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(49 People Likes) Do all men expect their wives to manage all household chores, childrearing, and contribute equally to the finances?

bills are covered by bringing in an income that is enough to cover their monthly and yearly expenses.
Make sure that the bills, groceries, etc. are actually physically getting paid, by going to the store and buying the monthly necessities, calling the utility company or setting up online payments, making sure all their other bills (student loans, car loans, mortgages, credit cards) are being paid off.
Make sure that they are eating every day, either by purchasing take out or preparing meals for lunch and dinner and, possibly, breakfast and snacks.
Make sure the house is clean enough to meet their standards and is in working order with regular dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, scrubbing, organizing, taking out the trash and also replacing light bulbs, air filters, broken drawers, etc.
Make sure they have clean clothes to wear, either by doing the laundry, taking the clothes to a laundromat or dry cleaners, or having the laundry sent out to be washed.
Make sure there are clean dishes and silverware to use, either by breaking out the plastic, or washing the dishes in a sink or dishwasher, or even hiring someone to take care of this task.
Make sure the car(s) are in good working order by getting regular oil changes, taking them to the mechanic when it starts making that funny noise again, or learning how to do this maintenance themselves.
Make sure the yard and/or lawn meet their standards, either by mowing the lawn, weeding, watering, laying down seeds or fertilizer, or even planting herbs or flowers.
Once a couple has children these responsibilities can double (or more if the child or children have medical, emotional, behavioral, or other serious issues). Couples with children have to:
Wake the child/children up and put them to bed every night.
Keep the child/children (relatively) clean with regular baths, and probably some intermittent scrub downs. Also need to wash their ears, brush their teeth, and comb their hair.
Keep the child/children appropriately dressed by going out and purchasing clothes in their size, or ordering them online, and getting them dressed every day.
Keep the child/children fed by purchasing additional food, especially food that they would prefer to eat, and preparing the child food for each and every meal of the day.
Keep the child healthy by trying to keep them out of harm’s way, taking them to the doctor for regular check ups and booster shots, bringing them to the dentist as recommended, and dealings with the many, many colds, flus, scrapes, cuts, and even broken bones they will experience.
Help the child learn, first by teaching them letter, numbers, and shapes, then by reading to them and encouraging them to learn, then by helping them with their homework, and being an active part of their education.
Giving them rides…everywhere. Dropping them off at school, walking them to the bus stop, taking them to their friend’s house, picking them up from soccer practice, bringing them along to the store.
Keeping the child/children relatively entertained. This will be a constant challenge. They need to engage in active playtime with the children, take the children to the park or playground, set up the sprinklers or the slip-n-slide for the kids to play on, take them to fun activities that the children will enjoy.
Making sure the child/children are taught appropriate behaviors and manners, either by dispensing a time out, or guiding their learning by teaching natural consequences for their actions. Young children will need almost constant guidance on appropriate behavior and learning rules which will keep them safe (like don’t talk to strangers and don’t run into the street!).
There are a lot more little things that you, as a couple, will need to tackle, but these are the average things that come up day after day and need to be constantly tended to. Keep in mind, some couples also need to deal with:
Caring for a sick or dying elderly relative, especially one suffering from dementia. This is very hard on everyone involved, and can range from regularly visiting their relative at the hospital or care facility, or even having the relative live with the couple.
Caring for a pet or pets. All pets need to be fed regularly. Dogs need to be taken on walks, and someone needs to pick up after them. Cats need their kitty litter cleaned. Even hamsters and gerbils need their cages cleaned regularly. All pets need occasional visits to the vet. If you’re taking care of farmyard animals (like horses, cows, or goats) they can be even more work than children, depending on how many you have.
Homeschooling their children, and teaching them all the lessons that they would normally learn from teachers.
Dealing with a serious medical condition or developmental disorder. Particularly one that requires constant trips to a healthcare facility, or hinders their child’s ability to live a normal life.
So, as you can see, there a ton of responsibilities and challenges that couple need to face together as a team. Each couple needs to decide together what is the best breakdown of responsibilities that works best for them.
You met a guy who explained that he would like to be responsible for 1/2 of the very first item, and he would like his w sex doll 2017 movie fe to handle every single other item on the list, as well as half of the first item. Not only was she responsible for all of those items, he had high expectations that she must handle them very well. Cook his food “right,” not have leftovers, be entirely responsible for the children; he should not have to help in any way.
Yes, that seems unreasonable. No, the vast majority of men do not agree that this seems like a fair distribution of work.
I’m not too worried about it, though. I can’t imagine a lot of women will be quick to accept what he is offering. It seems like being a single parent would be a lot easier than being married to this guy, at least then you don’t have an “adult man” that you also have to take care of.
**I put “adult man” in quotes, because I feel like if you can’t or won’t prepare your own meals, can’t or won’t clean up after yourself,

(45 People Likes) Is it ok to get a sex doll? Saw a documentary about this man who lives with one as his wife. (Talking about the super expensive silicon ones)

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(22 People Likes) Who is the real doll in the play A Doll's House?

n, whom she plays with. Her point being she no longer thinks she can raise her children well because she doesn’t know what it is to be her own sex doll 2017 movie erson, and she doesn’t think Torvald really knows how to relate t