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(82 People Likes) What should I do? My son wants a sex doll.

emselves something. Counsel them on the fact that some materials out there can literally burn your skin(male or female) and the only body safe things are silicone, glass, steel, wood, or stone. Many toys are marketed as silicone but they're made of weird polymers that are hard to clean, whereas something like bad dragon is 100% silicone. would you rather he be banging chicks and risking pregnancy or worse? Stds are a real scary thing, I'd rather my offspring be satisfying themselves than with someone who is going to mistreat them or possibly infect them with something horrific. Out of options in certain areas or among certain age groups, there are people who put things inside their anus with no flanged base because they aren't allowed to have pleasure items, and they end up in the emergency room or operating room. What the other person suggested really takes a toll on life size silicone sex doll le="color: red">Silicone Sex Doll the subconscious. For example: I saw a neighbor afflicted with denial about sexual orientation for years as a young person

(56 People Likes) What is the most influential human behavior?

being or trade can greatly influence a person’s behavior. In addition, the environment that an individual is in also serves an influence into their mental state.
In Albert Bandura’s study, he studied how children mimicked their parents or other adults by using the Bobo doll experiment (an inflatable doll). He had the child stand by and watch the adult in the toy room kick, punch and scream at the Bobo doll. When the adult was done and exited the room, Bandura let the child go into the room. As soon as the child entered the room, the child immediately went to the Bobo doll and started punching, kicking and screaming at the doll just like how the adults did. For this study, it simply states that children mimic and observe their parents like their role models as well as other adults. To the children, the parents are the most influential beings in their lives. In addition, as soon as children enter the world of social media, they often look to those older than them and observe them to learn what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable. In many cases, the ice bucket challenge, etc. created by adults were most commonly copied and mimicked by children of all ages. The reason for this is because when children see adults do something they think: “If the adult does that, then that means it is okay to do.”
On the other hand, classical and operant conditioning (learning by observing and recognizing patterns), influence an individual in ways of fear, food, etc. For example, if a girl were to see a dog and immediately went over to pet it. Unfortunately, the dog is angry and bites the girl, searing the thought of fear into the girl’s mind when she sees a different dog the next day. In this case, the situation with the dog influenced the girl to avoid or flee at the sight of dogs due to her fear.
But, the most influential of them all is the environment condition. The environment that an individual lives in or experiences often shapes them in a way that toughens them, alters their personality, etc. Say if a person were to live in an environment with bad neighbors, undisciplined kids, etc. In that case, the individual would be more included to adapt the ways of those kids or in some cases, become more tough, sensitive, or defensive because of the environment.
In a more simple example, imagine being at a concert. As soon as one person starts clapping with the beat or swaying their bodies or hands with the rhythm, other people start clapp life size silicone sex doll ng or swaying as well. Now, let’s say that you just arrived at the concert and

(78 People Likes) What should I do? My GF told me she won’t change her name after we get married (she’s keeping her name out of respect for her dad). How do I force her to stop? She said she already made decision. Our future kids will have her maiden name if we marry.

fects you and your life in no way at all. Sorry (not sorry) but whether any woman changes her surname or not is nobody’s business.
But you ask “what can I do?” So I’ll tell you.
You can respect her decision. She wants to show he Best Sex Dolls love for her heritage and her father by carrying on with the name she was born with, good for her. Professionally I can assume she’s built a positive reputation around the recognition of her name, double good for her. But the fact is, she doesn’t need a reason. It’s her name, her identity, her choice.
You can stop reading there if you like, but I’ll give reasons as to why I feel so strongly about this.
My parents gave me a bicultural name to represent my bicultural background. From a very young age my name made me stand out from my peers. Role calls in school, the fact that my name doesn’t fit on most standard forms, and the multiple hyphens seem to confuse a lot of people. It actually became such an issue with people not being able to pronounce the “ethnic” parts of my name that by the time I was in high school, my mother shortened my name to only the Western sounding parts.
I was fine with this for a while. Anyone who knew me well enough knew I was biracial anyway, and it wasn’t an offical change. My passport and licence still had the long version.
So, when I moved to a rural (and significantly more White) town and started working, my full name became my everyday common name again, ethnic and all. The people asking me where I came from and apparently not being able to pronounce my surname became commonplace again.
As an adult, rathe life size silicone sex doll than a child just trying to fit in at school, I began to completely embrace my name and my cultural heritage. I fought to love myself and be cleverer than those who wanted “other” me as a biracial person. I reminded people that my name was written using the English alphabet; if they couldn’t pronounce it, perhaps they needed to work on their literacy.
My name was made fun of, both in overtly and covertly racist ways. And I made a point to use it everywhere. Emails were signed off using my full name, I corrected anyone who didn’t say it properly, I insisted work meeting minutes had my entire surname recorded, I treated them like idiots if they didn’t make the effort to use my name with respect. “Gary, I have told you how to pronounce my name properly. Would you like me to sound it out for you again?”
The man who I’m going to spend the rest of my life with must understand, and support, why I fight for the pride of my surname. And as fate would have it, I have met my soulmate who not only wants me to keep my family name, but who will also take it as his own when we get married. That’s a real man right there.
EDIT: For context the layou

(11 People Likes) Why do people go to bars when it’s way more expensive than buying drinks at a store?

’s because there’s no one at home to drink with. Sometimes it’s because there are no friends. Sometimes it’s good to be where they can call an ambulance if you overdo it.
Sometimes it’s precisely because everyone else is at home. Sometimes the best place to be alone and left alone is in a crowd.
Watching TV with other people while drinking can be entertaining both during the show and during the commercials, but watching television at home alone while drinking gets really old fast.
If going to the same place regularly, sometimes you’ll start to recognize names and faces. Socialization can start up at a moment’s notice under the right conditions.
People that are overstimulated at work tend go home, those that are bored to tears or overstressed at work want to go somewhere else and blow off steam. Taking stress home with you Realistic Sex Doll an be detrimental to being part of a family.
Having one life size silicone sex doll or two bar friends is still better than having no friends, even if it takes a little bite out of your wallet.
Maybe find back episodes of “Cheers” and watch all 18 seasons. It’s about the dialogue/conversation that occurs as much as it is the characters i

(78 People Likes) What is the most interesting part of the Mueller report?

r (along with all of his lieutenants, in particular Andrew Weissmann) knew even before Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel that the Steele dossier and every allegation in it was a completely bogus and contrived piece of opposition-research funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, fabricated by Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS. And even though FISA warrants were an integral part of Mueller’s investigations, the report makes no mention of the massive deception of the FISA court by the FBI, by not disclosing that the chief “evidence” used to obtain the warrants, was the aforementioned, totally-unverified dossier.
The report likewise omits any mention of the real and extensive collusion that took place between the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign, the DNC and Democrat leaders in Congress, and actual Russian government/intelligence operatives, as it ignores extensive abuses of power by the FBI and intelligence agencies under the Obama administration in the course of that collusion, and the subsequent coup attempt to remove Trump - now the duly-elected president - from office. Mueller went down every blind alley in the pursuit of “Russian collusion”, except where Obama-administration operatives were obviously and shamelessly culpable in that lawlessness and corruption. For example, former FBI director James Comey is mentioned in the report, but there is no mention of how Comey broke the law in leaking to the press as many as four highly-classified memos of private presidential communications, for the express purpose of forcing Mueller’s appointment.
Similarly, the report fails to mention that )Trump’s transition team’s) National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn’s meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak was coordinated by Obama administration operatives, using Kislyak as a pawn to allow the FBI to spy on Flynn, seeking to capture him in a contradiction between his subsequent description of the meeting, and what the FBI agents claimed to have recorded. And of course, the report entirely omits the fact that FBI agents who interviewed Flynn following his meeting with Kislyak (one of whom was the removed, demoted and subsequently terminated Peter Strzok), stated that Flynn was not deceptive in his description/discussion of the meeting.
The report also omits the fact that Joseph Mifsud, the “Russian” who met with Trump transition team foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, was in fact Maltese, and more importantly a western rather than a Russian intelligence asset, and that rather than being initially contacted by Papadopoulos, Mifsud was pushed into the Trump campaign for the express purpose of entrapping Papadopoulos. The report fails to mention that Papadopoulos never asked about (nor received) any “dirt” on the Clinton campaign - either during the Mifsud-arranged “meeting”, or subsequent to it - despite Mifsud’s attempts to push the information into Papadopoulos. The report also fails to mention that in his description of a subsequent meeting between Papadopoulos and (Australian diplomat) Alexander Downer, the diplomat not only orchestrated the meeting, but in that meeting confirmed Papadopoulos’ rather than Mueller’s version of events (i.e., that Papadopoulos never accepted the Mifsud offering).
And though it spent many pages on the “Trump Tower meeting”, the report omitted the fact the meeting was attended and coordinated by Natalia Veselnitskaya, as a Russian employee of Fusion GPS, who during the meeting never discussed “dirt” on the Clinton campaign. or other information that could be considered “collusive” in nature. The report likewise failed to mention that Veselnitskaya was subsequently indicted on obstruction of justice charges.
And while Mueller’s report ostensibly focused on “collusion” between American citizens (in particular, Trump campaign officials) and Russian intelligence operatives, it is totally silent about the fact that Christopher Steele (a foreign national), actively sought out and coordinated with other foreign nationals (many of them Russian) to dig up dirt on Trump, in order to harm his chances of election — with funds provided by the Clinton campaign and DNC.
And while the report spent ma Sex Doll Torso y paragraphs on Carter Page, it omitted the fact that Page was never charged with nor investigated for any crime, yet was used as justification to illegally obtain a FISA warrant to surveil the Trump campaign long after Page had left the campaign (and in future versions of the warrant, to just as illegally surveil the elected Trump administration). The report endlessly omits exculpatory information which expressly clears Trump and other targets of the investigation of virtually all of its bogus allegations, and again never mentions truly damning evidence of the real and extensive Russian collusion orchestrated and committed by Democrats. It doesn’t even mention crucially relevant facts such as Deputy/Acting AG Rod Rosenstein having written the letter recommending the firing of FBI Director Jim Comey.
Basically, the Mueller “investigation”, like its “Russian Collusion” narrative (at least as it concerned the Trump team) is and was always a hoax, and more importantly a cover-up and conspiracy, to prevent the exposure and investigation of the malfeasance and corruption of deep-state operatives in the Obama administration (Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Yates, Rosenstein, Strzok, Page, et al - up to and including Obama) in their weaponization and lawless use of investigative and intelligence resources against American citizens and as a coup to derail and remove a duly-elected president, which continues in the latest rendition of the hoax, currently being perpetuated by the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives.
Fortunately AG William Barr is now aware of this malfeasance, and in conjunction with the Inspector General will conduct a legitimate investigation to fully understand and expose that lawlessness and corruption, and hopefully ensure that those responsible are brought to justice. Sadly, though totally predictably, the same progressive media that so