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comparison to uncomplicated relationships with dolls. Moreover, they can be programmed multiple times to be different persons. Advances in robotics may in the future allow the manufacturers to produce replicas so realistic to be mistaken for humans. That is still a few years away. One of the first AI Doll companies offers customized dolls wi Anime Sex Doll h skin, hair and personality of your choice.

(91 People Likes) What’s the most unusual item landlords have found left behind after someone moved out?

loor walk-up. The landlord, who lived in the building, asked me what I could rent it for if we did a renovation and got it off of rent control. I asked if it was a studio or a one bedroom, and the landlord said that she didn’t know as she had never been allowed inside. The tenant came with the building when she bought it in the 1980s. This was around 2012 so in 30 years the landlord had never been inside a unit in the building which she personally lived in.
When the tenant moved out, she took only a cardboard suitcase. She had moved in during the Kennedy administration and never left, so her rent was something like $104 per month. What we found inside was astounding. There was an entire wall made of meticulously emptied and stacked Hellman’s mayonnaise jars, several thousand of them. Also stack upon stack of periodicals including hundreds of Cat Fancy, though no evidence of a cat. All in all it took five dumpsters to empty and demo the apartment.
At a huge luxury building in Manhattan, we had an incident where a body was found shoved down the trash chute, and a large number of tenants wanted to move out before their leases were up. I was tasked to help process some of the check-outs. I entered an apartment with a tenant to find the kitchen to have obviously had a bad fire.I asked the tenant what happened, and she explained something to the effect of, “Well, I’m an orthodox Jew and we believe that you have to cook off the remnants of whatever impure foods were left in a kitchen, so I poured oil on the countertops and set it on fire. The cabinets got a little burnt in the process.” Flabbergasted, I clarified that she had intentionally set a fire in a building where over 1,200 people lived, and she basically shrugged and said, “What else would you expect me to do?”
To my knowledge, and I’ve checked with a few rabbis, that is not a normal practice.
Edit- suggested I put this in the original answer
Just remembered another one… Thompson Street. One of those really awful old Manhattan apartments with a shower in the kitchen. The toilet was in a little room of its own, just a little cubicle. The tenant had replaced the standard light with a black light bulb and painted the walls and the door with that black chalkboard paint. Then they dollar car rental at dallas love field sed a silver metallic paint pen and wrote a long and elaborate poem about drug use covering the walls from floor to ceiling.
This was very difficult to paint over, and while the super was attempting to do so, I was showing the apartment and someone wanted to rent it as is with the poem in place. So we wrote a rider to the lease disclosing that it was like that and that they requested it be like that (technically by law you are supposed to completely paint b

(23 People Likes) What are the oddest objects hotel staff have found left behind by guests?

ll sometimes happens, sometimes with a few hundred in cash inside), small jewelry items (usually, for some strange reason, a single earring, rarely both of a pair . . .), cell phones, cell phone chargers especially (I've said before, some guests are mutant aliens who eat TV remotes, but just as many try to make up for it just a little by leaving a cell phone charger behind), loose articles of clothing, small electronic items like an MP3 player, occasional loose food items (maybe a bottle of water or soda), toys (usually a stuffed animal, baby doll or teddy bear) - we're always finding weird things guests left behind . . .
A guest's entire baggage - not quite, but almost, a complete wardrobe. Where it gets really odd is when they never call to reclaim it. It
You'd think we should consider filing a missing persons report, but we lack either standing or sufficient reason to believe something bad actually happened to him.
A refrigerator full of food. Or beer. Or bottles of liquor, sometimes unopened.
Medical appliances - the occasional oxygen bottle and, once, a CPAP machine (Continuous positive airway pressure
- one of my family uses one of those, so I have a pretty good idea how much they cost . . . and they can only be had by prescription, which requires a low-to-mid four figure overnight visit for a sleep study . . .)
In cheaper properties, drugs - and enough of them to have a street value, or to add to your stash if you use drugs - out in plain view, complete with paraphernalia. (In one location, years ago, I checked in a guest who came right back and demanded a refund after finding a used needle in her nightstand. In cheaper places that aren't too fussy who they rent to, used needles and other paraphernalia being found in rooms by housekeepers, and sometimes missed, are a not-uncommon occurrence. A near-tragedy occurred recently at a Motel 6 this past year because of just such a thing: a used syringe was in the floor under the bed, and as the next guests in that room were a family, a small child went crawling around, found it the hard way, and had to be taken to the hospital . . . )
Unopened packs of condoms, occasionally lingerie, and the occasional sex toy (on one occasion, an inflatable doll . . .)
What makes this question tricky is its similarity to a discussion I got into last month about guests trashing rooms or leaving them unusually messy or filthy very few things stick out as particularly memorable. Even things that do, by contrast to the usual-usual, seem 'bound to happen sooner or later' unremarkable. An odd item left in a room would have to be pretty bizarre or surreal in order to rate even mentioning, never mind making for much of a war story. In most cases - except for the CPAP (unless you or someone close to you suffers from sleep apnea, who knows? Who cares? Who can even identify the device?) and rubber 'love doll', and I'm not so sure about the inflatable doll - if someone on the staff brings it up or mentions it, there'll be some more experienced person on the staff who's seen it before, more than once.
Most likely items to be reclaimed at lost and found: high value items, obviously; and anything with an obvious sentimental value (we rarely get a call back about, say a shirt, but someone will go into a panic over a ball cap with a certain logo on it . . .) If it's one of those, we'll make some effort to contact the guest (individual hotel policies on this vary). In any event, we bag it, tag it and hold it for thirty days (unless it's obviously inappropriate to do so, such as with perishable food or dirty underwear). After that, the room attendant who found it gets to play finders-keepers with it if she wants.
(Occasional exception: if it costs next to nothing to ship, and it's clearly a high-value item to an important regular customer like a checkbook or piece of jewelry, or if it's something like a doll or bear that mean

(35 People Likes) How sex doll porn helps people

y using sex dolls in his retelling of the behind the scenes antics that allegedly happened during the filming of Rebel Without a Cause. Franco isn’t alone. Artist June Korea photographs sex dolls. His art is intended to explore human emotions. We think his pictures are quite stunning. We think we’ve got some strikingly beautiful sex dolls that would work very well in an art installation. We can even imagine a particularly daring artist doing a performance piece with a sex doll. A gorgeous doll like Destiny would be perfect. Her classic looks and ebony skin are absolu Cheap Sex Dolls ely

(78 People Likes) Are the Confetti Lol Series 3 dolls real copies?

Lorraine), the daemonologists, and now rests in a glass box at Warrens’museum.
When the Warrens were bringing her to the museum, they narrowly escaped a fatal car accident. The pries dollar car rental at dallas love field who was called to bless her did not take her seriously. Later that day he called Lorraine and said the brakes on his car had failed and even he narrowly escaped a fatal accident. A guy visiting Warrens’museum mocked Annabelle and the Warrens. He died that day in a bike accident. All this besides the numerous times the Warrens felt her presence in their home. It was after they placed Annabelle in the glass box that all the happening around her somewhat ended.
So as you can see this doll is pure evil. So if she comes out of the glass box, people around her are either going to die or suffer seriously. She might attack Lorraine and her family first. After that she will be left alone with no one to sto

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