tsunade sex doll Relevant Information
(36 People Likes) What’s the most unusual item landlords have found left behind after someone moved out?
loor walk-up. The landlord, who lived in the building, asked me what I could rent it for if we did a renovation and got it off of rent control. I asked if it was a studio or a one bedroom, and the landlord said that she didn’t know as she had never been allowed inside. The tenant came with the building when she bought it in the 1980s. This was around 2012 so in 30 years the landlord had never been inside a unit in the building which she personally lived in. When the tenant moved out, she took only a cardboard suitcase. She had moved in during the Kennedy administration and never left, so her rent was something like $104 per month. What we found inside was astounding. There was an entire wall made of meticulously emptied and stacked Hellman’s mayonnaise jars, several thousand of them. Also stack upon stack of periodicals including hundreds of Cat Fancy, though no evidence of a cat. All in all it took five dumpsters to empty and demo the apartment. At a huge luxury building in Manhattan, we had an incident where a body was found shoved down the trash chute, and a large number of tenants wanted to move out before their leases were up. I was tasked to help process some of the check-outs. I entered an apartment with a tenant to find the kitchen to have obviously had a bad fire. The backsplash and upper cabinets were all destroyed. I asked the tenant what happened, and she explained something to the effect of, “Well, I’m an orthodox Jew and we believe that you have to cook off the remnants of whatever impure foods were left in a kitchen, so I poured oil on the countertops and set it on fire. The cabinets got a little burnt in the process.” Flabbergasted, I clarified that she had intentionally set a fire in a building where over 1,200 people lived, and she basically shrugged and said, “What else would you expect me to do?” To my knowledge, and I’ve checked with a few rabbis, that is not a normal practice. Edit- suggested I put this in the original answer Just remembered another one… Thompson Street. One of those really awful old Manhattan apartments with a shower in the kitchen. The toilet was in a little room of its own, just a little cubicle. The tenant had replaced the standard light with a black light bulb and painted the walls and the door with that black chalkboard paint. Then they used a silver metallic paint pen and wrote a long and elaborate poem about drug use covering the walls from floor to ceiling. This was very difficult to paint over, and while the super was attempting to do so, I was showing the apartment and someone wanted to rent it as is with the poem in place. So we wrote a rider to the lease disclosing that it was like that and that they requested it be like that (technically by law you are supposed to tsunade sex doll completely paint b

(47 People Likes) How accurate is Silicon Valley from a software engineering standpoint?
of technical consultant to make the show accurate. One think to note is that the show is highly viewed by the tech community, so there is little room to make any technical mistake. However some scenes are questionable to me, also at the same time they are hilariously enjoyable : In one episode all the porn from Intersite got deleted because Hanneman had put a tequila bottle down on the "Delete" key of one of the laptops. This looks absurd to me. Ideally if you have to delete something just need to press the key once, I can’t think of a situation where you need to continuously press a key to delete continuously. Although technically possible (need to build a real shit program), but its quite unlikely to happen. You get it right ? Also the leading porn site did not have backup of their premium contents. This is also not possible. Although for the sake of argument you can say they did not explicitly mention that they did not have any backup or you can say that shitty unrealistic program deleted the contents from all servers (including backups) with just a press of key. If you notice most of the time their computers have some text/code editors opened. Those screens look like some one put a static image of sublime text code editor with some codes. They don’t give a feeling of real code editor opened in those machines. The way sometimes they type looks unrealistic to me. Most of the typing scenes are only few seconds long and bam they fixed the issue ! I don’t think programmers type like that. Last two points are more of a production error/flaw I would say. Also this is my personal view, I could be wrong. Also the show has lots of emotional dramas like you are surely losing till the very end, but suddenly things turn around and you win at the 12th hour. Think of the TC Disrupt and the lawsuit, they had no chance till the end, but suddenly things started to change from no where, kind of a happ
(26 People Likes) What is perfectly legal, but creepy as hell?
sed her to have an aneurysm, I believe. They found evidence that he had sex with her during the tsunade sex doll utopsy. When he realized he found his underage teen stepdaughter dead, he had sex with her dead body while it was still warm and responsive to sexual contact. He confessed about having “always wanted to” and that she was dead, so why pass up the opportunity. Since she was dead, the courts agreed he had simply defiled a body, which required digging up an archaic law to fine him $50. In Tennessee, you can keep any roadkill you hit. Gerrymandering. It's perfectly legal to, in one of the most blata Realistic Sex Doll t and visible ways possible, to openly rig our voting system. White Supremacist Militant groups are not considered terrorists here and may operate unmolested unless a specific claim is made. The populace can all have guns, but even if every American citizen fought our military in a coup, the populace would be decimated and lose in under a week Marriage. It's legal to bind your finances to someone else and force them to be legally answerable for sexual choices. Yikes. Stand your ground laws. States with these mean that if anyone advances toward you and you think it is aggressive, it becomes legal to shoot them dead. On the USA, the first thing you have to do when starting a new job is sign paperwork that abdicates your right to sue them if they break the law to abuse you as an employee. The second thing is a mandatory urinalysis, but sometimes that comes first. For the big media reality shows (which are largely faked), if you go to audition, the fine print on the contract says that by attending an audition, whether you are actually seen or not, you sign away your rights to any music which you perform or compose in perpetuity. The contract actually addresses how this applies to the entire universe, just in case the
(26 People Likes) Are voodoo dolls real or fake, and how can science explain it?
and representation of Vodou (only spelt ‘voodoo’ in fiction) in popular culture has received very little attention from scholars (Murphy, 1990; Bartkowski, 1998; Hurbon, 1995). To people in the west, Vodou is all about zombies and sticking needles into wax effigies. If there was anything other than irrational superstition fear surrounding these beliefs, I’m sure the rest of the world would have heard about it. Haiti is well known for its Vodou practices and for many years it was the country’s national religion. It is one of the only Caribbean island’s successful slave revolts in recorded history. When the slaves liberated themselves from the British and the French, they sent a disturbing message to Real Doll the coloniser in which the uprising and battle for independence resulted in a considerable amount of violence against the white colonists. The slaveholders’ biggest fears came to life; their way of life meeting an abrupt and violent end. However, many of those fleeing from the Haitian Revolution were treated as though they carried a dangerous disease (Murphy, 1990: 333). Years later, the West had still not come to terms with their ‘livestock’ rising up against them. As a result, any form of expression that comes from this region was deemed to be bad and harmful for the white man and therefore it must be denounced in every way possible. This is why the concept of ‘Vodou’ maintains a negative image within media, as a fleeting warning to the West that they too may fall victim to another barbaric attack. Myths Obscur
(64 People Likes) Why is it when men collect dolls its creepy but if a girl does it it's ok?
him, and he’s written some excellent books. http://www.theimer.fr/ I’ve know other men who were superb dollmakers and collectors, too. Granted, guys who love dolls are a distinct minority in the doll world, but those who do are usually no more cre tsunade sex doll py than women who love dolls. At the other extreme, I was once stalked by a man who Realistic Sex Doll managed to buy one of the dolls I’d made (long story), and was carrying it around in the trunk of his car showing it to people. Apparently he was also telling