elmo loves you doll Relevant Information
(11 People Likes) If you were at a party and a hot girl passed out, what would you do?
e-in and orientation the week before the rest of the student body gets back and classes start. so, you have a whol class of feshman (about 1,250 people) all living it up for a week, without classes (although they are doing the required orientation activities in the day). Inevitably this involves a lot of partying and hooking up. I wake up to a knocking on my door. It is this attractive freshman who lived in a different dorm, but was looking for another guy’s room. My dorm had a square layout, so unless you knew the subtle things to look for it was easy to not know which side of the square you were on - and my door happened to correspond to the door of the freshman guy she hooked up with the previous week, but on a different hall on the same floor. Sort of like this, but much dumpier: She was in no state to read the small door numbers (much smaller than in the above picture). She asks(very slurred) if Joe(not his real name) is there and where he is - I quickly realize what is going on and tell her no - I haven’t met him yet and its not his room. It also quickly became apparent that she was upset with something that happened that night at a party - they hooked up earlier and she was looking for more than just a hook up. surprise - he wasn’t. so she insisted that she would wait for him there, in my room, which she think’s is Joe’s. I realize that she is in no state for me to send her off to find her way back to her dorm on her own, so I sit her down in a chair and look for Joe's roommate, Bill(again, not his real name - turned out to be a great guy -much different than Joe). I hunt him down and explain the situation and ask if Joe is around. No - he is at a frat house(football team frat - again no surprises), but he knew the situation and her and he would come back to my room to at least get her out, get her cleaned up and find a place for her in our dorm. It was pretty normal for people to spend the night in other dorms as a guest, whether recovering from a party or just a study break, so this wouldn’t be weird for anyone else in the dorm. We go back to my room and this girl is now in my bed, without her pants on. We wake her up and she starts taking her underwear off, and we figure out that she is trying to use the restroom, while encouraging her to keep her panties on. My room now just turned from Joe and Bill’s room, to the bathroom. We get her clothed - I help her to the restroom and get some water while Bill is figuring out where Joe is and finding a place for this girl. Turns out Joe decided to spend the night at the frat house. So, we make an executive decision and tuck her into Joe’s bed so Bill can be right there to keep an eye on her if she has to puke/use the bathroom/etc. It was about 2:00 in the morning at this point and you can’t get into a dorm that isn’t yours after hours, and we thought two guys trying to get into a dorm across campus, with a girl who is basically catatonic, would be a futile effort. I left it to Bill from there - again, great guy and he totally made sure she got to her dorm in the morning. Needless to say things did not work out between Joe and her. we bumped into each other at a party later that semester. She did not remember me at all, but her friend who was with her recognized me (That morning Bill ha

(46 People Likes) Why are some people obsessed with silicon dolls and pretend like they are real babies?
you collect hats from your favorite sports teams?” Also, some people can’t or are not in the position to adopt or have kids of their own and therefore the dolls have a comforting, lifelike weight and feel to them, just as if you were holding a real baby. These dolls are also somewhat of a craft project or whatnot to certain designers or collectors. You can buy a lot online for “reborns” and customize the doll to your liking. I don’t understand w
(34 People Likes) I’m twelve almost thirteen and I enjoy playing with my stuffed animals, LOL dolls, etc. Am I too old for that? I also sleep with a bunch of stuffed animals. I really love them but have two older siblings and they were never like this.
ing absolutely no hobbies like I do. I will be honest though, people might be mean to you because you play with LOL Dolls and stuff like that. They might call you “childish” or a “baby.” But that’s not who you are. Ignore them or report them to a teacher/parent for bullying. I sleep with my stuffed animals too (I’m 13). It’s really calming and when I get r elmo loves you doll ally anxious it helps a lo
(100 People Likes) If technology on artificial intelligent sex dolls continues, how life-like will they be in 50 years?
nse, but should be able to simulate a personality pretty well. What is more interesting to speculate about is what may happen to the body. Right now, sex dolls are inert lumps of silicone or plastic. There might be a skeleton, and there is some work being done to motorise them to some degree, possibly eye movements/tracking and even expressions. However, to have a satisfactory “real” sex robot, it needs to be able to move convincingly and not like an excavator, preferable stand and walk, and most importantly, have tactile feedback so that it won’t accidentally crush you or rip off sensitive parts of your anatomy. In addition, some kind of improved and more durable as well as flesh feeling texture would be good. Constantly feeling metal corners and vibrating gears would be a turn off. Synthetic muscle of some kind would be good. Fifty years is a good long time in terms of modern technology, so it is not as improbable as it sounds right now. It might even be possible to make the robot have a human fee
(86 People Likes) Is having a blow-up doll for the purpose of having sex cheating?
ad defined in detail as to what constitutes cheating, relevant parts of which answer I have pasted below: [1] Cheating, in the conventional sense means to act in contravention of commitments. A Commitment is a promise to act or abstain from acting in a certain way. The commitment entailed by relationships is in the form of exclusivity - emotional and sexual. Sexual exclusivity refers to the restriction mutually agreed upon by the partners in a relationship, w.r.t. having sex with persons other than their partner, i.e. to have "sex" exclusively with the person with whom the commitment is made. To cheat, one must have real (as opposed to imaginary/fantasy) sex with someone else. The question which arises is - What amounts to sex? Any conduct is said to amount to "sex" 1. Which results in sexual arousal, and its subsequent manifestation as sexual energy. However, such a broad definition would result in the inc Sex Doll usion of activities such as watching porn, masturbating, etc. within its ambit, which would be unreasonable. Therefore, the scope of its ambit ought to be narrowed. Therefore, 2. Involvement of one or more other persons in conjunction with whom sex can be had. "Persons" refers to alive, biological human individuals. Therefore, use of dolls would not constitute cheating, nor would use of toys. Bestiality would not amount to cheating. This leads to the next question: Is actual physical conduct a prerequisite for an act to constitute cheating? I'd be inclined to answer in the negative. Phone sex, sexting all result in the satisfaction of first two conditions. Physical contact would aggravate the case of cheating, but not be a prerequisite for its constitution. In other words, the lack of physical contact would not preclude an action from amounting to cheating. I had used the phrase "real sex" in the introductory paragraph. What does that connote? According to me, sex had, or desired to be had, or proposed to be had, is "real" if it is not a mere fantasy or a thought process. Fantasies involving third parties amount to "sex" but are not "real" and therefore don't constitute cheating. Likewise, a desire to cheat does not constitute cheating, if such desire has not been acted upon. What about proposals to have sex, made to third persons? It constitutes "preparation" to have sex, An act has multiple stages. (1) Preparation (2) Attempt (3) Completion. Only if the "sex" had or desired to be had reaches the attempt stage or beyond, will it constitute cheating. (I have borrowed this from the crime model which states that a crime has different stages and becomes culpable only beyond the stage of attempt. As I had aforepropounded, an essential requisite of cheating is the involvement of a third person, with whom sex can be had, where the word person refers to a living, biological human individual. Where such a person is not present, with whom sex can be had, there is no scope for cheating. Blow up dolls are not living biological persons, but are merely toys, which are employed for masturbatory purposes. Of course one could argue, that if an understanding has been arrived at, as between the partners in the relationship, that neither partner shall resort to using masturbatory toys to satisfy themselves, then using a blow up doll would amount to cheating. However, most reasonable partners would never truly proscribe their partners from using such toys, though some might, upon knowing of and/or the manner of their usage feel insecure, and/or inadequate. However, a feeling of insecurity or inadequacy as felt by one partner does not in itself, operate to convert an act, which is not otherwise cheating, into an act of cheating. It is my conclusion therefore that using a blow up doll, or in case of women, a vibrator or dildo or any other such masturbatory devices, is not cheating. [1] Alex Houston's answer to What is considered cheating in a relationship? Are these points cheating? 1. Misleading or ac