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(80 People Likes) Has someone ever given your child a present that bothered you?

x, sincerely, it's just the truth.)
She walked in and I heard him race off. Then she showed me her “new” iPod. (Well, not new, it had been her older half sisters, she was 16. ) She said her Daddy had given it to her.
(I wasn't surprised because I'd asked him several months earlier, to just talk with me before giving her electronics, in hopes we could have a United plan for access or monitoring inappropriate content for her as she was getting older, he just ignored me)
She was so excited and she told me that “they”( I assumed they, were her Dad and his GF) loaded it with a bunch of songs for her. She started listening and then got a strange look on her face…then it turned into a shocked, then embarrassed. Then she suddenly took out the earbuds and just handed the whole thing to me.
I looked at the screen and saw that the song she had just heard was called
“Bitches and Ho's Can Suck My Dick” by Dre.
Yeah, not kidding. Wish I was. I scrolled through and my heart just dropped and my head just couldn't wrap it self around what this was about.
I literally started making excuses for him in my own mind so I could avoid what I was really thinking. He did this on purpose. There were over a thousand songs from a variety of artists including a lot of hard core rappers. I stayed calm, although I think my voice took on a kind of a Sing song like tone.
I asked my daughter,
“Honey, are you sure that Daddy GAVE this to you? “
She said “Yes. He showed it to me then said I could have it but he was going to put music on that we could enjoy. ( I missed the “we” part at first.)
But I don't know that song”.
I said “Ok, C Real Doll n I have it for a bit? I'm gonna call your dad and see if he made a mistake, ok?” She already knew it wasn't really right and that it probably wasn't a mistake, but I said it anyway.
I went to my room and texted him. ”Ok, what's with the new Ipod? Why would you do this?” Pls call me.
Instead his GF texted me. She Texted “Actually, I loaded the Ipod, I don't think he knows how to do that kinda stuff.)
Only what I knew, but she didn't, was he did know exactly what to do. We'd had some issues with iPods and account and authorizing and he and I had to figure it all out, he was lying to her. Or she was lying for him.
I hadn't responded yet and she She texted “I just added my whole Itunes library”.
“My son and daughters music too!”.
(Her daughter is 12 and her very wholesome son was off at college, I'm thinking he didn't leave his music, especially that kind of music on mommy’s computer)
She was panicking.
I respond “Ok, that explains some things. But I kinda need to try and wrap my head around this, so can I just talk in a sec.?”
She texted..
“I didn't censor it or anything”
”its my library…”
I replied “What?“
“We didn't censor it because we didn't think she would take it home with her.”
She's clearly not going to speak with me. For some reason, the woman refuses to speak on the phone or face to face. (not in 5 yrs, )
Nothing she texted made things any better.
As she just kept panic texting me little excuses.
I got more mad. What really bothered me about this whole “Gift” thing was it wasn't about giving my kid a gift at all. They used her, and they did it on purpose.
The reason I knew that they did, was because they were talking about the music.
But hadn't even mentioned it yet. Never even hinted that I knew what was on it. Just that he gave her electronics when I asked him to talk to me first. So, they knew it wasn't ok before I even asked.
What ever he was cooking up, was intended to make me look bad by the next court appearance he had recently filed to modify his visitation. He was going to have to pay child support, but more time with our child would lower the amount.
But it didn't go as he was planning, it had back fired.
Now I had something and he had nothing.
Not that it mattered, he'd lie about something else.
So the next text I got was Monday.
He texted “Give the iPod to Her, (our kid) and she can meet me out front so I can pick it up today.”
I said “No.”
He texted “ What do you mean No? You need to hand it over, now.”
I didn't respond.
There was a DV protection order that prevented him from coming to my house unless he's picking her up for his visit and communication is to be peaceful and about our daughter.
He texted “You better hand it over or She'll (his GF) lose all her music! I mean it! I'm coming right now!”
I responded, “No, you aren't coming over. You have no visit today. Give me a break! You forget I know. We both know that won't happen. It's only authorized to one account. Yours or Hers. So the music won't get lost. “
He threatened to “come in and get it.”
I replied “No you won't. Because that's not ok for your child and because I'll have to call the police and you're go back to jail.” I asked “I don't know what you are trying to do, but Why would you expose her to this stuff? You need to just stop and focus on being a decent Dad.”
“are you worried cuz it's still connected to your account? You were going to blame me, huh?”
He never responded.
Since then he's also given an iPhone and demanded I let him put her on his plan so he could get a discount. But I then he could track her but I couldn't and she lives with me. I declined. But told him if he wanted to actually contribute to the cost, he could. He didnt. Then he gave her a tablet, but he registered it to himself and deactivated parental controls. When I asked him to change it or give me the password to add parental controls he refused. Then it was a laptop….this is ongoing and exhausting.
But the best part was 3 yrs later she was now 13 just got home from his house and apparently she got in a fight with her half sister who promptly went to their Dad, my ex, and outed her.
He texted me saying “ you better start acting like a parent and start monitoring what your kids doing on the internet and shit.“ ( I swear, that's word for word.) “I'm sure that's why she's coming up with all this crap she’s been doing and stuff she's thinking recently.“
(I figured he meant that her cell phon tiffany love doll turned her gay? )
I already knew about the fight and her sister telling her Dad she was gay. I didn't tell him because I thought she had a right to tell him when she felt comfortable.
I responded
“I am on top of her internet access, what are you referring to exactly?”
He responded
“If you won't be the parent, Than give me her password and I'll take her phone away and do your job if you can't"!
I ignored the doing my job part since he never has, not worth the effort to address.
“What rumors are you hearing and we are grown ups, just tell me who's telling you things that you aren't just addressing with her while she's in your care ?”
Then he admitted it was her sister but said I shouldn't tell our daughter or else “ She won't trust her anymore and she won't be able to spy on her for us anymore".
I said I don't want her to spy, I wanted her to just have a normal sister. But you do this and they resent each other!”
Please just try to be a decent Dad and be supportive. If y don't support her, don't be a dick.
He responded “ fuck you.
While most divorced couples are able to set stuff aside and do what is best for their kids, some just can't, or won't.
Usually, when it's a custodial parent’s “off” weekend, (when kids go to the other parents) its their time to just relax. Date or just do what they want, and NOT worry.
I honestly would welcome a gift from him that really was just for her to enjoy, wouldn't even care that I can't afford it but he can , I just want her to have what she deserves. This isn't what she deserves. A gift, should be a gift. Not a form of manipulation .
The gifts he's given her have never been for her enjoyment, there is always another agenda. And always a way for me to be the bad guy, because I'm the one that will take it away.
I divorced him because he was is abusive. The court decided he wasn't, at least to his kids. They are absolutely wrong.
But the way he tells it….
“ I just wanted to give my kid a a gift. I don't know w

(90 People Likes) What is a "reborn" silicone doll?

a 'reborn' Sex Doll anufactured vinyl or silicone doll is one that is re-painted (with special paints and techniques) to appear more lifelike, and often the person who repaints the doll will also give it 'rooted' hair (real or mohair). Most often, it is baby dolls that are reborn, and are made to look like real infants, with veining of the skin, pinking of the knees, knuckles, heels, etc., and even 'dr tiffany love doll ol' moistened l

(98 People Likes) Is it wrong for a man to want to get a high-end love doll? Is it considered creepy or perverted?

thought it was a little on the creepy side. However, I don’t know your situation but although I do have three of them I rarely use them for sex. They are almost like companionship than sex dolls. I do have other toys for sex including torsos and several different other items.
They can certainly be used for sexual gratification but for me they do tend to combat the loneliness I feel rather than the need to get off with them.tiffany love doll r> Are they creepy!
It’s all in the eye of the person looking at them and in the last five years it’s become Real Doll multimillion dollar business with thousands of clien

(11 People Likes) Where can I purchase a silicone doll, not for sex? I neither need nor want the sexual part of it. I would like to create a statue of a character from a story I am writing.

men clean themselves up. You will have to clean this thing up, and it is gross, and tedious, and you could just jerk off far more easily and conveniently for free! Also, they don't exactly move like real women do, if you get what I mean. You can pose them, but they don't move at all. So, if the idea of necrophilia turns you on, then go for it! But if not, years later, you'll look at all of the years wasted that should have been spent with a good woman, and you'll feel the same way about your crappy home since you've only ever been able to rely on your own income for your mortgage, or more likely, rent. All of us men hav tiffany love doll certain needs, and yes, the doll May

(10 People Likes) Can you buy a 100cm love doll in the USA?

enough to fulfill your need of having someone next to you.
There are some evident advantages of ordering a love doll:
They are incredibly natural and good-looking, especially if the size is close to a woman's height.
The creators make them nearly perfect to meet your expectations and satisfy you.
Dolls can improve both your mental and physical health.
Satisfying your sexual needs with a love doll is close to the sex relation with a real woman. Ordering a love doll means not being alone anymore, which positively affects your mental health as well.
You can be the one who chooses all the necessary parameters you would like to have in the doll.
I have checked some forums[1] to get familiarized with this topic, and I found out that you can find anything you want onhttps://www.elovedolls.com/nlp/silicone-love-doll/
. T Real Doll e wide assortment makes your choice more conscious.
In real life, having a love doll will result in better-structured requirements for a potential pa


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