singing jesus loves me doll Relevant Information

(100 People Likes) Will there ever be the level of acceptance for single males owning Japanese-manufactured women dolls/robots in the West the way it is almost universally accepted in Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, etc.?

ion has a false premise. Love dolls are not “universally accepted” in Japan or elsewhere in Asia. It is strictly a niche singing jesus loves me doll Sex Doll arket, exactly the same as elsewh

(80 People Likes) If I were to buy a younger looking sex doll that some could call a child sex doll which is legal but then post a video of me performing a sexual act with the doll on Pornhub, would that be legal?

racteristics of a minor is illegal, but that wouldn’t necessarily prevent some one from complaining or having some kind of investigation open by a Law Enforcement Agency Realistic Sex Doll It’s not even clear to me that being in possession of a sex doll that was made to look young wouldn’t necessarily get you into so singing jesus loves me doll e legal issues.
Laws regarding CP and sex are often vaguely written and left up to cops and prosecutors to use their desecration as to who and what they can charge. Depending on where you live, its very plausible you could be charged

(63 People Likes) What is something you saw on Amazon.com that is disgusting and should be immediately removed?

tions are at an all time high. It's the reason there are so many unwed teen mothers, and why so many innocent babies are murdered by Satan worshiping harlots via abortion bc they are too high to close their legs. Marijuana is the blame for the Capitol Riots and why there's so much racism in the world. Its rhe gateway drug. The reason so many people get hooked on heroin n coke. Legalization would be a death sentence for our way of life could you imagine? No one going to work, just watching TV, eating fritos, or raping the first woman you see? Not today Satan! Not ever! Not in my America! I already put in 50 complaints to remove this and all products that aid in the consumption of the devils lettuce and I urge you to join me. They say its for tobacco but im not stupid. I went to college and saw it in a movie my roommate was watching during our alloted 2 hour per week TV watching priivlidges.
I Hope they come to their senses soon and remove this vile, disgusting, item along with every singing jesus loves me doll hing else promotes the sale, use,, or legalization of the worlds most evil, addicting, life ruining substance to ever exist, Marijuana. This needs removed from Amazon and the police should be given records of every foolish purchaser and lock them up for life or maybe even just sjhoot them on the spot before they all end up either dead or living on the streets suckin cock for loose change in an alleyway next to a big Ole rusted out tire so they can score some heroin. Thats not only what can happen its what will happen. To anyone that smokes Marijuana or hangs out with someone who does, even just once.
Amazon needs to put more focus on selling some of their more wholesome items:
like this portable food scale.
I use it to help me with portion control n calorie intake so I don't turn into a fatty mcfatterson. Not a spring chicken anymore! As an added bonus, Its small so I can put it in my pocket so I always have it when i wanna share some of my favorite recipes with my friends or they want me to try theirs. 9/10 would buy again
Or Plastic bags to resale my custom made jewelry.
I get it for the low and pass my savings on to you. Yea, it's got my tax on it, if you don't like it. Leave it then.
And I just love these essential oil burning diffusers
I like to kick back n unwind with the help of one of these bad mamajamas when i get home from church or running around town preaching about God's hate for homosexuals and throw on some golden oldies, like ice T or Vanilla Ice. I just load in my oil that I get from my friends dad who makes his own in his bathtub with stuff he finds under his kitchen sink.. Or my old high school chemistry teacher who started making it in an old RV in the desert with his former student when he got cancer and needed to make extra money for treatment. I love knowing its homemade and that I'm supporting my local small business owners. .. then I kick back, fire one of these bad boys up and twist it in my hands and take deep deep relaxing breathes ..letting in all the sweet sweet vibes after a long day of doing the Lorts work, or stayin up late cleaning. Studying, learning about the lizard people secretly running the world and how to defeat them or spending time with my friends. Like sliding down an ice slide butt naked, super rejuvenating!
Or my personal favorite, turning soil over in my super small compost heap with its own funnel n shovel as a stress reliever and all purpose pick me up. It really gets my blood pumping!
So that's my answer. The worst thing on Sex Doll Amazon. All the

(50 People Likes) Is it weird that I'm almost sixteen and I still love to play with my baby dolls as if they are real?

utely normal! i am 19 now and don't mind peaking into my childhood toy basket and going on those silly yet wonderful adventures that i used to when i was a 9 y/o.. the point is much like video games, youtube channels etc. they are just an escape route from the actuality, and do by some means boost your imagination. i'd totally recommend to keep doing what Love Doll you are doi

(45 People Likes) Is Amazon causing deflation?

the demand for those goods. This is usually because of a reduction in money, credit or consumer spending.
Don’t confuse volume-driven reductions in nominal prices with deflation. The volume reductions generally are considered “inflationary” (we’d say it a little differently, in the sense that we’d talk about “improving resource allocation in response to a comparative advantage in purchasing”) as they are believed to be neutral to positive to the velocity of monet singing jesus loves me doll ry circulation within the economy. That’s too much jargon, though. But, the short answer is: it’s good.
Deflation is not good as it


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