siri sex doll Relevant Information
(30 People Likes) Does anyone have a family member who died in the Holocaust?
wald KL, where he died. As I understand it, he does not count as being killed in Holocaust, because Holocaust is defined as killing of Jews during WWII. What Nazi were doing was a purposeful extermination of groups of people for some specific reason. Jews were being killed for being Jews, Romas (Gypsies siri sex doll were being killed for being Romas, homosexuals were being killed for being homosexuals. My grandfather was taken to Auschwitz, because Germans were exterminating Polish intelligentsia: professors, students, priests, nobility, and others. They shot many on the spot, but my grandfather, who had been a Best Sex Dolls judge in a town near Cracow, was sent to a concentration camp to be worked to death instead. German AB-Aktion in Poland - Wikipedia My grandfather is listed in German records, but not in Holocaust memorials lists. My grandmother had been straight out told on several occasions that her loss does not count, because she and he were not Jewish. I did not think that was a right thing to say to victim’s family. That on top of the fact that she risked lives of everyone in her family, her own two little boys, to hide couple Jewish women in her basement (Germans would kill everyone in the home where someone was harboring Jews) yet never even been told ‘thank you’ by survivors who made it through the war, while she lost her husband in a lager; it left her quite

(60 People Likes) What is the best concert you have ever been to and why?
dging a concert depends upon the singer, the venue, the acoustics, the behavior of the crowd, the weather (if it is outdoors) and many other elements. Everything came together perfectly at an Alice Cooper concert I saw in Cincinnati just two or three years ago. Cooper is a magnificent entertainer. His desire to leave people satisfied was evident in the following elements: 1. Cooper went all out to put on an excellent stage production. The set changed frequently. Costumes changed frequently. He was theatric and exciting. I was blown away by the giant Frankenstein that came to life and walked around on stage, and by other amazing props. 2. Cooper covered much of his material from his lengthy portfolio going back to the 1970s. 3. It's hard to fake enthusiasm, and Alice Cooper appears to have lots of it. This is evident in his interactions with the audience and by his energy as he approaches 70. 4. I was very touched when Cooper sang his old song "I Love The Dead," because he had re-worked the song to pay tribute to fellow musicians who have passed away. Four gigantic mock tomb siri sex doll tones filled the stage, paying tribute to the likes of Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hendricks and other rock greats. He segued into his own rendition of some of their songs as he paid the tribute. 5. Lastly, and this is purely a matter of opinion, I find Alice Cooper's recent material very palatable. I love hearing it. So when Cooper sometimes sang this material rather than the old hits, I was not disappointed. I hate to say it, but this isn't always the case with all artists. Understandably, they want to push their new material some, but the new material isn't always so great. 6. Alice Cooper does not keep his audiences waiting. I have yet to see him arrive or start a show late, or t
(29 People Likes) What is the best friend?
ne and that’s what I try to shoot for. Not a bunch of women that are only interested in tearing each other apart with gossips which I personally detest. In college I met a wonderful human being who by the way was not from the states but officially from Russia - she is and always be my dearest friend and family to me. I had a lot of so-called friends in my time and I want to share what a so-called malignant narcissist friend said to me, “you better be careful letting go of those friends or you won’t have any?” That was a clue to not let go of her friendship? I was beginning she wasn’t worth effort to have around. At that time she was a cunning liar and deceitful person but wanted to part even though I didn’t know what she was at that time. I just felt uneasy around this horrible subhuman that used everyone including those she said she valued as a friend? What I want to say is those that hold on to friendships just to have them doesn’t realize some of those people are not the type you can trust. I have seen patterns and I looked at some of my old pics of gathering and realized one particular person wasn’t always there - which means she didn’t want to be friends with me or be a part of this group. She was part of the “malignant narcissistic “flying monkeys.” She was one of those “flying monkeys” that was doing her bidding for the malignant narcissist and was her roommate. Which I now know the malignant narcissists shared negatives things about me. The more I look closely at this malignant narcissist manners and attitude I see “plot over plot” to make me look as the bad guy when the malignant narcissist I recalled was talking about this “flying monkey” who was her roommate and told me she said something nasty comment which I believe was to see how I would “react” to those negative comments. Anyone that is your friend doesn’t tell you negative comments made about you but defends you and not tell you but stand up for you! What is interesting a friend no matter who they are “don’t spread rumors” and make the other person be the villain when it became obvious the things she said about me but always telling me was said by someone else? How I dealt with it I didn’t believe her and ignore any of the negative comments and never gave any “show of emotions” to the hurt because they were lies built upon lies. True friendship is a two way street - you give and take from each other and it is never one-sided but if it is - then
(73 People Likes) What do cops feel about the sudden slowdown of vehicles on a highway after their patrol cars appear?
ally not legal, but I’ve passed many cops on the side of the highway over the decades I’ve been driving , and have never been pulled over for it. There are times when I go over that and just don’t realize it, but I slow down as soon as I realize it. One thing I’ve noticed is that if everyone is going 10 mph over the limit, they tend to just sit there. I’ve also noticed many cops driving on the highway and start passing the people that aren’t doing the 10 over that everyone else is, because they’ve seen the cop and slowed down. (Because they’re speeding too.) However, I know that sometimes cops pull people over, not because they’re speeding too much, but because as soon as they passed and saw the cop, they hit the brakes to slow down. I had this happen when I was young. I was drinking and driving at the time and was following another car on the highway going the same speed. We were the only two cars in the area at the time, and the 1st person just kept on going. I however noticed him, and instinctively hit the brake pedal to slow down. When I looked in my rear view mirror I saw his lights turn on, and he pulled onto the highway to pull me over. He actually let me go, but still impounded my car and made me call a friend to pick me up. And I wasn’t so drunk that I was swerving or anything, but definitely over the legal limit, which might have been why he didn’t arrest me. (He a
(73 People Likes) Can governments print unlimited currency or is there any international consensus?
all countries implies that there is a limited economic pie to divide and rules are required to protect each country’s interest…. It doesn’t work like that, the global economy is dynamic - not a zero-sum game. For example, there used to be a lot of alarm about our continual trade imbalance with China. Everyone was convinced that someday we would owe China for the years of borrowing, But, the truth is we can maintain our trade imbalance with China in perpetuity (Trump will f- this up, but, he didn’t need to). The reality was, China needed to create an export market for its product. So, it bought U.S. Debt, knowing that it would indirectly finance a permanent consumer for it’s product. Why would China ever want to do this? Because their problem has nothing to do with the US. They’re worried about a revolution. The c Sex Doll allenge they have is their Eastern manufacturing cities are absorbing 15 - 20 million peasants from the countryside every year. Think about it for a bit, that’s 10 - 15% of their workforce. You gotta keep inflation low and exports high to keep them busy. The last thing you want is for them to be hungry (especially, because these peasants average 6 guys for every 5 ladies. (not exactly a good ratio for keeping violence in check) This imbalance benefits both countries. As an aside, the ridiculous tariffs Trump has imposed on China mainly benefits… Russia. Giving China a new trading partner, reducing the attractiveness of maintaining the account deficit with the US and… most importantly, it will give Russia hard currency to use (and weaken G-7 control over Russian imperialism in the Ukraine) All the while, it will hurt U.S. farmers. The only consolation about the tariffs, is it will hurt the dumb hillbillies who voted for Trump in Iowa and Minnesota (soybeans) Pennsylvania (downstream steel) and WalMart shoppers. China will win this one, Trump will blame MS-13 and Maxine Waters and his supporters will buy more MAGA shirts while they lose their homes The problems with the Eurozone result from “Consensus” Monetary Policy Greek and Spanish bailouts (accompanied by punitive austerity rules), Brexit and German anger over losses of their savings precipitate the end of the Euro as a common currency. With good economic leadership, both the high-saving Germans and the high-spending Greeks could have created robust economies with strong currencies. Instead the high saving Germans are using their savings to subsidize the Greeks (and, as part of that subsidy, punishing the Greeks for what effectively amounts to not-being-German (and, BTW, the German’s are entitled to be angry) There are plenty of examples of bad monetary policy (the most famous was the Weinmar in Germany… which ironically caused them to be such reliable savers, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Hungary… Hyperinflation tends to happen as weak democracies