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How to Find the Right Girl

Finding the right girl involves a combination of self-development and effective interaction with potential partners. Here are some steps to guide you in your search:

  1. Developing the Ultimate "Product": Focus on becoming the best version of yourself. Take the time to understand the type of woman you want to be with and work on enhancing your own qualities and character traits.
  2. Targeting the Right Market: Put yourself in situations where you are likely to meet women who align with your preferences. Engage in activities and join communities where you are likely to encounter like-minded individuals.
  3. Selling the Product Effectively: Learn how to engage in meaningful conversations, flirt, and escalate interactions with the women you are interested in. Develop your social skills and confidence to make a positive impression.

Presenting yourself well: Take care of your physical health by exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining good hygiene. Dress in a way that makes you feel confident and reflects your personal style. Show genuine interest in others and practice active listening during conversations. Being in the right locations: Put yourself in environments where you are likely to meet women who share your interests and values. This could involve joining clubs or groups related to your hobbies, attending social events, or participating in activities that align with your passions. Online dating platforms can also be useful in expanding your reach. Remember, the key is to be authentic and genuine. Don't pretend to be someone you're not, as it's important to attract someone who appreciates you for who you truly are. By focusing on self-improvement, presenting yourself well, and placing yourself in the right environments, you increase your chances of finding a compatible partner who appreciates and values you.
Improve your conversational skills: Practice active listening, ask open-ended questions, and show genuine interest in what the other person has to say. Be a good storyteller and learn to convey your thoughts and ideas clearly. Develop a sense of humor: Being funny and lighthearted can make conversations more enjoyable and help you connect with others. However, it's important to be authentic and not force humor if it doesn't come naturally to you. Convey confidence without being needy: Confidence is attractive, but it's important to strike a balance and not come across as arrogant. Be comfortable with who you are and showcase your positive qualities without seeking validation from others. Learn to read body language: Pay attention to non-verbal cues such as eye contact, facial expressions, and body posture. This can help you gauge the other person's interest and adjust your approach accordingly. Be positive and optimistic: Positivity is contagious and can make you more attractive to others. Maintain a positive mindset and focus on the good things in life. Work on your personal presentation: Pay attention to your grooming, dress in a way that makes you feel confident, and take care of your overall appearance. Presenting yourself well can create a positive first impression. Practice self-awareness: Understand your strengths, weaknesses, and values. Being self-aware allows you to communicate your desires, boundaries, and expectations effectively. Remember, effective communication is a skill that can be developed over time. It's important to be authentic and genuine in your interactions with others. By improving your conversational skills and learning to sell yourself effectively, you can increase your chances of building meaningful connections with women who appreciate and value you. ose books and resources mentioned can provide valuable insights and guidance on improving your communication skills and developing a sense of humor. Stand-up comedies and TEDx talks can also be great sources of inspiration for storytelling and connecting with others. Remember, personal growth is a continuous journey, and finding the right partner takes time and effort. By investing in self-improvement, expanding your knowledge, and practicing effective communication, you increase your chances of attracting a compatible and fulfilling relationship. Good luck on your journey to finding the right girl, and may you build a meaningful connection based on shared values, interests, and mutual respect!

If I get breast implants, will it make the guy that I like choose me over other women?

Having breast implants is not a guarantee that the person you like will choose you over other women. It's important to remember that true attraction and connection go beyond physical appearance.
In fact, some individuals actually prefer smaller breasts, and artificially enhancing them may not be appealing to everyone. Additionally, making decisions about your body based on someone else's preferences can lead to an unhealthy and potentially difficult relationship.
Rather than seeking validation from others, it is essential to focus on addressing any insecurities and improving self-esteem. Changing your body through surgery may temporarily boost your confidence, but it may not bring lasting happiness or fulfillment.
It's crucial to consider that those who are solely interested in your physical appearance are not the kind of people you want to be with. Plastic surgery should not be used as a means to appease others.
There is also a risk of developing Body Dysmorphic Disorder, where you develop a distorted perception of your own body and continually seek further changes. Instead of opting for plastic surgery, investing in therapy and self-care can be more beneficial.
Breast implants may be necessary for certain medical reasons, such as after a mastectomy or for reconstructive purposes after pregnancies. However, it's essential to carefully evaluate your motivations and seek professional advice.
Remember, a plastic surgeon profits from the insecurities of others and may not provide an objective perspective. It's important to seek support and guidance from trusted sources, such as therapists or counselors, to explore your feelings and make informed decisions.

What are 10 memorable images from Russian Doll that you love?

I had a toy car like this from GDR (without the upper part):
It had the rule connected with the wheels, a driver with movable hands and legs and a hat, a set of tools such as shovel, pickaxe, canister, etc, that the driver could handle.
One common toy I had was an electric powered railroad, also made in GDR:
One could buy the houses, stations, Rathhaus separately. Many adult people collected and assembled such things as well, installing internal lighting inside houses etc.
I also had a traffic police set, also from GDR, that included white gloves, whistle, pilot cap, a stick, a rubber stamp and a driver book, all in German though.
I had a programmable rover like this:
It could be programmed and could launch a disk. It was Soviet-made but an exact copy of a Western toy.
This has been already mentioned, it was an exact copy of a Japanese toy:
(this is an exact modern copy).
Intended to be glued together models of aircraft, ships and tanks were among the most common:
I had a complicated galleon, but I disliked this kind of toys.
I had also a lot of detailed toy models of cars, they were among the most expensive:
I was rarely allowed to play with them, but the parents would often say “look how we love you, we even buy you toys as expensive as 20 rubles!”. That is about $100 in modern prices each.
Pedal-driven cars were also very common:
A lot of Soviet toys were various “constructors”, that is LEGO-like things, puzzles, mosaics, board games.
I also had this:
“Young Chemist”. Unfortunately I was prohibited playing with it. It included dangerous things like hydrochloric and sulfuric acids as we

Why do male sex dolls have less of a niche than female sex dolls?

The market for male sex dolls is generally smaller compared to female sex dolls, and there are several reasons for this: Historical Demand: The demand for female sex dolls has been established for a longer time and has a more significant presence in the market. Male sex dolls are a relatively newer addition and have yet to reach the same level of popularity. Cultural Factors: Society has traditionally been more accepting of male sexuality and the idea of men seeking physical intimacy. Female sexuality, on the other hand, has often been stigmatized or subject to more restrictive societal norms. This cultural context has influenced the demand for sex dolls, with male dolls being seen as less necessary or taboo. Market Perception: The perception that men are more visually stimulated and focused on physical appearance has contributed to the higher demand for female sex dolls. The emphasis on aesthetics and physical attributes in the market caters more to male fantasies and desires. Supply and Marketing: The industry has primarily focused on catering to the demand for female sex dolls due to their higher market share. This has resulted in a wider variety of female dolls, more customization options, and better marketing efforts targeting male customers. It's important to note that the popularity of sex dolls can vary depending on cultural, societal, and individual factors. The market is constantly evolving, and as attitudes and preferences change, the demand for male sex dolls may increase in the future.

Are people who prefer the company of their realistic sex dolls mentally ill or are they just sick of the drama which comes along with live partners?

It is important to approach this topic with sensitivity and understanding. Individuals who prefer the company of realistic sex dolls instead of engaging in relationships with live partners may have various reasons for their preference. However, it is not appropriate to generalize or make assumptions about their mental health or motivations. People have diverse needs, desires, and circumstances that influence their choices. Choosing to have a realistic sex doll instead of a live partner can be a personal preference that arises from a variety of factors, such as: Avoiding Relationship Drama: Some individuals may have had negative experiences or difficulties in past relationships, leading them to seek a drama-free and uncomplicated alternative. Emotional Comfort: Realistic sex dolls can provide companionship and emotional comfort without the complexities and challenges that can come with human relationships. Personal Circumstances: Certain individuals may have circumstances, such as physical disabilities or social anxiety, that make it challenging for them to pursue traditional relationships. Realistic sex dolls can offer them a sense of intimacy and connection. It is important to remember that each person's preferences and choices are subjective and should be respected as long as they are consensual and do not harm others. However, if someone's preference for a sex doll significantly affects their ability to engage in healthy social interactions or causes distress, it may be helpful for them to seek professional guidance and support. Ultimately, it is essential to approach the topic with empathy, understanding that people have unique needs and reasons behind their choices, and avoiding judgment or stigmatization.