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(50 People Likes) Is having sex with a sex doll cheating?

e class="nturl" style="color: red">mini sex doll fact that it is shaped like a person does not mean that it is a person.
The word “cheat” means “to break the rules.” If you have a rule with your spouse that masturbating with a sex doll is cheating, then it would be considered

(82 People Likes) A friend told me that she made a voodoo doll for her boyfriend so that he would love her forever and stuck pins in her heart and head. He suffered chest and head pain. Is black magic real?

nts from her past lives. Somehow managing to manipulate physical reality…
Now get a load of this idiot huh :D?
Using any practices to make someone specific love you, and “love forever” is immature.
Tell her this: You want real relationship and love, right? Not some artificial relationship manifested from your black practice? Then don’t do this anymore, you’re disrespecting yourself and him. If you’re that blinded that you don’t see your disrespect towards you and him then you are clearly making your own obstacle here.
If she pisses off that’s quite predictable from her pit she has made, if she curses you or something, then man that’s what wusses do man :D
But, sensing from her energy, she’s quite an old soul, so she’ll realize this soon about the immaturity. Old souls are mature obviously but it takes some time for her physical-stuck awareness to reconnect to her real side, it’s always like this. I’ve been there, wanted to use my energy to make a girl like me in 6th grade. Now I’m 19 and not giving a f**k if some girl likes me or not, I trust my frequency of aura to attract what I need and only high vibes of love and light.
So, yes black ma

(93 People Likes) Should I buy sex doll or sexbots if I can't get any women?

I’m aware that there’s a social stigma surrounding toys like this. But I figure if women can buy dildos, what’s the problem with me buying a “friend”? It’s not as if I’m going to sit next to her at the dinner table and pretend she’s my wife or anything. Not unless she magically springs to life!
No, I think it would be good for me to buy one of these things. It’s not ideal, obviously. But I’m not really in a position where getting “out there” and picking up women in bars is really a realistic option anymore. Nor have I ever been interested in meeting people in such places. And the “nice” women I like, are more or less long sin i love you baby doll e married and settled, so i figure: why the hell not?
Simulated sex is better than nothing, right? And if I dim the lights, light a few candles and put on Greatest Love Hits by Richard Clayderman, I think I can even convince myself that I’m having a genuinely intimate moment with an extremely shy person.
It’s only afterwards when you remove parts of her anatomy and clean them in the kitchen sink that reality seeps back in…
But never mind reality! I may be totally wrong about all of this, but I’ve a feeling that buying a doll could perhaps make me feel less alone. It’s not real company, but if you pay enough cash, it can LOOK like real company. And for me, that’s a start.
How many men own a Fleshlight? Millions, probably. Well, this is just a life-size

(42 People Likes) If sex dolls advance to a point where they can completely satisfy men's sexual desires, how will that change the world?

re already pretty accomplished at taking care of their sexual desires on their own when they feel the need. The larger change will be if artificial intelligence becomes able to fulfill social and emotional needs. That would likely accelerate the breakdown of the nuclear family and further atomize society. It seems likely that virtual girlfriends rather than sex dolls will be the decisive new temptation in the Near Future (if a

(74 People Likes) How does a sex doll change your life?

en told us some information I taken to the grave and started implementing. She said “everybody should masturbate to learn about your body and know what turns you on and not.”
I realized I do not like vibrators since they are stationary, I like ones that pump into you or one you can pull out and in like a guy would.
Sex toys have added benefits like its 100% std free unless you have a STD yourself so that's a added benefit.
Also sex toys are more creative. Like I said, there are pumpers, they have sex toys that release water at the end to have that feeling of completion inside you, and many more.
Plus, sex toys can spice up your sex life with partners. Experiment, masturbate in front of each other, let him try a dildo, give him control of sex toys to use on you.
My favorite is handcuffs but break apart ones only. I watched way too many true stories about women dying handcuffed to their beds due to their lovers dying of heart attacks.
My favorite is a velvet one with the words slut on it. My second pair was leopard printed but those broke.
As far as changing lives, it doesn't. Outside of sex, I am still me. I dont think about sex more, I don't think about madturbation, I dont think about getting a new toy, I just live my life.
However, during sexy times alone of with somebody else, it changes a lot. I always ask my partners: vanilla, fun, or rough and go from there.
Now, there are some people

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