the pussycat dolls tainted love where did our love go Relevant Information
(44 People Likes) Should You Buy a Sex Toy or a Sex Doll
never done someone else’s hair, this can be a bit challenging, but the results are really worthwhile. Of course, you should always keep your doll’s hair clean a Best Sex Dolls d well-kept. Regularly washing and brushing is key. If you want, you can lightly mist the hair with something that smells nice, or try a sexy hairstyle. Makeup is another possibility. Just use something mild and water-soluble. This will add to the overall appearance of your

(81 People Likes) How does inflation affect a country's currency?
used to think a lot on this topic. But just recently got it clear. Even I am a beginner to the advance level of Economics. So over here I am presenting my understanding on the topic which is backed by many readings and logic. Constant rise in prices is termed as inflation. When the same unit of currency is able to buy lesser goods than before, we see inflation. Inflation is because of many reasons: 1. Cost-push. 2. Demand-pull. 3. Money-supply. Currency is a legal tender of exchange (money) accepted by a particular nation of the world. Say INR is Indian currency, USD is American currency. Currency is a narrow term than money. Money has primary two functions to perform: 1. Efficient medium of exchange. 2. Store of value. The quantity and quality of goods and services that a unit of a particular currency can buy depicts its purchasing power which is nothing but the value of currency. Money supply has to maintain a decent pace with the level of economic growth in the country. With increasing production, more money must be supplied in the economy to have the production and to avoid a cash crunch situation. But when the supply of money increases without any increase in production, it simply means that more currency comes into existence to purchase the same category quantity of goods. This increase can happen because of various reasons. One of them being the defence expenditure. This raises an obvious question:the pussycat dolls tainted love where did our love go > Is having more money than required bad for the economy? Certainly the answer is yes. Just for a moment think that the barter system has returned. No one has trust on the paper note. This gives rise to the economic phenomena of mutual dependence of needs. Moreover everyone would think about many commodities to store the value. This would seriously hamper the number of economic activities. Moreover much of time will get wasted in finding the exact opposite match. In fact the global trade that we see today is a gift of modern money. Linking the thought to our present paper economy. Remember money has changed its major form from coin to paper. One of the most important reason being the difficulty to carry such coins. As and when it devalued, difficulty kept on increasing. More and more coins were needed to buy the same quality quantity of goods. So came the concept of promissory note whose refined form we see today to be the legal tender paper note. Looking to factual position of the present economies (keeping into consideration many factors), money supply has increased at a faster pace than the economic growth. As a result more papers are needed than what were needed in the past. Once again the question rises, so what is the problem to print notes of higher denomination? This printing of higher denomination itself fuels the inflation. May be the reason that since Change against higher denomination may not be sufficiently available, it further raises the inflation. Consequently we see that the value of currency goes down. Even more consider an economy to be an open one. As the level of inflation goes up, value of currency against other currencies goes down. This is what is explained by the Purchasing Power Parity theory. Currency fluctuations happen because of two reasons: 1. Foreign currency is required for trade and investments. 2. Many speculators and traders do trade currencies on daily basis. International economics has to be linked for any open economy to understand the value of currency. For a better understanding refer: 1. Zimbabwean economic crisis. 2. History of money by James Robertson. 3. Rising of the USD as global currency. 4. Relationship between money supply economic growth. I hope your question is a
(44 People Likes) How do you think sex dolls will affect the future of society?
e freely available, women will become redundant, no more headache excuses, condom sales will tank, schoolboys won’t need to worry about making 12 year olds pregnant, Planned Parenthood will go broke, schools will close and liberal professors will flip bur
(70 People Likes) Would you let your partner have a mistress or a love doll?
doll, because I am not threatened by plastic and silicone. I do not feel that plastic and silicone can replace me. I do not feel that plastic and silicone divert attention away from me or jeopardize the relationship we've built. I do not own my partner’s sexual pleasure, and do not think that plastic and silicone can take away anything that belongs to me. In fact, I'm not sure I can even fully understand feeling jealous or threatened b
(22 People Likes) Why do most girls attach emotions to sex?
be treated like a purely physical fun filled activity, like playing sports, video games or going for walk? It fucking cannot be! Take emotions and intimacy out of sex and it is as good as beastiality and as bad as necrophilia or sex with an inflatable doll. PS: I'm a a