cloth sex doll Relevant Information
(79 People Likes) Do men really mean it when they say they don't like surgically enhanced body parts?
hey like natural breasts compared to fake breasts. When I say I like natural breasts over augmented ones I’m not just talking about appearance. For the most part fake breasts are about money. Either making money as a model or meeting men who have money. This can lead to exploitation and a general feeling of mistrust. It can also be a sign of narcissism. The women that pay for them are usually attractive already and there are better things to spend 5 thousand dollars on than new body parts. They also don’t usually match the shape of naturally occurring breasts so natural breasts are always going to be a little sexier. This tends to transfer to the woman’s appearance and general demeanor as well. Women with fake breasts tend to be actresses, modest and strippers with flashy and sometimes even gaudy lifestyles. According to most studies on attracting this is a turn off for men. We like women who are NOT flashy and who live regular lives. Our waitress was in her 50’s and had breasts which were “pristine” for lack of a better word. We started talking and came to the conclusion that there’s no way they could be real. After a couple glasses of wine we got up the nerve to ask about them. We probably wouldn’t have normally but it was late at night and the restaurant was almost empty. What followed was probably one of the funniest most light-hearted conversations I have ever had. The waitress was retired and got them on a whim one day. She had always wanted larger breasts so it was more or less a bucket-list item. She went into detail about the costs, the healing process, the “design” process, bra-shopping, back-pain, flirting, etc. She even let us both grab them. She was in her 50’s but still really attractive. cloth sex doll he verdict on breasts is based more on the woman than on an individual pair

(16 People Likes) Has anyone tried to break the real Annabelle doll free from the Warren’s home?
cording to the paranormal investigators, this haunted doll was first gifted to a student nurse in 1968. But after some days, the doll started behaving in a strange way and was often found in a different place and not in the place where it was kept before. Soon, the priest declared that the doll was inhabited by an evil. After this incident, Ed and Lorraine Warren took this doll to their museum and kept it in a glass, wooden box along with other demonic toys. Image source: Google (196
(70 People Likes) I'm 12 and I still love playing dolls. Is it babyish?
eople in doll Facebook groups who are even boomer age, I'm actually one of the younger ones! I like stuffed animals and dolls because they provide a sort of comfort to me. I really started collecting Build a Bears and Cabbage Patch Kids when my dad got arrested, and I re bonded with Kami and got back into American Girls since the pandemic happened. I even take her to th Sex Doll rapy with me. The sad thing is about kids your age is that other people are trying to make you grow up too quick when you should just really enjoy being a kid. I didn't want to give up toys when I reached middle school, I kinda compromised and stopped getting as much toys and kept what I did have a secret, but I didn't like doing that, but I'm not ashamed anymore, and you shouldn't be ashamed either. And the best thing about the internet is that you can find fun ideas to do with dolls. People make doll videos on YouTube or TikTok, people post pictures of them on Facebook, Insta, or Tumblr (I like to sew outfits for Kami and post pictures with her wearing them), you could find groups, make friends all sorts of stuff, maybe you'll feel less alone (but like all internet stuff, please be safe, even in doll groups you could have your share of, weirdos). Look, life kinda sucks right now, 12 is a weird age, I know I've been through that, and a lo
(16 People Likes) What is the best way to obtain a fake ID for 21 that scans and passes for a real one?
discover if it is legitimate or not. Not so many years ago, I lived in Southern California. I maintained a California drivers license as well as a California state ID card even after I moved from California to Oregon. One vacation I went to Europe with my family and returning to the US we stopped in Los Angeles and decided to stay in Anaheim for two weeks. We needed to rent a car, but alas AVIS requires a valid drivers license and I had left mine back in Oregon. I only carried my work ID and my CA state ID with me. AVIS refused to allow me to rent a vehicle. I was shit-out-of-luck. 🙁 At first I thought it would be easy enough to just go to DMV and get a new license. What a stupid idea! DMV in any location near Anaheim is a full day affair. Waiting lines are horrendous. Even once attended, they have to mail the new license to you. AVIS will not accept the temporary license you are issued. Again, screwed. So I was explaining my problem to a buddy and he told me that he had an easy and foolproof solution. He took me to a strip mall in who-the-hell-knows-where to meet a guy who for $50 promised me an exceptionally high quality fake CA license. I gave him the money and my CA state ID and went to McDonald’s to wait. Half an hour later he calls and we go back to meet him. He gives me back my state ID and a brand new CA drivers license which looked just as real as my original license. If had the same photo and same ID number as my state ID and the guy said it was foolproof. I went to AVIS and after they ran my license I was able to rent a vehicle. A few days later we drove down to San Diego for the day and returning to Anaheim got stopped on the interstate at a Border Patrol checkpoint. For some strange reason they asked for ID and I thought, “Shit, they will know my drivers license is fake.” As tacky as it is, I decided I will just show they my credentials. Doing that, they apologized for the inconvenience and I was on my way. I dodged a bullet. Until about an hour later. The CA freeways are the worst part of driving in California. I absolutely hate them. I almost missed one of the interchanges and had to make a last minute turn. Fortunately there was no traffic so it was relatively safe. But there was a CHP. And the guy got behind me and pulled me over. I thought, “Boy, am I fucked!” How the hell can I get out of this one. I don't mind the ticket, but he will definitely find my license is fake. I thought of how best to handle this and decided that worse comes to worst I'll be honest. I gave the patrolman my license and he came back after running it and just gave me a warning about making safer lane changes. He never discovered my license was a replica of my real one. I never had to pull the DYKWIA stunt. And no ticket. Just like winning the lottery! So, yes, there are some exceptionally high quality fakes out there. I was lucky in that my fake had real data on it that cleared the computer. If it
(63 People Likes) Is it normal for me to be upset with the thought of my boyfriend purchasing a life-sized sex doll? He wants to buy a very expensive and real life looking one.
l. My boyfriend just told me he needs a 2.5k one to be happy so he can take it to restaurant bathrooms when I won't go with him (his words). I'm questioning everything. I'm 29 and he's 25. What to do about it? No idea. I plan to get counseling on it. It's interrupted massive plans in motion. Good luck to