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(51 People Likes) Why were Pink Floyd's concerts better than Led Zeppelin's?
ys’ worst show over the other guys’ best. But, having seen both bands live, and heard extensive concert recordings, I think I know what you mean. Pink Floyd were always about the show more than the band. The band members themselves were relatively faceless (a fact they parodied themselves both in aspects of The Wall and in throwaway lines like “by the way, which one’s Pink”*) and did not in any way rely on traditional rock-star charisma to put over the performance. Even early on, they were focused on the experimental nature of the music, the light show, and the sound production. Syd Barrett’s excesses aside, the band were relatively straight-edged, even geeky, and very inwardly focused (seldom even acknowledging the audience). The result was consistent technical excellence, perhaps at the expense of spontaneity and immediate connection. Led Zeppelin were nearly opposite to all these traits. Page and Plant were capital-s Superstars and the experience of a Zep concert was all about being in their presence, charisma, and swagger. Where their records were mostly immaculate, onstage the only thing that was tight was their pants. Zeppelin shows were deliberately under-polished, under-planned, and spontaneous, favoring the long blues-based jam and extended solo time. They personified rock-and-roll excess (whole books have been written about their debauchery, and you sure can’t say that about Floyd), and didn’t always come on straight. The result was a wildly variable, often shambling live show **, but one with undeniable rock-and-roll pedigree and a direct connection with the live audience. So, heard in retrospect, without fan bias, and without the benefit of actually being in the golden glow of either band, the Floyd concerts are going to seem “better”. How the two actual concert experiences compared is impossible to say and fully subjective. *Sung by a

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bout those 'Top' fake companies, usually companies of the top rank won't cheat you. But, ofcourse you may have heard about the Sharadha and Rose Valley scam. I'll like you not to invest in any of the mutual funds. They're complete cheats, trust me all of them. Another thing that I'll like to mention is the messages telling you that you've won some sort of prize from companies like Amazon or Home Shop 18. Never reach out for those prizes assuming the good name of the company. It happens a lot in Kolkata and you may end up with some great loss. I would like to share another thing from my personal experience. I was returning from my work, w shemale doll sex en I was approached by a man who supposedly seemed to be a promoter of some sort of company, distributing pamphlets. He handed me a set of clicked sheets of paper and asked to fill up the first page only. He told me it was some sort of quiz which would test my GK. I was told if I'd win, I'd get some attractive gift. Naturally I filled it up, being in no hurry and submitted. And definitely I had to put down my phone number so that they could contact me. After a few days, I got a call and I was asked to hand it over to my parents (since I wasn't an adult at that point of time). My father took it and was informed I had won and would get some prize, which would help me in pursuing my higher studies (maybe some monetary benefit). The prize would be distributed by Reliance at their office. Naturally my father appeared at their office, when he was told that in order to collect the prize he'd have to make an investment, in sort of some insurance of minimum 50,000 IN
(34 People Likes) What's the point about living and dying in the first place if there is "heaven"?
the One True Inflatable Doll. He was up to his usual tricks, picking away at his guitar and mumbling incoherently. “Hiya Jimmy!” I said cheerfully to him. He stopped playing and looked me straight in the eyes with one of those death stares that he’s so famous for. It’s the kind of stare that makes you wonder if you should reach for a hand gun or a straight jacket. He then resumed his playing. “How are you doing today?” I asked, this time with more of a concerned inflection. He stopped playing again. This time, Silicone Sex Doll e set his guitar down next to his Holy Chair of Stuffed Monkeys. Then, from behind the chair, he pulled out his big 24 ounce can of malt liquor and took a half dozen hearty gulps. Finally, he spoke. Actually, he bellowed for all within the next few blocks to hear, “I’M GONNA BURN DOWN THIS WHOLE TOWN!” You see, according to The Gospel of Saint Jimbo, “heaven” doesn’t exist. The believers of the other (and false) gospels tried to help out St. Jimbo at one time or another, but were unable to. St. Jimbo was just too much for them to handle. When they gave him shelter, he burned it down. When they gave him food, he threw it into his campfire and burned it up. When they gave him clothes, he urinated on them and burned them (St. Jimbo’s urine is an interesting concoction of kerosene, alcohol and highly flammable hobo sweat). The only thing he can’t figure out to set alight yet are his empty cans of malt liquor. But give him time… When St. Jimbo was a younger hobo, he spent quite a bit of time in Nevada. He once went to a place that he was sure was “heaven”. After all, the sign on the building said “Heaven” and that was good enough for him. He was even promised hoards of young vixens and all that he could drink and smoke. But after about ten minutes inside, the fire department showed up. Guess what? The popular Heaven Brothel Pro Shop in Elko, Nevada had caught fire by the hands of St. Jimbo and he spent some time (only a few minutes, actually) in jail (until he found a way to set that on fire, too, and escaped). What’s the point of me sharing all of this here: Well, Heaven doesn’t exist because St. Jimbo burned it to the ground. And to answer your other question regarding whether or not life is worth living or not, that answer is up to you. Life is what you make of it. St. Jimbo spends his days hollering at cars, threatening to burn things down, playing sick guitar riffs and drinking malt liquor next to his Holy Chair of Stuffed Monkeys. He’s far too busy to contemplate the universe or the benefits of living a life of servitude. At the end of the day, life is what you put into it. Do what you can to help those around you, be kind to older folks, smile at childre shemale doll sex (just don’t wear un-tinted Aviators when you do it or they’ll think you’re a child molester) and when your cat wakes you up at 4:30 in the morning for food, you don’t always have to throw her across the room. Find an organization (hopefully non-religious) to get involved with—a cause, a charity, something that does something to make a difference in people’s lives. I like to look back regularly and see if what I do on a regular basis is making a difference in someone’s life. If it isn’t I change my course. Sometimes this means I’m a very busy person. And sometimes this means it might cost a little money. But the rewards of seeing people get
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