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(99 People Likes) What do women out there who naturally look like a real-life Barbie doll do?

real person who exactly resembles a Barbie doll.She is from Russia and is known to be famous in the state of her place because of her doll features.She is called Valeria Lukyanova.
In fact, with her tiny waist and large breasts, she bears such a resemblance to the famed plastic doll that cynical web users have been speculating about whether or not she is real.
Pink is her life so is barbie’s l

(89 People Likes) Why souls have no empathy to human experience? If I had a doll acting on behalf of my soul, I would treat it more lovingly knowing it has feelings and doesn’t understand that I make her play a game (even if I will throw her away at the end).

u Yourself have just “Confirmed “.That Those with any of these personality disorders (overlaps included, ) Are Aware, and by Being As Such, that which has been doubted is made even Clearer : They Do Make A Choice to Inflict Harm on Others .
Your Statement ,has No Question, I myself would like to Thank You Again though- I will remember your Analogy when I myself am Faced with Again, Having The Choice of giving someone too much Benefit of the Doubt. Also your Analogy may Help others to Understand What I also struggled “to get “. I Understood Being Used, but Anyone Not Having Object Consistentcy? That is their Deal? How Can That Be? And What? …It Took me a long time to figure t

(90 People Likes) What would happen if a man bought a sex doll (without its box), wrapped it up in a cover, someone witnessed him carrying it to his home and thought it was real person, who then calls police, and the man refuses to let police in due to embarrassment?

had a friend who worked f love doll pic r an airline, so she fle Best Sex Dolls a lot. She was also one of the most highly sexual persons I've met. She would frequently fly with some “adult toys” in her carry on baggage. These items were usually discovered when going through the TSA checkpoint.
She would simply give the check agent a

(38 People Likes) Can governments print unlimited currency or is there any international consensus?

all countries implies that there is a limited economic pie to divide and rules are required to protect each country’s interest…. It doesn’t work like that, the global economy is dynamic - not a zero-sum game.
For example, there used to be a lot of alarm about our continual trade imbalance with China. Everyone was convinced that someday we would owe China for the years of borrowing,
But, the truth is we can maintain our trade imbalance with China in perpetuity
(Trump will f- this up, but, he didn’t need to). The reality was, China needed to create an export market for its product. So, it bought U.S. Debt, knowing that it would indirectly finance a permanent consumer for it’s product.
Why would China ever want to do this? Because their problem has nothing to do with the US. They’re worried about a revolution. The challenge they have is their Eastern manufacturing cities are absorbing 15 - 20 million peasants from the countryside every year.
Think about it for a bit, that’s 10 - 15% of their workforce. You gotta keep inflation low and exports high to keep them busy. The last thing you want is for them to be hungry (especially, because these peasants average 6 guys for every 5 ladies. (not exactly a good ratio for keeping violence in check)
This imbalance benefits both countries.
As an aside, the ridiculous tariffs Trump has imposed on China mainly benefits… Russia.
Giving China a new trading partner, reducing the attractiveness of maintaining the account deficit with the US and… most importantly, it will give Russia hard currency to use (and weaken G-7 control over Russian imperialism in the Ukraine) All the while, it will hurt U.S. farmers.
The only consolation about the tariffs, is it will hurt the dumb hillbillies who voted for Trump in Iowa and Minnesota (soybeans) Pennsylvania (downstream steel) and WalMart shoppers. China will win this one, Trump will blame MS-13 and Maxine Waters and his supporters will buy more MAGA shirts while they lose their homes
The problems with the Eurozone result from “Consensus” Monetary Policy
Greek and Spanish bailouts (accompanied by punitive austerity rules), Brexit and German anger over losses of their savings precipitate the end of the Euro as a common currency. With good economic leadership, both the high-saving Germans and the high-spending Greeks could have created robust economies with strong currencies. Instead the high saving Germans are using their savings to subsidize the Greeks (and, as part of that subsidy, punishing the Greeks for what effectively amounts to not-being-German (and, BTW, the German’s are entitled to be angry)
There are plenty of examples of bad monetary policy (the most famous was the Weinmar in Germany… which ironically caused them to be such reliable savers, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Hungary… Hyperinflation tends to happen as weak democracies

(85 People Likes) I want to make dolls of book characters that a friend of mine loves. How can I make them specially for her?

fictional characters is that they are trying to live their lives vicariously through that character. You are lacking something in your own life which you are seeking to fulfill through your obsession with the traits that form the personality of that character.
Maybe you are not popular with the guys in your school and nobody has shown an interest in you and that’s why you are obsessed with that ideal hero from that romantic novel.
Maybe you feel powerless in your day to day life and that is why you admire that rebel hero from that comic or video game.
In any case, just introspect what is it about that character that commands such devotion from you, find out what that character represents that is missing in your life.
There is nothing wrong in admiring fictional characters but an obsession is not a healthy thing. An obsession demands a lot of attention, en


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