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(57 People Likes) Are voodoo dolls real or fake, and how can science explain it?
and represent sex toys for women doll tion of Vodou (only spelt ‘voodoo’ in fiction) in popular culture has received very little attention from scholars (Murphy, 1990; Bartkowski, 1998; Hurbon, 1995). To people in the west, Vodou is all about zombies and sticking needles into wax effigies. If there was anything other than irrational superstition fear surrounding these beliefs, I’m sure the rest of the world would have heard about it. Haiti is well known for its Vodou practices and for many years it was the country’s national religion. It is one of the only Caribbean island’s successful slave revolts in recorded history. When the slaves liberated themselves from the British and the French, they sent a disturbing message to the coloniser in which the uprising and battle for independence resulted in a considerable amount of violence against the white colonists. The slaveholders’ biggest fears came to life; their way of life meeting an abrupt and violent end. However, many of those fleeing from the Haitian Revolution were treated as though they carried a dangerous disease (Murphy, 1990: 333). Years later, the West had still not come to terms with their ‘livestock’ rising up against them. As a result, any form of expression that comes from this region was deemed to be bad and harmful for the white man and therefore it must be denounced in every way possible. This is why the concept of ‘Vodou’ maintains a negative image within media, as a fleeting warning to the West that they too may fall victim to another barbaric attack. Myths Obscur

(92 People Likes) How do I know whether to marry or not a 35 year old widower when the girl is 24 years old (perfectly fit for a normal marriage) when the guy is healthy, well settled, no kids and loves her so much?
bar. Even in arranged marriages, age gap is acceptable if the man sex toys for women doll s eligible. If you both love each other than you mustn't think about age, society rules or moral police. It's only love that make any relationship works, not the age. Love, Understanding and Respect for each other is all what it takes. Luc
(69 People Likes) In Islam, is it okay to use the voodoo doll, or are they real?
y reason to use one would be if you thought they were real. I’m unclear on whether Islam has any specific comments on voodoo dolls; most likely it would fall under a more general “do not u Realistic Sex Doll e magic/sorce
(55 People Likes) Will men accept a woman who has to fart all the time?
fart sometimes?” A woman who “has to fart sometimes” is like a woman w Real Doll o has to eat sometimes, drink sometimes, sleep sometimes, heck, breathe sometimes. In other words, a woman. Men who do not accept this biological fact don’t have to accept these women, but in doing so must reject all women. (I was going to say “human women” but I realize that non-human females — mammals anyway — also fart sometimes.) A few weeks ago, I saw an article about a subculture of men who decide they’ve had enough of women, and choose to live without them. They call themselves Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW , thanks User-12396800715122294700) and they seem to be asexual in nature and definitely anti-feminist. Like their name suggests, MGTOW choose to disassociate themselves from women rather than deal with them. These men, I suppose, will not accept female farting, but they don’t accept female anything. Some people, I have learned, love to fart in front of their love partners. I am not one of these people. That’s a whole other subculture. (Well, it’s not really a subculture, more of an aspect of a relationship dynamic.) Nothing wrong with that, it’s kind of sweet, but I’d rather farts be kept private whenever possible. T
(27 People Likes) A few other points to keep in mind before you go
e prostitution happens is cons sex toys for women doll dered a brothel in most circles. Brothels have existed in this form for thousands of years. In fact, the first brothel established and taxed was in the 5th century in Athens. The French and Spanish have a long histo Real Doll y with brothe