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(20 People Likes) What’s the most unusual item landlords have found left behind after someone moved out?

loor walk-up. The landlord, who lived in the building, asked me what I could rent it for if we did a renovation and got it off of rent control. I asked if it was a studio or a one bedroom, and the landlord said that she didn’t know as she had never been allowed inside. The tenant came with the building when she bought it in the 1980s. This was around 2012 so in 30 years the landlord had never been inside a unit in the building which she personally lived in.
When the tenant moved out, she took only a cardboard suitcase. She had moved in during the Kennedy administration and never left, so her rent was something like $104 per month. What we found inside was astounding. There was an entire wall made of meticulously emptied and stacked Hellman’s mayonnaise jars, several thousand of them. Also stack upon stack of periodicals including hundreds of Cat Fancy, though no evidence of a cat. All in all it took five dumpsters to empty and demo the apartment.
At a huge luxury building in Manhattan, we had an incident where a body was found shoved down the trash chute, and a large number of tenants wanted to move out before their leases were up. I was tasked to help process some of the check-outs. I entered an apartment with a tenant to find the kitchen to have obviously had a bad fire. The backsplash and upper cabinets were all destroyed. I ask mistress love dolls review d the tenant what happened, and she explained something to the effect of, “Well, I’m an orthodox Jew and we believe that you have to cook off the remnants of whatever impure foods were left in a kitchen, so I poured oil on the countertops and set it on fire. The cabinets got a little burnt in the process.” Flabbergasted, I clarified that she had intentionally set a fire in a building where over 1,200 people lived, and she basically shrugged and said, “What else would you expect me to do?”
To my knowledge, and I’ve checked with a few rabbis, that is not a n Realistic Sex Doll rmal practice.
Edit- suggested I put this in the original answer
Just remembered another one… Thompson Street. One of those really awful old Manhattan apartments with a shower in the kitchen. The toilet was in a little room of its own, just a little cubicle. The tenant had replaced the standard light with a black light bulb and painted the walls and the door with that black chalkboard paint. Then they used a silver metallic paint pen and wrote a long and elaborate poem about drug use covering the walls from floor to ceiling.
This was very difficult to paint over, and while the super was attempting to do so, I was showing the apartment and someone wanted to rent it as is with the poem in place. So we wrote a rider to the lease disclosing that it was like that and that they requested it be like that (technically by law you are supposed to completely paint b

(35 People Likes) Abuse of Joints

. Some of you like to go a bit buck wild with your dolls. We’re totally cool with that. Enjoy your dolls as much as you want, and try out your wildest fantasies. Just keep one thing in mind. Your doll was designed to feel and move the way a real person do Best Sex Dolls s. When you move or twist your dolls mistress love dolls review rms, legs, torso, or head too roughly, things could break or dislocate. The same thing goes for applying too much weight or hitting your doll with extreme i

(95 People Likes) Can you buy a 100cm love doll in the USA?

enough to fulfill your need of having someone next to you.
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They are incredibly natural and good-looking, especially if the size is close to a woman's height.
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(45 People Likes) Have you or would you ever use a mannequin or blow-up doll in your car, in order to use the HOV lane without being stopped?

out of town and get caught you could plausibly claim to be unaware of lane restrictions but if you get caught using a blowup doll, you’re gonna go down and hard.
I have long been of the opinion that a tinted front window would

(70 People Likes) Can you list 25-50 things that you never thought you would have to say to your young child/toddler?

er in her crib, jumpi mistress love dolls review g up and d Sex Doll Torso wn in her poo. ‘Honey, your little girl has learned something new!’. She was so proud of herself that she wouldn’t stop. Diaper off in the grocery store. Diaper off full of poo. Diaper off in the middle of peeing. Put the diaper on