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(18 People Likes) Why are love/sex dolls still not realistic in appearance?
r may contain sensitive images. Click on an image to unblur it. Now most o hermaphrodite sex doll sex doll can be very realistic! With fantastic makeup, the doll face just look like human. With TPE material and metal skeleton to build up the body, doll skin is as soft as human, and dolls can make different poses even more than human. You can check my dolls at Real Doll. Contact me if you have more question

(100 People Likes) What were the weird things you did when extremely bored while serving in the military?
straight out of AIT and was wrenching on Blackhawks in-country just a few months after finishing training. About 6 weeks after we arrived we made a trip outside the wire to a local gravel pit for Small Arms Practice. Shortly after finishing our first firing iteration and settling in for an MRE lunch we were overrun with Gypsy kids. Not to reinforce stereotypes but they are thieving little bastards and damn good at it. In the commotion, my Kevlar helmet was stolen along with several other items from our gear pile because the PFC guarding it had gotten distracted. We returned to base and I filed the paperwork for a field loss with my squad leader as I was supposed to, and forgot about it. A month or so later we had an equipment inventory and my Kevlar was missing. Enter my Platoon Sergeant who was a self-centered space cadet and a first-rate scumbag. He had forgotten to file my field loss paperwork and now had nothing to blame the missing equipment on. Rather than copping to his mistake he threw me under the bus and claimed I never informed him and must have "lost" my $1,000 helmet. My squad leader was pissed because he had personally given him my field loss paperwork. As a result, I was given a summary grade article 15, forced to pay $1000 for a helmet, and given a month of guard duty. The latter would turn out to be a serious mistake on his part. Deployment is usually hyper boring. I took all that bottled up boredom and made it my mission in life to get revenge on this guy for screwing me out of a thousand dollars. I fucked with him in numerous ways, two of which are most worth retelling. I may have gone slightly overboard. I am an INFOSEC professional and was prior to entering the military. So I enlisted a friend with a set of 2-way radios and started to screw with him using NETSEND messaging. (This was early 2000 and rules were looser) He had a habit of viewing pornography on his government computer while eating donuts in his CONEX. I had my friend spy on him with some binocs and relay his behavior to me over the radio so I could contextualize my messages. It would start something like: "Warning viewing of pornography is against DoD policies and will be prosecuted if uncovered... Etc." My friend would relay "He just blew it off and grabbed another donut." Next message: "Hey fatass, don't blow me off, put down the donut, wipe the sugar off your uniform, and click out of Playboy. Don't make me turn you in." It continued in this vein for several weeks until he was searching his CONEX for hidden cameras and calling base Ops to confess to his pornography viewing habits. He ended up being hospitalized in Germany for an anxiety attack due to concerns over him displaying symptoms of "paranoia". Wayne Newton visited him, he made the base newspaper at Ramstein AFB. However, I was still not satisfied as he screwed our entire platoon in a number of ways in the interim. When I went to Hungary on pass I visited the nastiest sex shop I could find (way nastier than I expected, Hungarians are apparently very freaky) with a diabolical and well-fantasized plan hatched on my month of unearned guard duty. A mind tends to wander when staring at a pitch black tree line for 10+ hours. Unfortunately for him, he had given me a good reason for it to wander in a productive direction, his direction. You see the base defense guys were special forces and had a sick sense of humor. I had also become good friends with most of them during my extra duty. As a result, I was able to enlist them in my revenge fantasy come to life, with their participation becoming somewhat enthusiastic as I laid out my plan. Sick senses of humor often find common cause in the Service. While I was in that sex shop I purchased "Granny Tranny" (the actual title) magazine, a bottle of lidocaine infused lube, and a purple tinted clear double ended jelly dildo longer and girth(ier) than my arm. These items were properly secured in the bottom of my duffle which I knew would not be searched, because the searchers were in on it. They did search my bag in private when we got back to base to make sure we followed the rules. No rules against dildos but it would have ruined the surprise if I got "caught" in public during a random bag check. There was a lot of praise for my choice of weapons. I stored that shit in the BDOC locker until right before we redeployed back to the states. My time on guard duty was clench in the execution of my plan, my PSG had been the architect of his own demise. I knew the routine and so after everyone packed their shit and left it in their Barracks room for the detail to load I let myself into the PSGs room with a key sourced from a disgruntled roommate (my squad leader). I proceeded to stash the half-full bottle of lube, magazine which I had splashed with water/lube to make it look well used, and rather scuffed double ended monster in one of his bags. (There may have been a dildo sword fight or three with it by bored BDOC staff on the night shift, one of which may or may not have involved the dildo->face version of a slap fight between two bored SF e-6’s, rendering one of them unconscious…) I then misted the outside of his bags with chow hall gravy diluted in water to make sure the drug dogs alerted. You see all our stuff was set out for us, an entire battalion worth, as we stood at parade rest in front of our departure aircraft while the base defense team ran dogs over our bags prior to loading the aircraft. Anything that was found resulted in the culprit being called out in front of the entire battalion while their shit was dumped all over the ground and searched. When they got to the PSG’s bags the dogs alerted strongly as food (chow hall gravy) is not allowed. I swear Karma was in on the joke because he could not have played into it any better had it been rehearsed. The first bag they dumped wasn't the money shot, but unsurprisingly he had tried to skirt the rules on his own and had local coffee and crackers in his bag. He was high strung and talking rapidly in a nervous tone that they really didn't need to go through his other bags because that was all he had. He essentially jumped right in front of the oncoming phallus bus by acting for all the world like he was desperate for them not to search his other bags. As one of my friends wa hermaphrodite sex doll explaining to him that it didn't work like that my other friend piped up at the top of his lungs with a drill instructors voice: "Holy fuck, Top, what the fuck is this?!?!" Being in on the joke he made sure to dramatically whip the meter plus double ender out of his duffel and hold it over his head like he was unsheathing Excalibur from the stone. To top it off my base defense friends were really getting into an improv comedy routine riffing on the best material they had after months of pranking each other with that dildo. Timing it so as soon as people started to recover they would pull another item from the duffel and double down on the misery/hilarity. "What the fuck Top, why does this lube have lidocaine?" "Dude look at that monster dildo. You would need it." “What I want to know is why is it double ended? Who is your battle buddy Top?” *retching* ”GRANNY TRANNY? Seriously?!?! What the fuck?!?!" *more vigorous retching* “Eww, dude the fucking pages are stuck together.” My platoon Sergeant was reduced to stuttering incoherently along the lines of “I swear I don't know where that came from, it's not mine.” has turned the color of a well cooked Maine lobster. When we got back to the states he dropped his retirement package instead Sex Doll f the promotion he had talked about. Served him right, no NCO worth a shit throws their soldiers under the bus to cover their ass. That's what officers are for. That prank became legend for a time in our unit. I never copped to it and officially nobody “knew” who did it. However, for as long as I remained at that unit, every time we had an inspection, someone managed to sneak a dildo in my duffel. I suspect that it was my squad leader who shook his head at me in a strange
(88 People Likes) Can introducing sex dolls reduce the number of rape in a country?
restrictions for women's safety bill 2019 Till now society has restricted women's mobility on the name of safety. Its time to restrict the mobility of men by various laws. Lets have look Make the city night city, general shops, clothing shops, malls, and many other shops except medical stores shouldn't allowed to open during day time from 6 am to 9 pm and only women customers will get certain items . Make public transport free for women during 9 pm to 3 am. Sabji market time 10 pm to 3 am only women will get vegetables , no man(only local residents) will get vegetables from market, same for general stores too. Products like sanitary napkins and few other things only women will get after 10 pm. It will force (male dominated)society to sit in homes and give freedom to women Make it compulsory for petrol pumps, restaurants, and other businesses which are allowed for 24 hrs business to hire minimum 80% of their night shift employees to be women. Make it compulsory for outside of city boys to stay in hostels , necessary items should be provided with in hostel campus, deadline should be 8 pm and if student fails to give appropriate reason for being late for more than twise, He should be suspended from college for time being. If any male student (group of them) below age of 21 get caught by police on roads(specific roads only) without any adult with them (age above 40) after 10 pm , police will take them to the police station and after giving warning (everytime) to their parents they can go home (no charges on students). This will force parents to call their sons back to home on right time. Theatres won't be allowed to have shows after like 8 or 9 pm if they do not have certain percentage ( like 30 or 40 %) of women viewers. This will force thetres to offer some excellent deal to females to attract them towards theatres. Girls hostel deadline should be 2 to 3 am. In short, force women to come out of their houses during night time because without legal force it will never happen. When man will see more women during night time at outside of houses. It will make them realise they are in minority now and needs to be careful of women;) This will also have some benefits to economy Now that people who are employed in businesses will have some time during day to go out with their families which they hardly get. Tourism will increase. Societal changes Society evolves gradually and i dont want this society to change their perceptives towards women after 2 centuries . Above mentioned legal aid would be sufficient to stop some brutal rapes we have witnessed like NIRBHAYA. We cant sit and wait for society to teach their sons some humanity. Its time to change and make their life like girls are forced to live by this male dominated society. :) Do you really think any govt will ever do this? No. because politics is also male dominated and they wont put some restrictions on themselves to save mere NORMAL WOMEN CITIZEN OF INDIA. -_- Edit 1: 19 Feb 2020 Before you judge the answer do visit this first. Hiral Gurjar's answer to How many more Nirbhayas will India have to count before the system comes to their rescue? Edit 2 on 10 Oct 2020 People are in much hurry that they don't even click on the provided link before judging the answer, that's why I provided the answer itself. System can never be helpful in preventing such cases where… Phycology plays bigger role Influence of alcohol help them in forgetting the whole system When need of the moments over power the concept of humanity. In cases like this system can be helpful in only getting justice without further delay. I accept judicial system has failed miserably in Nirbhaya case. Changes like restricting their (criminals) rights in specific case like this will definitely be helpful. Restriction over appeal No mercy petition option etc. If your rescue means preventing such rapes then it's quite difficult. Even speed proceedings, instant justice , better s Sex Doll rveillance system, stringent rules nothing can prevent such rapes. No rules can change their mentality. If we don't want to see such cases to take place then it has only one solution that is restrictions over the mobility of one specific gender.(this is impractical in india I know that. Don't judge on this as well) :( People who suggest that cruel punishments like ARAB countries can reduce such crimes. Firstly they should know that they have immense restrictions over women plus woman get punished first if she get raped. Have a look…. In 2009, the Saudi Gazette reported that a 23-year-old, unmarried woman was sentenced to one year in prison and 100 lashes for adultery. This woman had been gang-raped, became pregnant, and had tried (unsuccessfully) to abort the fetus . The flogging was postponed until afte hermaphrodite sex doll the delivery. The sentences for rape cases are also extremely unbalanced in Saudi Arabia. In one example from February 2013, a Saudi preacher raped, tortured and murdered his 5-year-old daughter. He was sentenced to eight years in prison, 800 lashes, and a fine of one million riyals ($270,000 USD) to be paid to the girl's mother, his ex-wife.Contrasted with this is the case of two Pakistani citizens who were beheaded by the state after being convicted of a rape. Source Wikipedia Now think who will register the case of rape. That's why they have very less number of rape cases. Its not punishment but law itself discourage the victim to come out. People who think a person's family background , education level etc plays major role in making man a REAL MAN. Then have a look at Priyadarshini Mattu (rape and murder) case , where son of an IPS officer is criminal. Rapist are not normal. They have nothing to do with education, caste, religion, LAW, death sentence, any other cruel punishment. Now how can we/system can change an animal into a human. There is nothing they fear of in that particular moments where passion, lust, ego, masculinity is at its peak. We live in society and crime is an internal part of it and we have to aacept that in future we'll also witness
(84 People Likes) Can I spray perfume on a silicone sex doll?
it is advised ONLY to spray from a distance!! The more sensible thing would be to spray your scent o hermaphrodite sex doll choice on a cheap sweatband/wristband, and then put the band on the dolls wrist, RATHER than spraying directly on to the doll its
(48 People Likes) Would a girl freak out if she finds out that her date has a sex doll in his closet?
I’ll use some simple analogies, but here’s a disclaimer for the shallow: this is meant to be lighthearted and not to be taken anally seriously. A real woman is like wine. The sex is often a work out. It takes quite a bit of energy whenever we engage in love making. There are interactions. There is communication. There is giving and receiving. If you cum, when you cum, the orgasms can be delicious and shared. As I do my wife doggy, she sucks and licks on a dildo. It’s quite a show. ^_^ Masturbation is like beer or cider. It’s easy, it can be quick, depending how you want to work it. You have total control over how it ‘hits you up’. You also learn techniques over time that really give you that extra flavour of pleasure. If you do it right, it can truly give you an orgasm that will make your eyes roll back into its sockets. A sex doll is like a cocktail. You know those real dolls they sell from Japan? Those ultra realistic, ultra silky lifeless, yet lifelike dolls are made exclusively to entice your fantasies. They are a cross between having a real woman and masturbation. You can do all sorts of things with them and you get to choose this beautiful figment of what is available out there, all within the cash boundaries of your income. Alas, here’s the thing… As much as I love Pinot Noir, I don’t want to drink wine every single day. My liver isn’t how it used to be. Perhaps, I can drink a glass or two once a day, two or three times a week, though I’m sure Amber would prefer I drink a bottle or two a day, five times a week. o_o Beer is great! It’s refreshing when ultra cold and that slight buzz it gives me after two cans on an empty stomach really hits the spot. However, after three cans, the after taste of beer isn’t quite something to write home about. It’s actually a bit raunchy and the burping… While cocktails are nice to sip class="nturl" style="color: red">mini sex doll t once in awhile, it takes too much work to make a good one. Also, if you want the yummiest of ones, you’ll need a mix of some of the best liquors out there, with the right amount of fruit juices and ice to balance it all out. Plu