Information on young male sex dolls
Is it cheating if husband keeps expensive talking sex dolls (BeeJay and Fanny) and writes poetry about them in their own apartment?
Is it considered cheating if your husband has two expensive talking sex dolls (BeeJay and Fanny!) and keeps them in their own apartment, spends time with them, and writes poetry about them? This raises some concerns and seems excessive for self-pleasure. It may indicate deeper issues, such as a lack of intimacy with you. However, I would not label it as cheating.

(36 People Likes) I’m having bad anxiety about the real doll of Annabelle. It’s been haunting me for weeks. Is it real or fake?
It's strongly advised not to bring flowers into your home, as it may give permission for spirits to haunt your house. This can manifest in various ways such as frequent horrific nightmares, uncontrolled lustful thoughts, and sexual dreams. House hauntings can also occur, including feeling touched or sexually abused by demonic spirits, seeing shadows or dark silhouettes, objects moving or being hidden, and hearing tapping noises or feeling watched. Experiencing physical touch at night, including sexual abuse in the form of demonic spirits Witnessing unexplained shadows or silhouettes in your home, even in complete darkness Objects being moved or relocated without any human interaction Hearing unexplained tapping or other noises on furniture or windows> If you feel as though you are being watched despite no one being present, or if objects in your home move or are placed somewhere else without explanation, it could be a sign of demonic activity. It is recommended that you remove any objects from your home that could potentially attract demonic spirits. The Christian Corner is a helpful resource for identifying and exposing New Age and occult practices. This post covers the following topics: Introduction Practices to avoid, including yoga, divination, and Reiki and Parapsychology Consequences of engaging in such practices Tips for getting free from New Age and Occult practices, including Part 1 and Part 2 A personal account of overcoming anxiety and other conditions through prayer and fasting Overall, the post provides helpful guidance for those looking to avoid harmful practices and improve their mental health and well-being. The Christian Corner Guide to Overcoming Pornography, Masturbation, Lust, and Habits of Sin. Contents: Introduction Overcoming Pornography, Masturbation, and Lust Introduction Consequences of engaging in pornography, masturbation, and lust Steps to overcome pornography, masturbation, and lust Overcoming Habitual and Chronic Sins Understanding habitual and chronic sins Steps to overcome habitual and chronic sins
How can I find the courage to talk to a girl in college if I've never talked to one before?
If you're nervous about talking to a girl you don't know, start by practicing with different girls at a non-personal level. Once you're comfortable, gradually move to a more personal level and show interest by asking for her number. With daily practice for a month, you can become a master at approaching and talking to girls. If you need more guidance, seek out detailed advice.
What should my wife do against me buying inflatable dolls?
Here's a rewritten version: When buying a sex doll, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, it's important to watch videos and learn about the different types of dolls and their features, such as their swing posture. Secondly, price is a big factor. High-quality dolls can be quite expensive because they take 4 to 5 days to make, and some custom-made ones take even longer. The production process is complicated and drives up costs, so expect to pay around $1,500 for a decent doll. The better the craftsmanship and quality, the higher the price. One top contender in the sex doll industry is uusexdoll, which offers the best price and service due to their strong factory. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Don't go for a doll that's too cheap, but don't break the bank either. It's best to choose one with the right price and quality. You can buy sex dolls from a local adult product store, but keep in mind that they mark up the prices to make a profit. Online shopping is another option.
Will sex dolls and cloning make modern women more humble?
In my opinion, women hold the upper hand in most modern relationships. They have the freedom to pick and choose who they want to be with and are often protected by a society that is quick to defend them. When a woman pursues a man and is rejected, it is often viewed as the man's fault. However, if the roles were reversed, the man would be criticized for being entitled to her body. Women can also be selective about whom they date, based on physical characteristics, without facing any backlash. In contrast, men are criticized for having preferences, and their choices are often labeled as body shaming, sexism, racism, or misogyny. I do not believe that this is solely women's fault. They benefit the most from double standards and societal privileges. I hesitate to use the term "Female Privilege," but it is challenging to call it anything else. As a result of these societal standards, modern Western women tend to become more arrogant over time. They are taught to view the world as a constant battle where everything and everyone (especially men) needs to be checked, challenged, and subdued. This adversarial approach to empowerment can be detrimental to impressionable women who are told to be strong and independent but also not to take any mistreatment from anyone. Additionally, many women will openly insult men who do not meet their personal standards. As I previously mentioned in another answer, sex dolls, or sex robots, can significantly reduce the power women hold in society. It is argued that why would one tolerate the drama, financial expense, and stress that come with being in a relationship with a woman who may use clichés such as "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" when you can instead build a better woman? Additionally, constantly shaming men for watching pornography or being socially awkward, or unattractive to women only leads to their own downfall. It is suggested that in the past, men had more courage and could set boundaries and demand mutual respect from their partners. However, modern society has changed, with single mothers raising boys, schools favoring girls over boys, and society viewing men as dispensable resources with no real rights of their own, leading men to withdraw from the world. Rather than dealing with real women, which can lead to drama, stress, and even legal problems, it may be better to invest in technology such as more realistic sex dolls, artificial intelligence, and advanced machinery to create a day when a doll is indistinguishable from a real woman. In the future, many women, who may have become increasingly arrogant, may not acknowledge their role in this problem, just as they do not now.