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(50 People Likes) Is it right for me to have a realistic sex doll because my girlfriend has a low sex drive?
ink it’s wrong. Let me ask you a question though. Clearly you two are not compatible sexually. Are you planning on using a sex doll for the rest of your life, or do you think you’ll eventually end up with a different girl who actually wants to have sex with you? That’s my long winding way of asking you why you have a girlfriend you’re so poorly matched with. I can think of reasons you might be sticking around. None of them are good long term reasons tho

(66 People Likes) Are you Searching for low price love dolls?
erfect solution-- introduce a third player in our bedroom. However, neither my girlfriend nor I would actually be for finding a real girl/boy to experiment with. The compromise of ordering two love dolls was found-- male and female. We conducted deep research, and some advantages of having sex dolls were found: No possibility of getting infected with some venereal diseases. Improvement of both mental and physical health. No chance of broken heart. As long as both of you realize that it's just a silicone doll, you will be satisfied and "refreshed" both as well. There is a wide choice on the internet. It's even possible to customize a doll on your own. Real Doll It would be foolish to lose this chance, truth be told. Just find a reliable online store like https://www.elovedolls.com/ and explore some advantages
(18 People Likes) Should I buy a silicone sex doll?
men clean themselves up. You will have to clean this thing up, and it is gross, and tedious, and you could just jerk off far more easily and conveniently for free! Also, they don't exactly move like real women do, if you get what I mean. You can pose them, but they don't move at all. So, if the idea of necrophilia turns you on, then go for it! But if not, years later, you'll look at all of the years wasted that should have been spent with a good woman, and you'll feel the same way about your crappy home since you've only ever been able to rely on your own income for your mortgage, or more likely, rent. All of us men have certain needs, and yes, the doll May
(49 People Likes) Are there any uses for sex dolls besides being a sex tool?
t them in the passenger seat of cars to fool cops into believing you have a passenger, this is useful in case you wish to use a highway lane that has a mini dallas love field dollar rent a car um number of passengers restriction, as you find in some jurisdictions, Of course you are then relying on the stupidity of cops, but in relying on that, one is rarely disappoin
(18 People Likes) If you were at a party and a hot girl passed out, what would you do?
e-in and orientation the week before the rest of the student body gets back and classes start. so, you have a whol class of feshman (about 1,250 people) all living it up for a week, without classes (although they are doing the required orientation activities in the day). Inevitably this involves a lot of partying and hooking up. It is this attractive freshman who lived in a different dorm, but was looking for another guy’s room. My dorm had a square layout, so unless you knew the subtle things to look for it was easy to not know which side of the square you were on - and my door happened to correspond to the door of the freshman guy she hooked up with the previous week, but on a different hall on the same floor. Sort of like this, but much dumpier: She was in no state to read the small door numbers (much smaller than in the above picture). She asks(very slurred) if Joe(not his real name) is there and where he is - I quickly realize what is going on and tell her no - I haven’t met him yet and its not his room. It also quickly became apparent that she was upset with something that happened that night at a party - they hooked up earlier and she was looking for more than just a hook up. surprise - he wasn’t. so she insisted that she would wait for him there, in my room, which she think’s is Joe’s. I realize that she is in no state for me to send her off to find her way back to her dorm on her own, so I sit her down in a chair and look for Joe's roommate, Bill(again, not his real name - turned out to be a great guy -much different than Joe). I hunt him down and explain the situation and ask if Joe is around. No - he is at a frat house(football team frat - again no surprises), but he knew the situation and her and he would come back to my room to at least get her out, get her cleaned up and find a place for her in our dorm. It was pretty normal for people to spend the night in other dorms as a guest, whether recovering from a party or just a study break, so this wouldn’t be weird for anyone else in the dorm. We go back to my room and this girl is now in my bed, without her pants on. We wake her up and she starts taking her underwear off, and we figure out that she is trying to use the restroom, while encouraging her to keep her panties on. My room now just turned from Joe and Bill’s room, to the bathroom. We get her clothed - I help her to the restroom and get some water while Bill is figuring out where Joe is and finding a place for this girl. Turns out Joe decided to spend the night at the frat house. So, we make an executive decision and tuck her into Joe’s bed so Bill can be right there to keep an eye on her if she has to puke/use the bathroom/etc. It was about 2:00 in the morning at this point and you can’t get into a dorm that isn’t yours after hours, and we thought two guys trying to get into a dorm across campus, with a girl who is basically catatonic, would be a futile effort. I left it to Bill from there - again, great guy and he totally made sure she got to her dorm in the morning. Needless to say things did not work out between Joe and her. we bumped into each other at a party later that semester. She did not remember me at all, but her friend who was with her recognized me (That morning Bill ha