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(52 People Likes) If we added those Asian sex dolls in prison, would that make prisoners happier?

Offenders cannot legally consent so therefore any sexual act between a staff person and an offender is rape. An interest ing fact here is that female staff are 4 times more likely than men to be caught up in this. This is true in both male and female prisons. Any staff being told about it is required to make sure that the offender is safe, report it to the Shift Commander, and file an incident report. These things are taken very seriously, and any accusation will be fully investigated. With federal grant money prisons now have video recording cameras almost everywhere inside. The downside of this is that offenders often make false accusations and cause the staff a lot of trouble and embarrassment evan if they did nothing wrong. Criminals lie. What a shock right? They do this to cause trouble in the system, they're mad at the staff involved or they want something.
I took the profession seriously and was careful not to give the impression that I was a mark for them but I was accused and placed under investigation. I had been on light duty due to an injury and was not working in the living units for about 2 months. When I came in I noticed that an offender was seated at a table and not wearing her ID. I told her that she's had to wear it and she said that it was in her room and she had locked herself out. Not having seen her before I didn't know what room was hers and told her to show me and I would let her in. About a week later I was called into the Superintendents office and informed that I was under investigation for sexual misconduct, and was to have no contact with the offender. I didn't know the offender in question so I didn't even know who I was supposed to avoid. She had claimed that when I opened her door I had followed her into the room, blocked the door and told her that I wanted sex. I then stared at her for 3 to 5 minutes before leaving. The camera showed that I did not go into her room and was at the door for less than 10 seconds. She had told two of her roommates that she was going to do this in order to get some anti-anxiety meds. They came forward with this and obviously I was cleared. By law we couldn't even write an infraction on her for this as we couldn't do anything that might discourage an offender from re

(17 People Likes) Where can I find cheap sex dolls with great discounts?

ess to the statements or online account. Find the doll of your choice and make the purchase.
When you get home, bring the package to your room and open when ready.
Though an even better plan would be to have it shipped to a local PO Box where you can pick it up and transport it home when ready. But of course you’ll need a PO Box and likely a car as well.
If you have a friend, consider shipping the contents to their home and then picking it up when ready.
Truth be told, the problem isn’t buying the sex doll, but rather hiding it from your parents. You’re literally hiding a human sized and shaped item from them. You’re limited at to where you can put it because of its size and shape

(44 People Likes) Do you know of anyone who died with a smile on their face, and if so, what was their cause of death?

w when you are smiling. But you might look in the mirror and notice you have a sad, angry, grumpy or angry face and be so shocked that you immediately change your expression because you had no idea your resting face came across that way or that your mind was actually preoccupied and showing what was on your face.
My dad died with a worried look- the same signature worried look he always had- I had only seen him once in my childhood, and he had that look. The next time I saw him was in the morgue with that same look- that's how I could positively identify him.
I imagine if there was anyone in the Bible who died with a smile on his face it would have been Stephen:
54 When the members of the Sanhedrin heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. 55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 56 “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”
57 At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, 58 dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul.
59 While dollar airport parking dallas love field they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.
Here are some stories and photos of people who died with a smile on their face. Some of these are very touching.
9 Photos Of Peop

(12 People Likes) Is MD Career Hunter Recruitment Pvt. Ltd. (Ecostation, Salt Lake-V, Kolkata) real or fake?

bout those 'Top' fake companies, usually companies of the top rank won't cheat you. But, ofcourse you may have heard about the Sharadha and Rose Valley scam. I'll like you not to invest in any of the mutual funds. They're complete cheats, trust me all of them.
Another thing that I'll like to mention is the messages telling you that you've won some sort of prize from companies like Amazon or Home Shop 18. Never reach out for those prizes assuming the good name of the company. It happens a lot in Kolkata and you may end up with some great Real Doll loss.
I would like to share another thing from my personal experience. I was returning from my work, when I was approached by a man who supposedly seemed to be a promoter of some sort of company, distributing pamphlets. He handed me a set of clicked sheets of paper and asked to fill up the first page only. He told me it was some sort of quiz which would test my GK. I was told if I'd win, I'd get some attractive gift. Naturally I filled it up, being in no hurry and submitted. And definitely I had to put down my phone number so that they could contact me. After a few days, I got a call and I was asked to hand it over to my parents (since I wasn't an adult at that point of time). My father took it and was informed I had won and would get some prize, which would help me in pursuing my higher studies (maybe some monetary benefit). The prize would be distributed by Reliance at their office. Naturally my father appeared at their office, when he was told that in order to collect the prize he'd have to make an investment, in sort of some insurance of minimum 50,000 IN

(77 People Likes) Would you be surprised if a good looking centibillionaire began dating an average girl?

cret. In fact there might be an inverse effect such that those stunners rarely outperform an inflated doll, whereas the more average looking ladies tend not only to be entertaining in bed, they often also have a lot of other skills that makes living with them much more

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