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(92 People Likes) Why does my ex boyfriend still want to use me for sex?

ot communication these expectations to the other person due to fear of losing the ex-boyfriend
They desire to be validated and that they can still attract a guy but feel ashamed abo men sex dolls 2018 t it because they seem to think sex is a taboo, that there is only one way of living life which is based on the expectations of others and norms and traditions you were taught.
You are conflicted. In one hand you want to believe you are special and in the other you want to be desired, and that if someone has sex with you only you seem to think you are not special even though you satisfy your desire and need.
Let’s look at the facts…
Your ex boyfriend isn’t using you because if he is using you, you are also using him and don’t want to take responsibility of your own action and that you love having sex with him. It seems conditioned in people especially women on being ashamed about sex, and got to have some kind of swing, a barter, a thing, a label, to assume sex is now meant to be something divine because they got a vagina.
Sex is not bad. It’s natural. Only you decide with the person who also decides to experience something wonderful together.
If you do not want sex, then you can walk away and say no, but instead you by your own choice, go to him, be with him, strip naked, have sex with him and…there is nothing bad about it.
You then complain to people here but people herecome from all kinds of background, perception, realities, religions, beliefs, and you expect them to tell you what is wrong and what is right. Many see sex as a weapon, many see sex as this divine thing, many see sex as their self worth, many see sex as religious, or taboo or if you have sex before marriage, or relationship or no label relationship, or fuckbuddy, or threesome, they all think they are right and someone else is wrong. Which is absurd. The world is not made for them but for everyone and everyone has different needs, desires and wants.
The reason your ex-boyfriend has sex with you is because you desire him, you want sex too and there is nothing bad about that. Maybe you was grown up to believe sex is like business.
You don’t have sex until you barter some contract, some business transaction, a transaction of what is called a relationship, so you can be like everyone else, fit in like everyone else and probably even think that’s what makes you special.
If you walked into a police station and said “he us using me for sex,” they will assume rape, sexual assualt. That sex is happening without your consent and choice to have sex with someone.
That is not true at all.
The truth is, you expect something else.
The facts is, you have other expectations, wanting to change him, hoping if he keeps having sex, maybe one day you can fix, change him and get the relationship back.
Please pay attention here…
I don’t know what other women or men taught you or what you picked up from society and people around you.
But having sex or not having sex, will NEVER keep a man.
I’m talking about a confident man, a man who knows his self worth, a man who does not follow or fear other people’s opinion and probably a man many will troll and have them banned from here.
Men who speak reality that does not pamper to left or right, or middle.
You have expectations, you want to control the ex to become someone you want him to be and you know, if you do, he will be gone.
If you don’t want sex, say so. Communicate to him. If you want a relationship label and all the rest thatcomes with it, communicate to him.
And if he says no, don’t say he used you because he didn’t.
You’re an adult, you made a decision to have sex with him, you take responsibility for your decisions and blame no one or complain he used you.
If you don’t like having sex with him without having the expectations that’s in your mind, fair enough. Walk away. Say it but please, give up with this talk about your ex used you.
It’s old, it’s the same old thing most girls and women say because they expect something else, playing games to fix and change the man to be someone they want.
You so addicted to challenge and what’s hard because easy doesn’t make you excited and it’s boring.
And women also who give you advice needs to stop the double standards talking about how he used her, for convience and always like mainstream media to make women weak and women who are pathetic and are always victims.
You’re not a victim. She is not a victim. Nor is the ex boyfriend.
You’re a woman who made a decision

(71 People Likes) Bitcoin is almost at $4,000. To what extent can we expect it to correct?

cryptocurrencies, BTC cannot be objectively valued, outside of its transactional utility. So, Bitcoin can’t ever have a “correction” because there isn’t any “correct value” for BTC.
This may all sound like semantics, but, it cuts to the core of understanding BTC and how much you should buy it for. BTC cannot be valued (yet!) as a security or currency or cybercurrency.
With securities, the “correct value” is the PV of all future cash flows.
With currencies, the “correct value” can be calculated from the ratio of any two currencies expected, nominal interest rates
Don’t get me wrong, there’s lots of room for different perspectives within this framework. BUT, there is a correct value to each of those two asset classes
Ironically, even Altcoins have a “correct value” - all Altcoin’s can be valued relative to the price of BTC based on their comparative inflation and adoption rates / changes in those adoption rates
The only downside, is you can’t value BTC… only the value of other coins on a relative basis to BTC. I suspect it sounds like I’m splitting hairs here, but the semantics matter
Unlike a national fiat currency, which is a necessity for living in that country, you can’t mandate people use cryptocurrencies... you need them to adopt it.
A currency cannot succeed without adoption. The more people adopt that currency, the broader the number of opportunities there will be to use that currency. It’s a recursive process that gets a turbo boost when there’s widespread attention to the currency (As there is today)
Far from signaling “overvalue” a dramatic ruu-up often signals another dramatic run-up, which fuels more adoption which…
(As an aside, I’ve seen a number of TED talks and symposiums where BTC “evangelists” refer to an “overhang” that BTC faces because people associate them with Silk Road and even express it as a shameful period (you’ll see it in articles a lot too) If it hadn’t been for Silk Road, you’d still need 10,000 BTC to buy a pizza - because to transact on Silk Road, you needed BitCoin. Without SR, it’s difficult to see how BTC would have convinced people to adopt it)
The only way the market will decline because of yesterday’s run-up in BTC is — if people believe the market will decline because of yesterday’s run-up in BTC…
There are libraries of thoughtful research on this topic. And, I’d suggest the most conclusive answer anyone could offer is: Probably - and that’s why I love this market. Here are a couple of the research pieces I’ve saved over the past year because I thought they were compelling
Look to Online Forums to Predict Changes in Price: I found this to be compelling. This team produced a model with some actionable, predictive insight. When Bitcoin encounters information in an online forum: Using text mining to analyse user opinions and predict value fluctuation
As an aside Google Trends
has also been a helpful for me in quantifying shifts in public taste
Use Dark Markets to Assess whether BTC is overvalued: This is some good developing research around understanding BTC’s value in money laundering “purchasing power parity” to arrive at an equilibrium price (From an economic viewpoint, this is probably the most technically precise piece on Bitcoin valuation, were it not for information limitations, this would be sufficient)[1]
Look at a couple demand side drivers. Correlating the drivers to price is hard, but watching the changes in these drivers correlates with changes in BTC: These guys actually have a thoughtful paper, but, it’s easy to make fun of them because they’re pretty wishy-washy. Basically, they’re saying BTC price formation is a function of transactional velocity (another way to get at purchasing power parity from the answer above) [2][3]
Admit the truth. Valuing BTC is extremely complicated - but, the research is getting better and slowly triangulating on something that might be useful: : This may n men sex dolls 2018 t seem very helpful, yet. Basically, they flag just about any and everything that might impact price. It’s way too broad to be useful now, but, I wanted to highlight it for two reasons (1) Since we don’t know yet, it’s smart to consider everything (2) This tends to be the type of study that gets improved, streamlined and quantified over the next 5 or 10 years to create something useful What Are the Main Drivers of the Bitcoin Price? Evidence from Wavelet Coherence Analysis
[1] https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/22174852/BitVal-BETA-Final-.pdf

(65 People Likes) If you and your best friend like the same girl, would you let him have her?

o girls. One weekend went by like normal but when I got to school all my friends were talking and they looked at me funny and then I saw them sitting together holding hands. My best friend had asked her out.
So his answer to the question is deffinatly no. Here is my answer:
A month went by and I tried to ignore it and I tried to remain his friend but then she came to me for advice because he was being a very distant and uncaring boyfriend who acted like she didn't exist.
I knew I didn't have a chance with her because I was the really nerdy shy kid and he was actually cool had friends and wore a leather jacket a few time, so I jus Sex Doll told her the truth about him. In short she started texting me and another month passed and she conffessed that she wanted to leave him for me.
I had two choices: do unto others as you'd have done to you. Or crush his dreams like he did mind.
In a perfect world I did the morally right thing and told her I couldn't hurt him.
Haha, nah. She cheated on him with me then she left his ass for this fine piece of nerd. We dated for 2 years before I reali

(99 People Likes) How sex doll porn helps people

y using sex dolls in his retelling of the behind the scenes antics that allegedly happened during the filming of Rebel Without a Cause. Franco isn’t alone. Artist June Korea pho class="nturl" style="color: red">mini sex doll ographs sex dolls. His art is intended to explore human emotions. We think his pictures are quite stunning. We think we’ve got some strikingly beautiful sex dolls that would work very well in an art installation. We can even imagine a particularly daring artist doing a performance piece with a sex doll. A gorgeous doll like Destiny would be perfect. Her classic looks and ebony skin are absolutely

(13 People Likes) What is it like loving a narcissist?

fore you die, you will wear yourself out physically. You will possiblyendure some injuries. Mentally, you turn to mush because you are so focused on getting this apple tree to understand that all you want is some orange juice. You will lose your sense of reality. You will lose any semblance of self, because you find out that being yourself forces you to abandon the apple tree in favor of self preservation. You will not have any emotional reciprocity or support. The apple tree does not have emotions. You will spend all of your money trying to keep the apple tree alive. The apple tree cannot go to work. You will end up isolated because you won't have the time, attention or energy to give to any other relationships.
The short answer:
You can NEVER get oranges from an apple tree. It is impossible.
The hardest apology you will ever have to accept, is the one you never received. They will NEVER admit or apologize for the pain they have caused.
Don't. Don't try to love a narcissist beyond basic human empathy. For example, you see their house on fire- call 911.
I know this from being raised by narc