how to make a sex doll out of a pillow Relevant Information

(24 People Likes) Is it cheating if your husband keeps two expensive talking sex dolls (BeeJay and Fanny!) in their own apartment and writes poetry about them?

dolls and their own apartment? Plus the time spent with them and writing poetry about them? Those would definitely be issues. That is a ridiculous amount of time and resources for Silicone Sex Doll asturbation. There would seem to be some other serious issues going on here, including, potentially, him not using some of those resources on intimacy with you (assuming that you want that).
I wouldn’t call it chea

(24 People Likes) Is it true that British people greeted Trump with a big inflatable doll?

story. So let’s take the situaiton and make the Q A as simple as possible.
Was there a big inflatable doll? Yes, an effigy of Trump as an adult baby. Strictly speaking it was dirigible rather then inflatable - it floated above the heads of protesters, so it was Helium-filled.
Who presented it? Anti-Trump protesters.
Who authorised it? London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, who has been the frequent target of inaccurate and poorly-phrased smear campaigns by Trump and his ad

(80 People Likes) They are an ideal alternative to relationships considering their numerous advantages over women.

our partner in the bedroom without necessarily having to cheat on your partner. For people who have gone through terrible experiences in relationships, the sex doll can be used as an acclimatization step towards getting back into the dating world. The doll remains a virgin and untouched till that day you buy her. This makes them 100% safe from Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) The sex doll is completely submissive and ready for you making it loyal and submissive than women (who doesn't want that?) The dolls also come in different sizes and shapes to meet the varying needs of the wide market. They also come with inscribed movable joints that make them extra flexible for you. Having gone through the promising progress of the sex doll industry and the numerous benefits that the dolls possess, we cannot overlook the health an how to make a sex doll out of a pillow safety

(54 People Likes) What is the most interesting part of the Mueller report?

r (along with all of his lieutenants, in particular Andrew Weissmann) knew even before Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel that the Steele dossier and every allegation in it was a completely bogus and contrived piece of opposition-research funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, fabricated by Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS. And even though FISA warrants were an integral part of Mueller’s investigations, the report makes no mention of the massive deception of the FISA court by the FBI, by not disclosing that the chief “evidence” used to obtain the warrants, was the aforementioned, totally-unverified dossier.
Similarly, the report fails to mention that )Trump’s transition team’s) National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn’s meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak was coordinated by Obama administration operatives, using Kislyak as a pawn to allow the FBI to spy on Flynn, seeking to capture him in a contradiction between his subsequent description of the meeting, and what the FBI agents claimed to have recorded. And of course, the report entirely omits the fact that FBI agents who interviewed Flynn following his meeting with Kislyak (one of whom was the removed, demoted and subsequently terminated Peter Strzok), stated that Flynn was not deceptive in his description/discussion of the meeting.
The report also omits the fact that Joseph Mifsud, the “Russian” who met with Trump transition team foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, was in fact Maltese, and more importantly a western rather than a Russian intelligence asset, and that rather than being initially contacted by Papadopoulos, Mifsud was pushed into the Trump campaign for the express purpose of entrapping Papadopoulos. The report fails to mention that Papadopoulos never asked about (nor received) any “dirt” on the Clinton campaign - either during the Mifsud-arranged “meeting”, or subsequent to it - despite Mifsud’s attempts to push the information into Papadopoulos. The report also fails to mention that in his description of a subsequent meeting between Papadopoulos and (Australian diplomat) Alexander Downer, the diplomat not only orchestrated the meeting, but in that meeting confirmed Papadopoulos’ rather than Mueller’s version of events (i.e., that Papadopoulos never accepted the Mifsud offering).
And though it spent many pages on the “Trump Tower meeting”, the report omitted the fact the meeting was attended and coordinated by Natalia Veselnitskaya, as a Russian employee of Fusion GPS, who during the meeting never discussed “dirt” on the Clinton campaign. or other information that could be considered “collusive” in nature. The report likewise failed to mention that Veselnitskaya was subsequently indicted on obstruction of justice charges.
And while Mueller’s report ostensibly focused on “collusion” between American citizens (in particular, Trump campaign officials) and Russian intelligence operatives, it is totally silent about the fact that Christopher Steele (a foreign national), actively sought out and coordinated with other foreign nationals (many of them Russian) to dig up dirt on Trump, in order to harm his chances of election — with funds provided by the Clinton campaign and DNC.
And while the report spent many paragraphs on Carter Page, it omitted the fact that Page was never charged with nor investigated for any crime, yet was used as justification to illegally obtain a FISA warrant to surveil the Trump campaign long after Page had left the campaign (and in future versions of the warrant, to just as illegally surveil the elected Trump administration). The report endlessly omits exculpatory information which expressly clears Trump and other targets of the investigation of virtually all of its bogus allegations, and again never mentions truly damning evidence of the real and extensive Russian collusion orchestrated and committed by Democrats. It doesn't even mention crucially relevant facts such as Deputy/Acting AG Rod Rosenstein having written the letter recommending the firing of FBI Director Jim Comey.
Basically, the Mueller “investigation”, like its “Russian Collusion” narrative (at least as it concerned the Trump team) is and was always a hoax, and more importantly a cover-up and conspiracy, to prevent the exposure and investigation of the malfeasance and corruption of deep-state operatives in the Obama administration (Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Yates, Rosenstein, Strzok, Page, et al - up to and including Obama) in their weaponization and lawless use of investigative and intelligence resources against American citizens and as a coup to derail and remove a duly-elected president, which continues in the latest rendition of the hoax, currently being perpetuated by the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives.
Fortunately AG William Barr is now aware of this malfeasance, and in conjunction with the Inspector General will conduct a legitimate investigation to fully understand and expose that lawlessness and corruption, and hopefully ensure that those responsible are brought to justice. Sadly, though totally predictably, the same progressive media that so

(62 People Likes) How do I care for sex dolls?

I think water and soap should be enough. And use lubricants.
Taking Care of Your Sex Doll

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