financial expense, and constant stress that a woman can bring to the table (while spouting nonsense like “if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best”), when you can literally BUILD a better woman? And by constantly calling men out as “losers” who watch pornography or who commit the apparent cardinal sin of being unattractive to women, or socially awkward enough to never be successful with the same, they actively seal their own fate. Men used to have more of a backbone, and society was such that you could tell your significant other that you weren’t putting up with their crap, basically drawing a line in the sand, and having actual boundaries and mutual respect. But now, raised by single mothers, and put through a school system that favors girls over men, and growing up in a society that views men as expendable resources with no real rights of their own, men have withdrawn from the world. And rather than stand up to real women (which creates drama, stress, and possible jail time), it’s simply better to fund things like more realistic sex dolls, artificial intelligence, better machinery and technology, all leading to a day when the doll is indistinguishable from the real thing. And at that time, many women, who will have become more and more arrogant over time, will simply not see themselves as being part of the problem (much like now), and
(33 People Likes) Can a realistic high-quality sex doll be used as a tool to help men with limited sexual experience with women to become better lovers through practicing on the doll first if it is accompanied by instructional videos?
hey get their first opportunity to put theory into practice. Unless someone is fairly dim, there is nothing they would gain after about the first hour of practice with the doll. Real women are just so much more complex in their response patterns, and vary considerably from individual to individual. State of the art dolls are at the p
(64 People Likes) What does the Bible say about sex dolls?
the Bible addresses this in an often overlooked passage in the best “thou how they make sex dolls shalt not” book in the Good Book, Leviticus : Thou shalt not engage in sex acts with imitation rubbery/plastic-ey human-like mannequins or body parts. Unless you want to. Like most of Leviticus this passage is usually igno
(92 People Likes) What are some little-known facts from World War II that fascinate you?
rd. To join the SS, some requirements were as : Must be at least 5’9” in height. Special units such as Mountain Divisions or the Honor Guard required 5’10” or taller. Must be able to swim, as that was part of the fitness test. Have no more than 15% body fat. Have no Jewish heritage traced back to 1800, and 1750 for officers. Must have some faith In God. Atheists and Jews were not allowed. Be single only if you were a young recruit who was just joining, ages 17–23. Have no dental fillings. Have 20/20 vision. The requirements became less strict. However; passing the boot camp was hard. Only 1/3 recruits made it to graduation phase. FACT 2 On Adolf Hitler’s 50th birthday in 1939, Ferdinand Porsche gifted Hitler with a car. FACT 3 Hitler’s personal Mercedes Benz 770K Grosser was sold at an auction for $14 million in 2018. 10% of the profit was donated to a Jewish Human Rights Organization. FACT 4 During WWII, Audi built vehicles for the SS. They used slave laborers. Some time after the war, Audi paid millions in reparations to the survivors, and to the families of the slaves that didn’t survive. FACT 5 Clothes manufacturer, Hugo Boss, produced uniforms for Adolf Hitler and the SS. FACT 6 On the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, the United States Department of Defense released a photo of Leibstandarte SS regimental commander, Joachim Peiper. This sparked an outrage from the public. The SS colonel was complicit in the murder of both American and Soviet POWs. FACT 7 The (Gaswagen) gas van was made to prevent soldiers feeling responsible for murdering civilians and to stop them from drinking on duty due to the mental trauma they endured. FACT 8 It was said that when on trial, Adolf Eichmann showed no remorse for being responsible for deporting millions of Jews to death camps because he thought he would only serve a few years in prison, as the trial was held nearly 20 years after the war. Eichmann was ultimately sentenced to death by hanging. He never admitted to being guilty. FACT 9 Today, Poland and Germany are still looking for Auschwitz SS guards. FACT 10 Henry Ford (founder of Ford) took contracts from Nazi Germany during the war to build them vehicles. He denied all contracts from Britain. Henry Ford was a supporter of Adolf Hitler. They both kept framed photos of each other on their desks. FACT 11 There was no physical evidence that suggested Hitler knew or ordered the deaths of millions of Jews. This is popular to Holocaust deniers. After the war, the allies went through all of Hitler’s orders and videos, and couldn’t find any proof of his acknowledgment of the camps. However; there is proof that he passed the Commissar Order in 1941. In Joseph Goebbels’ diary, he wrote that Hitler did order the final solution though. FACT 12 In 1938, the Allgemeine SS started phasing out black uniforms. In 1942, Reichsführer of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, completely phased out all of the black uniforms. FACT 13 During the war, some Wehrmacht units received orders to be concentration camps guards due to personnel shortage in the SS. FACT 14 Once Adolf Hitler came to power, he passed one of the first animal rights laws. This included hunting seasons, banning animal vivisection/tests, and animal rights. He was the first leader to set forth wolf protection laws. FACT 15 Luftwaffe commander, Hermann Göring was one of many Nazi officers who held a high IQ score. He was fluent in English and had a very light accent. FACT 16 BMW was one of the biggest companies that kept the German war machine going. They built motorcycles, trucks, and plane engines for Nazi Germany. After the war, they were banned from building vehicles and had to revert to building pots and pans to stay in business. Today, they acknowledge their past and regret it. FACT 17 In New York, US, there was a street called Adolf Hitler Street. FACT 18 Adolf Hitler once asked Mercedes if he could purchase a few Mercedes cars for his motorcade with the promise of paying them back once his book Mein Kampf made him money. Mercedes rejected his request. Once Hitler came to power, he had enough money to purchase his dream motorcade. Mercedes went on to build cars, transport trucks, and planes for Germany during the war. Mercedes acknowledges its past and regrets it. FACT 19 When Nazi Germany annexed Austria, thousands of Austrians welcomed the German troops with swastika flags. FACT 20 In 1941, German troops captured Stalin’s son as a PoW. They offered Stalin to trade him back. Stalin refused and disowned him. He was later killed trying to escape a PoW camp. After Stalin heard of his death, he said he was a real man. FACT 21 German PoW’s refused to leave Canadian PoW camps due to how well they were treated. FACT 22 SSTV Captain, Amon Goeth, was being tried by the SS for beating and starving his prisoners. The SS dropped all charges as they had to focus on the war. Goeth was captured by American forces in 1944 and hanged in 1946. His last words were “Heil Hitler.” FACT 23 Like Adolf Hitler, German troops celebrated Christmas, even during the war. FACT 24 The Wehrmacht was responsible for murdering 50,000 Soviet Jews during Operation Barbarossa in 1941. FACT 25 Over the entire duration of the war, 100,000 babies were born to French-German couples. FACT 26 French women who had affairs with German soldiers had their heads shaved as punishment after the liberation of France. FACT 27 Boys of the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) were given good work and education options. They were also given faster promotions when transferring to the Wehrmacht or the SS. FACT 28 Auschwitz doctor, Josef Mengele, was captured by American forces in 1945, wearing a Wehrmacht uniform. Because they weren’t aware of his identity, he was released. After learning who he was, they issued a $33 million (inflated) bounty on him to whoever knew where he was, so they can put him on trial. He was never captured. FACT 29 In 1935, Adolf Hitler and some of his staff attended Polish leader, Jozef Pilsudski’s memorial service after his death. Hitler has respect for him and the Polish people due to their stance on communism. In 1938, Hitler tried establishing an alliance with Poland. It was rejected. FACT 30 The Nazi German MP-40 submachine gun inspired the US’ make of the M3 Grease Gun. The MP-40 was the first SMG to be built with plastic parts, making it lighter and cheaper to produce. More facts later? :D FACT 31 In 1945, Heinrich Himmler abandoned his post and tried suing for peace with the US and Britain to get help fighting off the Soviets. It was rejected. Hitler found out about this and immediately ordered his arrest. FACT 32 The Fuhrer’s Child, known by that name because of her close friendship with Hitler, was a little girl named Rosa Nienau who shared the same birthday as Hitler. Hitler absolutely adored her. Hitler knew she was Jewish but made no regard to it. The German state ordered Hitler to not make contact with her before the war. She died at age 17 in 1943 from polio. FACT 33 Hitler was the best man at Goebbel’s wedding. FACT 34 In 1939, the German state established April 20th as Adolf Hitler Day. On this day, families with low income were given an additional 20 Reichmarks, a day off, and wives would receive copies of Mein Kampf to send to their husbands. The holiday discontinued after 1944. FACT 35 Senior SS officers who displayed courage and leadership were gifted with an SS Totenkopf Ring. It had Himmler’s initials engraved inside. Over time, the ring was given to all SS officer who at least had 3 years in duty. The ring was meant to be given back to Himmler after the officer’s death to signify that the fallen member is still part of the SS brotherhood. Only a little over 3,000 of these rings exist today and are worth a lot. FACT 36 After disobeying Hitler’s orders, Field Marshall, Erwin Rommel, managed to push the British back 500 miles in Africa and even won a tank battle against the US when his supplies were very low. FACT 37 After the failed assassination attempt on Hitler’s life in July 1944, Hitler made it mandatory for even the Wehrmacht to use the Roman salute, replacing the traditional one. FACT 38 Also following Hitler’s assassination attempt, Rommel’s name was brought up. He was given 3 options: Personally defend himself to Adolf Hitler. Reject to do so but face court marshal, death sentence, and have his family suffer. Commit suicide by swallowing a cyanide pill. He would receive a state funeral with full military honors, and his family would receive a pension. Rommel picked the third option and explained it to his family. He was taken by 2 SS generals from his home. One of them knew he was innocent. He was given a cyanide pill, and died. FACT 39 Shortly before killing himself, Hitler had his beloved dog, Blondi, fed a cyanide pill to test its effects and to save him from potential captors. Blondi’s puppies were taken outside and shot by Hitler’s dog handler. FACT 40 During WWI, Hitler found and adopted a dog, and named him Fuchsl. He eventually lost him and was very upset about it. Are we reaching 100 facts? Eh? :D FACT 41 The MG-42 was arguably the greatest light machine gun during WWII. It earned nick names such as The Burp Gun, The Ripper, The Zipper, and Hitler’s Buzzsaw. Some versions of it fired at 1,800 rounds per minute, the fastest shooting mass produced machine gun during the time. FACT 42 The Gestapo normally patrolled the streets of Germany to listen to people’s conversations. This helped them find enemies of the state such as communists. FACT 43 The SS’ Totenkopf (Death’s Head) represented loyalty until death and to intimidate the enemy. FACT 44 The King Tiger scared allied soldiers up to the point that a term was made for it, Tiger-Phobia. At first, the allies had nothing to pierce its thick armor. FACT 45 Reich Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, supplied many German citizens with free radios. Mostly for propaganda purposes. FACT 46 Hans Münich was nicknamed the Good Man of Auschwitz. He was a physician at Auschwitz. Instead of sending people to the gas chambers during the selection process, he always pointed people to work or for (humane) experiments. After the survivors of Auschwitz testified on his behalf in court, he was able to keep his physician license and remained in West Germany. FACT 47 Adolf Hitler always came off as polite towards others in private. His maid even mentioned he had manners and was kind to his guests. Most of that diminished around late 1944, when Hitler started facing mental problems. FACT 48 It’s a common misconception that Adolf Hitler only had one testicle. It was a rumor that came from a British song. FACT 49 In 1945, The Wehrmacht teamed up with the US Army to fight to Waffen SS. Called the Battle for Castle Itter, both sides fought to free important political prisoners. After the battle was won, the Wehrmacht shook their hands and voluntarily surrendered to them. FACT 50 Most of the SS was brutal toward Priso