sex dolls on the rise Relevant Information
(33 People Likes) Why is it common and socially acceptable in Eastern countries like Japan, Korea or China for single men to have life-sized woman sex dolls instead of a girlfriend/wife, but not in the West?
Russian and Ukrainian women… ) refuse to date local Asian men, find them generally repulsive and they get angry when we don’t find the local female population repulsive and prefer to date the local population over the expat cat/DVD women who refuse to let go of their tightly held racial dating preferences.* That we don’t think the same as them when it comes to dating the local population, they probably see our overall preferences as a betrayal of them physically and our ‘shared values’ thus the bile comes out in the guise of racism, anger and bitterness - usually hidden amongst feminist rhetoric. Why Won't Western Women Date Chinese Men? It’s a great article by Jocelyn Eikenberg and I am going to copy and paste a quote from it. When I thought about my burgeoning crush for Tian, I figured it was no different from that college semester when I studied in Spain. All the American girls I knew liked flirting with the local Spaniards, and why not? The experience of being in a foreign country and culture somehow liberated us from our usual American expectations for men and dating itself. We could try new things. We could even reinvent ourselves and what it meant to be in love with someone. It seemed natural and normal to do the same in China. I didn’t know much about China back then — a time when I could only communicate in Mandarin with a dictionary and lots of patience, and where my entire cultural knowledge was amassed from the library books on China I borrowed during the summer. But I figured surely I wasn’t alone in my feelings. Surely the other female foreign teachers at my college had secret crushes of their own. Or so I thought, until one day when I was sharing lunch with my colleagues. “Whenever I arrive at the airport in America, the first thing I notice is our men, how handsome and how tall they are,” one of my white female colleagues mentioned over lunch. “I’ll just stare at them for hours, as if I was Chinese and had never seen a foreign man before in my life.” At least that woman wasn’t as blunt as another colleague, who used to bicycle with me through the streets of Zhengzhou. As we stopped on the corner of a side street and watched the mostly-male populous pedaling past us through the intersection, she grimaced. “Chinese men don’t really seem that attractive.” “How can you say that?” I asked her. “I don’t know... they just aren’t.” She sounded too casual for a woman who just dismissed the entire male population in China. How could these women just write off all Chinese men as undateable? The question haunted me as I pondered my crush on Tian. But it wouldn’t be the last time I would find myself up against these ideas. As I continued to date the locals in China and eventually married a fellow from Hangzhou, I would come to realize that most expat women in China agreed with my Zhengzhou colleagues. And sometimes, their dislike was just shocking. A European woman I worked with in 2001 famously told me that, while she found all Chinese men completely repulsive, she considered Chinese children so adorable. So it is down to common garden racism. On the topic of submissiveness - are Asian women submissive - I am sure some are, some western women are too, submissiveness isn’t a national or a racial trait. What most critics are confusing ‘submissiveness’ for an indirect style of communication - it is exactly what it is - Asian women (generally…) are not as direct or forthright in putting their ideas across, but if you marry one such lady, you’ll see she is not submissive in any way shape of form when it comes to what she thinks is important. Try and take a year (or any length of time) off work to ‘find yourself’ and see how submissive she is then. Anyt

(20 People Likes) The supermodel-like look of these most realistic sex dolls makes them favorite of the young girls and women alike
the next level and play with them without any feeling of embarrassment, shame or guilt. Just ease yourself on the warm, hard manhood of the bestselling male sex doll that you choose, and experience the pleasure of getting intimate with the guy of your dream. If you prefer, you can have his penis in your booty, or lick it for as long as you wish. Enjoy the hardness of firm erection for an unlimited amount of time that you always wanted but missed with these skinny dolls. And the best part is that the the dolls
(86 People Likes) What is the difference between real people and silicone dolls?
en to use by themselves. It is just another form of masturbation. Masturbation is safe, natural and healthy. No risks of sexually transmitted diseases, no unwanted pregnancies, no complicated mating rituals or relationships for those who are not in a steady sexual relationship. sex dolls on the rise Humans masturbate. This hasn't stopped humans from continuing to mate with each other and make more humans. A sex robot is just another, slightly more e
(52 People Likes) What one thing did you do that left your mother sobbing?
me my step-father. They were married about a year later, and a few months later, my little brother was born. It wasn’t long after that, that my step-father started paying a bit more “attention” to me than I liked. He worked up to it, grooming me, etc. When he eventually did what he did, he warned me that if I ever told my mother, she wouldn’t believe me, and would stop loving me. I believed him, because my mother wasn’t a very nice person. At least to me. Not sure why, exactly. It might be because I had a vagina, because she sure seemed to have great patience with my little brother, and all my cousins — who were male. I won’t go into all the little details, just know that no matter what happened, I was to blame. I was also a very meek child. Avoided conflict at all costs. So when blame was laid on me for something, even if I was nowhere in the vicinity when the deed went down, I backed down and accepted it. I learned long ago to never stand up for myself, because the punishment would always be more severe. So, anyhow, I suffered with my step-fathers attention for years. But as I grew older, I started to rebel — only not in a healthy way. More passive-aggressive. I figured if I was going to have the name, may as well play the game. I started stealing money from my mother’s purse, lying, failing my classes, fighting. Even ran away from home a few times, although I always turned myself into the police the next morning. I wasn’t a “good girl”, and that was probably my downfall. Because when I was 14, I finally screwed up the courage to tell someone what my step-father was doing to me on a regular basis. I told a teacher and a counselor. Of course, they dragged my mother in. She took me home, and didn’t say a word to me the whole way. She sent me to my room, and I wasn’t allowed out until she called me. My step-father came home, and she confronted him. Naturally, he denied everything. She finally called me out, and said the words I will never, EVER forget: “You don’t want to push this, because if you do, we’ll have to move out, and we can’t afford to live without his paycheck.” She wasn’t crying, yet. But I realized my step-father’s threat was real — I could see my mother would stop loving me if I pursued this. So, God forgive me, I lied. I said, “No, I just said that for attention.” That’s when she started to cry. How could I do such a terrible thing to her? she screamed at me. I was forced to tell that teacher and counselor that I had lied. Of course, everyone at school found out somehow, so life became hell. I was dragged to a psychologist — who just happened to be close friends with my step-father, and she knows he’d never do anything like that! My life was ruined. At least my step-father steered clear of me from that point. My mother decided to wash her hands of me, and sent me half-way across the country to live with my real dad. Of course, she told him what happe
(35 People Likes) Why are dildos not looked down upon but sex dolls are?
one of them coded her cellphone to have a continuous vibration mode switch for personal entertaining purposes). Others resorted to things like electronic vibrating massagers, children toys, kitchen appliances (like a mixer). For dildoing only, they resorted to things like deodorant ca Sex Doll Torso s, shampoo bottles, anything rigid made of plastic or rubber with a phallic form and a manageable size (for a better experience, they used to put a condom and some lube on it to reduce friction and easy the hygiene). Glass objects like bottles and organic vegetables are not re