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(86 People Likes) Are Good Guy dolls real?

ave been born from that commandment in the Bible about not making a graven image or likeness of anything from the Heavens above or below (blah blah blah.) To do so would be idolatry or something and only pagans did that kind of nonsense, right?
That thinking probably scared a lot of people. So Love Doll a bunch of marketing geniuses back in the “olden days” started churning out these suckers:
Because we all know that “Hell Sells” and boy, did it ever! A toy revolution was born and suddenly every Victorian lassie wanted an awful porcelain-headed, beady-eyed companion to watch over her in the nursery.
These were some seriously demented “graven images” if you ask me.
So haunted was I as a little girl, and as a guest in my aunt's “doll room” (ah, she was a collector, you see, and proud of her acquisitions) that I've loathed dolls ever since. I can't even be in the same room with one without breaking out in gooseflesh. They give me the fantods.
A visit to my aunt's house as a little girl would find me being put to bed in the “doll room” with the moonlight seeping in between the slats from the window blinds, shining into their death-stare glassy eyes.
Horrifying moments. I'd brave the “four-foot leap” to avoid whatever it was lurking beneath the bed ready to grab me in its claws, and sneak across the floor to where those dolls were displayed, and one-by-one turn them to face the wall. I couldn't sleep with them staring at me like that. Then, from the middle of the room, I'd once again launch myself into bed, avoiding the underneath, and scramble, terrified underneath the “magic covers.” For some reason, I thought blankets were the “safe zone.” Once under them, no “monsters” could get me.
In the morning, when Auntie would be in my room to wake me, I'd be terrified to see those dolls once more turned around facing outwards! Their terrible faces staring at me once again, and their cold, pale death-stares piercing my racing heart! I just knew those Hell Dolls came to life in the middle of the night and turned around to get me. How else would they have been able to turn

(44 People Likes) Is Amazon causing deflation?

the demand for those goods. This is usually because of a reduction in money, credit or consumer spending.
Don’t confuse volume-driven reductions in nominal prices with deflation. The volume reductions generally are considered “inflationary” (we’d say it a little differently, in the sense that we’d talk about “improving resource allocation in response to a comparative advantage in purchasing”) as they are believed to be neutral to positive to the velocity of monetary circulation within the economy. That’s too much jargon, though. But, the short answer is: it’s good.
Deflation is not good as it

(60 People Likes) How can I grow my sex doll renting business, and get more customers, while staying under the radar of competitors and unwanted attention (such as feminists organizations, etc.)?

question, some sex doll brothel was closed for feminists organizations, some were not!
Try to avoid those feminists organizations countrie dick sex doll , doll brothel in China is ok.
Don’t show your doll brothel address public and learn those surviving doll brot

(58 People Likes) Are we going to be cursed, possessed, or suffer from bad luck if we see real demonic things online on any site, video, or social media like the Annabelle doll?

chotic episode from schizophrenia, Huntington's, drugs, etc.)? Were the demons exorcised?
Broken people are vulnerable. Susceptible. Illness begets illness without treatment.
I am not a scholar on demons. I have my own observations. People say it is an entire race of beings with specific social structure and mandates. I am completely ignorant of that lore. I know nothing of official exorcisms.
My perception is of energy. There is healthy and there is thwarted flow and connection.
I’ve observed what appears to be a primordial demonic energy. It’s as if an area or a person has an infection. Alcohol and street drugs invite entrenchment of negative energy. Anger and violence are symptoms.
The world is very black and white. There is very little room for exploration of soul and meaning in the tapestry of modern life. This alone creates vulnerable people.
There were once integrative roles for all walks of life, ages, abilities limitations within a naturally intuitive and dynamic social structure. We don’t comprehend this, because all we’re taught is discord and warring culture. Competition, elitism. Gluttony.
Their ways are lost to us, while we share the same spirit and biology. Our natural selves are interdimensional. We are intuitive. We thrive on being loved, loving, building, creating, healing. The world today mocks, distorts and crushes those parts of us. We are not allowed the natural ponderance of our collective consciousness.
We don’t understand how much stress we are under. We are born into a screaming cacophony of torture, we think it’s normal. We think war is normal. We think poverty and disease are just how it goes. These are lies. These are unnecessary stressors entrenched into our global culture. Wounds where negative energy grows and infects our consciousness and therefore action.
We’ve forgotten that we are a race of empaths, all influencing each other's flow and energy.
Negative energy is enhanced and hugely magnified by our war, disease, poverty culture. If you are looking for a demonic force driving people out of their minds, turn on the TV. Join the military. The faces of power reveal their demons. Power is entrenched with negative energy as much as any crackhouse.
The wound grows anywhere and is infectious.
I witnessed a fiery being within family. I’d seen the black, oily energy on land, in homes and around family. It made me queasy but a lot of things did. At the time I worked to suppress rather than understand things I saw.
He especially struggled with addiction. This behavior normalized in family culture. Both of them should have done jail time.
Their fiery inhabitants helped me understand generations created a wound of vulnerability to infestation. I entered years of specialized healing practices to undo and subdue the binding to dark energy I was born into. I worked with shamans and energy healers. I’d stopped the negative scripts in my head. I kept my distance from negative people.
My heart became more peaceful but my health and pain far worse.
I’m far happier now.
I was miserable, angry and lost when I’d been my most successful and productive.
I am no

(87 People Likes) I'm attractive but am reluctant to date women because I hate other people’s farts. Should I wear a clothes peg on my nose while dating or buy an inflatable doll?

tive but am reluctant to date women because I hate other people’s farts. Should I wear a clothes peg on my nose while dating or buy an inflatable doll?
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