real love doll yasuragi Relevant Information

(48 People Likes) What did someone do during military boot camp that made you say “You gotta be kidding me”?

whatever reason thought the black drill sergeants were his buddies. He walked by a black drill sergeant and nodded his head and said “What’s up?” The drill sergeant smoked the crap out of him for the next 15–20 min making him say “Whats up?! Whats up?!” the entire time.
2)One of my buddies decided during formation while we were all supposed to be standing at attention that it was a good time to put on chapsti real love doll yasuragi k. They made him sprint around the formation smearing chapstick all over his lips yelling “My lips are smooth and unchapped!” Lol
3)We had a kid who fell out of the top bunk one night while he was sleeping and broke his arm couldn’t continue training. He got medically discharged.
4)Another guy got so stressed out he started wetting his bunk at night. He stopped doing it eventually and made it through.
5)There was this skinny kid named Schmidt who started getting a few pimples. Nothing weird about that, but he couldn’t stop picking at them. I remember all of a sudden seeing him one day and his face looked bad, like tore up he was picking them so bad. One night, after lights out we heard screaming coming from the latrines(bathrooms) It was our DS screaming at the top of his lungs at Schmidt. I guess after lights out Schmidt would go to the latrines and pick his face in the mirror for an hour or so. I think that’s how he was dealing with the stress anxiety. Our DS screamed at him that he better not catch him picking at his face ever again. After that he stopped.
6)One time during BRM(basic rifle marksmanship) before we were issued rifles we had to carry around rubber rifle replicas for a week or so. We had to carry them with us everywhere. One time we were excused to use the latrines, but had to bring the “rubber duckies” with us as they were called. As we were walking back, one idiot female didn’t have hers with her. I literally thought to myself, “Are you kidding me?” How in the hell can you forget to bring yours with you despite the fact that you are surrounded by 50 other trainees who ALL have theirs right in their hands?? Either she was an idiot who didn’t pay attention to detail or she just didn’t care. She got our whole platoon smoked for that.
7)We had another kid named Coli(I remember his name because the drill sergeants called him E.Coli after the bacteria). One time they made him sit in a tree and swing his legs back and forth chirp like a bird. The kid couldn’t handle being bullied

(75 People Likes) Why are love dolls so expensive?

ave been born from that commandment in the Bible about not making a graven image or likeness of anything from the Heavens above or below (blah blah blah.) To do so would be idolatry or something and only pagans did that kind of nonsense, right?
That thinking probably scared a lot of people. So a bunch of marketing geniuses back in the “olden days” started churning out these suckers:
Because we all know that “Hell Sells” and boy, did it ever! A toy revolution was born and suddenly every Victorian lassie wanted an awful porcelain-headed, beady-eyed companion to watch over her in the nursery.
These were some seriously demented “graven images” if you ask me.
So haunted was I as a little girl, and as a guest in my aunt's “doll room” (ah, she was a collector, you see, and proud of her acquisitions) that I've loathed dolls ever since. I can't even be in the same room with one without breaking out in gooseflesh. They give me the fantods.
A visit to my aunt's house as a little girl would find me being put to bed in the “doll room” with the moonlight seeping in between the slats from the window blinds, shining into their death-stare glassy eyes.
Horrifying moments. I'd brave the “four-foot leap” to avoid whatever it was lurking beneath the bed ready to grab me in its claws, and sneak across the floor to where those dolls were displayed, and one-by-one turn them to face the wall. I couldn't sleep with them staring at me like that. Then, from the middle of the room, I'd once again launch myself into bed, avoiding the underneath, and scramble, terrified underneath the “magic covers.” For some reason, I thought blankets were the “safe zone.” Once under them, no “monsters” could get me.
In the morning, when Auntie would be in my room to wake me, I'd be terrified to see those dolls once more turned around facing outwards! Their terrible faces staring at me once again, and their cold, pale death-stares piercing my racing heart! I just knew those Hell Dolls came to life in the middle of the night and turned around to get me. How else would they have been able to turn

(35 People Likes) Are people who prefer the company of their realistic sex dolls mentally ill or are they just sick of the drama which comes along with live partners?

Eventually SOMEONE will find it, perhaps after your death… is that how you want to be remembered? As a joke snickered about at family gatherings? Your old ass pounding away at a 3D cartoon toy? Kinda gross, dude. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if you had a stroke or cardiac arrest while pounding away at that creepy thing? One of Silicone Sex Doll the paramedics would sneak a photo and upload it to 4chan making you famous.
How much does your wife love you? How undeestanding is she? If you are taking care of her so she wants for nothing, and she is “too ill” to even suck your cock once a month, then you are ethically and morally permitted to take a mistress. That is a no-brainer right there.
The only rule pertaining to a mistress is that your wife and family never be disrespected due to this. Your wife always needs to come first. Your mistress must never speak ill of her. You should avoid appearing in public with your mistress in places where friends of your wife might spot you and spread hurtful rumors. And above all, do not write a short term mistress into your Will to the detriment of your children.
You are entitled to a mistress. If you think your wife would be understanding, perhaps you could arrange for her to become your wife’s caretaker and friend. If you think your wife would not be okay with it, she must be protected from this knowledge and must not question where you go when you leave or be told fibs for her own good… just never be selfish and indulge in overnight stays because that is just too suspicious.
It is okay. You are allowed to do this. It is not wrong in any way. But for your own protection be sure to choose someone close to your age who you know to be discreet and trustworthy. Statistically, if you select a much younger woman, particularly one not well known to you, especially if she is a 1st generation immigrant, you are gonna have a bad day: lies, demands for money, theft, identity theft, harassment, blackmail, extortion, physical abuse, even murder of yourself and your wife… there are many women who claim to be looking for a “sugar daddy” when they are actually a black widow intent on taking everything you have through whatever means necessary.
You do not need or want a 20 year old gymnast who looks like a model… she actually HATES you and l

(63 People Likes) Can you get AIDS and herpes from an inflatable doll?

with herpes or HIV also using this doll, and then you’re using it while it’s still wet with his fluids? Then maybe, sure.
Dolls are made of silicone and latex. They can not be infected w Sex Doll Torso th disease. Unless someone who is infected with a disease is depositing blood or fluid on the doll, a doll can’t transmit a disease to

(32 People Likes) Are all role models in fashion magazines real women and can you make sex dolls out of them?

atter what I do what I say how I act what I drive…girls ignore me like I'm not a r real love doll yasuragi al person I mean they will small talk with me but the second the get a hint I like them they completely reject me and shun me and there's nothing I can do to change it iv been trying for 20 years to get a woman and the results never change…I don't think they will so I'm forced to get a love doll because I want sex and companionship I'm still a Virgin at 30….And yes going MGTOW is great iv been MGTOW for the last 3 years and it helps looking at women from a different point of veiw…a respectable distant veiw…the key is not to hate women just except them for who they are and leave them alone that's when you may find the right one because if you can get a woman theres still hope for you…unlike me. You have to be confident strong and bold….but I believe when I get my love doll s