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(60 People Likes) Which real-life haunted doll inspired Chucky in the Child’s Play movies?

gifted to a young boy named Robert Eugene Otto in 1906 by his family’s maid, a practitioner of voodoo. In time, Robert supposedly claimed this doll was alive, and that it was mutilating his other toys.
Years later, supposedly another family bought the house and found “Robert” the doll in the basement, and the parents gave it to their ten year old daughter. This daughter supposedly claimed that the doll tried to kill her.
While this doll DOES exist, this story is primarily nonsense. No ten year old girl has ever lived in the Otto house, for example. And there is no evidence that this doll served as the inspiration for Chucky.
Child’s Play creator Don Mancini was actually inspired by the Cabbage Patch Kids dolls in how these toys created a culture of must-have toys for children. More specifically, Mancini pattered Chucky off of the “My Buddy” doll craze of the ‘80s.
Even then, Don Mancini’s vision wasn’t actually what we got on screen. In Don Mancini’s original screenplay, the “Buddy” doll was intended to signify the repressed id of little boy Andy. He would only come to life at night as a manifestation of Andy’s mind.
It was actually director Tom Holland who gave us the Chucky doll we know and love, from the red hair, the Good Guy moniker, the voodoo ang

(42 People Likes) Why do some children love to play with dolls while others have no interest?

dolls names and pers sex doll male masturbator nalities and play scenarios as if they are playmates will never have a problem playing quietly in their own head space, children who can’t see dolls (or cars or other toys) this way may be happier with creative play, where they are making something out of play-dough or blocks, alternatively maybe they’d like to be painting or possibly they’d prefer to be climbing a tree or playing with a bat and ball. Each child is different and their minds and imaginations work in different ways.
We have a wonderful tv ad in Australia at the moment where a mother is making lunch for her children (using specific breads for each one). The ad is emphasising children’s differences - one is painting very carefully using small brushes and painting what he sees, while his sister is outside THROWING paint at an easel and enthusiastically using her hands (and feet etc) to create her masterpiece. The two children are called into lunch where they sit down with a younger sister who has dressed in dress-ups with a feather boa and headdress etc while seating her dolls (also dressed up) in chairs next to her and giving them plates too. I may not agree with feedin

(32 People Likes) Why would anyone condone the making of the pedophile child sex doll?

erals eat it up.
Besides, there is nothing illegal about them.
Most laws regarding such things were stuck down, The only thing illegal is actual sex with or pornography using actual children.
One could take a picture of a little girl licking an ice cream and photoshop something else in, not illegal.
One could draw cartoons of He-man raping Dora the Explorer, nothing illegal.
One could take an 18 year old who looks young and dress her up like she is 12 and make pornos and there is nothing illegal about it.
One could also make pornography with the child like sex dolls, and the is nothing illegal about it.
In the United States anyway, only real children being abuse is illegal.
And if someone were a paedophiliac, wouldn't you want them expressing it with an inanim

(35 People Likes) What will the report say about President Trump?

llusion with the Russians - but they found some unrelated areas of misconduct that may or may not be pursued from a different angle. #2 - they did not find any collusion with the investigation BUT their investigators did manage to deceive and dupe some of the witnesses into ultimately a trap that they will call “lying” and they will say that Trump’s relentless tweeting and attacking them “obstructed” the investigation. Those “charges” are wimpy at best. I think of it like taking an inflatable doll with you to the prom. Yes you really have a date - but - it is an inflatable doll !!! They are bail out charges that they hope they can make stick and bring some sense of satisfaction to an otherwise useless investigation.
Option 3- the report will stun the entire country and provide a direct link between Trump and an organized effort by a team of Russian hackers to influence the election. This is by far the least likely scenario or they would have moved faster than a glacier.
Ultimately doing something with the report will be a challenge to prosecute. First EVERYTHING is based off of a bogus dossier that was made up and paid for by the democrat party. All the initial investigation was based on this and by now everyone knows it was extremely weak. Also, they misrepresented what they had to a judge to get a warrant. Thirdly, the entire operation was destroyed by violating the constitutional protection of attorney - client privileged communication with all of the things that Cohen came out with. Fourth, strongly biased FBI agents were involved in the initial phase of the operation and everything they touched was heavily tainted. A good team of defense attorneys would pretty much rip most of this apart under solid constitutional challenges.
Congress - both parties - have an extreme hatred towards doing anything constructive for Americans. They LOVE to investigate each other forever and by staying tied up in investigations they avoid doing real work. So, whatever com

(94 People Likes) What interesting thing did you read today?

o stay put. If the pot sits on a heat source, and if you gradually increase the temperature, the frog will do nothing. As the heat gradually increases, he will continue to swim in the pot. Eventually, he will boil to his death.
Why would the frog refuse to jump out and escape? Because his internal apparatus for sensing threats to survival is geared to sudden changes in his environment, not to slow, gradual ones.
This is the best thing I read today, while reading articles on ET.
Much like the frog we humans are also same. We panic immediately, but don't react to changes that are gradual and steady.
There are many examples in history to prove the scenario. Let me point out a couple of them.
Market leader Kodak loosing to Digital Cameras. Though it's believed to happen over a short time, the erosion was taking place for years. This erosion caused the migh Sex Doll Torso y empire to fall, as the people like to call it, “All of a sudden”.
As you all may be guessing the next one! Yes, it is Nokia. A brand which was seamlessly “