i love lucy paper dolls Relevant Information

(92 People Likes) What is Rosé's (Blackpink) best feature?

HAHAHA. I love her hair like anytime I seen Rosé I am always amazed at how beautiful her i love lucy paper dolls air is.
Anywho, her skills and movement in her dancing is probably her best feature imo. I like her voice but its not my favourite so I’d probably say that although she is a very talented and skillful singer with a good voice I love the way she dances and her flow. I think that Rosé is such a talented dancer but her vocals are her strongest point in terms of main tal

(22 People Likes) What gives more pleasure, a real pussy or a fake sex doll pussy?

you have never experienced either or you would be able to draw your own. Onclusion on this.
I will help you a little. If fake was better, do you not think there would be more fake than real. That porn would be showing fake over real.Best Sex Dolls r> I will leave you to decide when you have had b

(69 People Likes) Do you enjoy electric bass solos?

s the vocal, leapfrogs off the snare, reinf i love lucy paper dolls rces the rhythm and drives the music. I can appreciate guys like Claypool or Flea, whose bass is more of a low register lead guitar that underpins the song rhythm, but even then I move on after a while, in semi-overload.
JUST DON’T PUT ME in a Guitar store next to a dude who wants to demonstrate how to loudly and rudely (and often badly) pummel his bass with slaps, snaps, pops, thumps and hammer-ons just for the sake of saying ‘Look at me’ for a 10 minute solo.
so.. no bass solos for me unless..
unless its a talented artist melodically expressing his inner soul like Jaco, singing alone like a plaintiff voice
unless its a quick three or four bar exclamation point accenting a high point (Macca on “I want you” or Ox on “my Generation”)
unless its in tandem with a drummer, both hell-bent not showing off, but mimic’ing an out-of-control locomotive pummelling the audience with rhythmic power (Pa

(31 People Likes) Why are some people obsessed with silicon dolls and pretend like they are real babies?

you collect hats from your favorite sports teams?”
Also, some people ca i love lucy paper dolls ’t or are not in the position to adopt or have kids of their own and therefore the dolls have a comforting, lifelike weight and feel to them, just as if y Real Doll u were holding a real baby.
These dolls are also somewhat of a craft project or whatnot to certain designers or collectors. You can buy a lot online for “reborns” and customize the doll to your liking.
I don’t understand w

(55 People Likes) What do these lyrics from the song, "Slide" by the Goo Goo Dolls mean, "Don't you love the life you killed? The priest is on the phone. Your father hit the wall. Your ma disowned you"?

rails, you dont know why it could be various reasons but bad enough that his priest gets involved and his dad almost hits him.
‘The life you killed’ maybe a criminal conviction, drugs or drink driving would fit or being expelled from school but it's a life changing event that could mess up his life at least in the short term. So many reasons.
But she wants him to slide, in this case just leave the whole situation and start again with her Real Doll We have all done things that disap