ultimate love dolls Relevant Information
(91 People Likes) Which is the best sex doll shop in Qui Nhơn?
asure on of the ultimate love dolls est sex toy in Qui Nhơn. you don’t need to worry about delivery and the Love Doll prices are within your bud

(65 People Likes) What should I do if my parents are installing a security camera in my bedroom?
emselves in an unholy way", that they actually removed the kids bedroom door from the hinges (ummm...your kid still jerked off in the shower, and yes, he shared that with the youth group once) to parents who should have been on their kids like white on rice because their kids were drinking and sleeping around and getting in all kinds of trouble, but the parents were so oblivious because, "we're a good Christian family so my kids would NEVER do that." Based on my experience, here are my thoughts: 1) The pedophilia thing is more far fetched than most of these people are saying, but it's not impossible. I would ask your parents straight up...are you planning on using these videos in any sexual manner? It's a legit question and most parents would be so horrified at the thought, you would know immediately if that was an issue. 2) Have you done anything to bring this on yourself? If you've been caught with drugs, have been sneaking people in, having sex against their wishes, then you are going to need to let them put that bound in place. While I agree it is not the healthiest solution to put a video camera in your kids room, they are your parents and it is their responsibility to keep you safe. In that case, maybe suggest an alternative (no camera, but you're not allowed to lock the door, maybe allow them to do random searches of your room, let them monitor your phone, etc) 3) This is what I suspect is the most likely scenario...your parents may have major control issues/severe anxiety/possibly clinical paranoia/etc. Or, they may have made some terrible choices as a teen and are scared to death you'll do the same. These are not healthy things for your parents to feel, but parents are people and they are just as f***ed up as everyone else. Are you the oldest? Sometimes the oldest child gets the worst of this behavior because the parents are having trouble "letting go". Again, none of these are healthy, but if they are unwilling to take a hard look at what is motivating them, all the rationale from you is not going to change them. This is where talking to a youth pastor at church, a school guidance counselor, or some other trusted adult in a position of authority would help. They can blow you off as just their dumb kid, but if another adult comes to them and says, "hey, I heard your kids say you are installing a camera in their room. What's going on?", your parents may be more inclined to listen to an opinion other than your own. It may be that they need help for clinical anxiety. Maybe they just have some fears they need to deal with, like if your mom had a baby at 15 and is terrified that you'll do the same. If you were a kid in my youth group, I would have been more than willing to talk to your parents for you, so I'm sure there is some adult in your life that can help. 4) If there is no way around it, they won't budge and you refuse to accept it...move out of your room. Sleep on the couch. Change in the bathroom. Be in your room as little as possible.
(99 People Likes) I want to buy a TPE sex doll 170cm from China to Canada. How do I avoid customs and shipping?
ipper’ and your company as the ‘consignee’. You can send a ‘Switch Bill of Lading’ request to the shipping line (or freight forwarder) that is handling the shipment to request that they switch the details to your company as the ‘shipper’ and your customer’s company as the ‘consignee’. They would do this for a set fee, then you will have to provide the customer (importer) a copy of the new Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice, Packing List (and any other required documents). Note that all of this would have to be done
(88 People Likes) Does anyone have a family member who died in the Holocaust?
wald KL, where he died. As I understand it, he does not count as being killed in Holocaust, because Holocaust is defined as killing of Jews during WWII. What Nazi were doing was a purposeful extermination of groups of people for some specific reason. Jews were being killed for being Jews, Romas (Gypsies) were being killed for being Romas, homosexuals were being killed for being homosexuals. My grandfather was taken to Auschwitz, because Germans were exterminating Polish intelligentsia: professors, students, priests, nobility, and others. They shot many on the spot, but my grandfather, who had been a judge in a town near Cracow, was sent to a concentration camp to be worked to death instead. German AB-Aktion in Poland - Wikipedia My grandfather is listed in German records, but not in Holocaust memorials lists. My grandmother had been straight out told on several occasions that her loss does not count, because she and he were not Jewish. I did not think that was a right thing to say to victim’s family. That on top of the fact that she risked lives of everyone in her family, her own two little boys, to hide couple Jewish women in her basement (Germans would kill everyone in the home where someone was harboring Jews) yet never even been told ‘thank you’ by survivors who made it through the war, while she lost her husband in a lager; it left her quite
(49 People Likes) If a girl calls me "doll" or "love” or other pet names like that, does she like me?
answer without additional information. For instance, it is not usual for some waitresses to refer to me as “hun”, “baby”, “honey”, etc… and I’m pretty sure they don’t all love me, it is simply their habit. This is not to say she doesn’t like you, but rather that alternately