jesus loves me doll Relevant Information
(16 People Likes) Should sex dolls be at least 18 years or older?
cy robot models it the electronics might tarnish and not work any more and the technology would be obsolete. But I don't think that is what you are asking. You a probably talking about the controversial “kid shaped” sex dolls. Sex therapists have tried to “redirect” sex fantasies and desires by “conditioning” the person to masturbate to “appropriate” fantasies. With varying and mostly disappointing results. How exactly are we supposed to manage t Best Sex Dolls e fantasy they are mastubating to. There is some fear that allowing a person to use a child shaped sex doll to masturbate would condition the person to think that it is okay to do the same to a living child. But what is to prevent a person from using any doll or other sex toy and fantasising about it being a child? I don't think my opinion is going to be popular and some of you may find it repulsive. But I don't believe that using a sex doll is going to encourage a person to abuse a living child if they are not already predisposed to do so. I don't believe that forbidding a person to use a child shaped sex doll is going prevent a child from being misused. I would be

(59 People Likes) What should I do when I know the girl I truly love from the bottom of my heart can never be mine?
ant to be,it will be. i hate to say it but you should give up. you’re only hurting yourself by giving yourself false hope. love can only take you so far. hurting purposely by loving her (still) will be your downfall,honestly speaking there may not be another girl like her,but you will find one even be better than her. if you let yourself heal and find someone who can truly be yours. i wish you goodluck,take care it’s difficult but you will find love ag
(18 People Likes) How would you react if your spouse or significant other wants you to have cosmetic surgery to improve the way you look to others?
vy with a traditional hour glass. 32–31–39 - yah,big hippies! And naturally I had zero boobs but broad shoulders. Literally an A cup but there was major asymmetry with my breasts,one was an A cup,the other was half an A cup. Every single man I’d ever dated had expressed to me they wanted me to get a boob job. I never considered it prior to men telling me I needed it. Never,ever because I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. My mom has similar cup size had 3 kids. Is it that big a deal? Apparently yes. I wasn’t taking the hint truly,I didn’t realize how important breasts are for a man to find a woman attractive. Plus I was doing physical work small boobs were perfect. Fast forward I was dating my now husband who again,brought up my least favorite topic! My breast size. At this point in life though,I did notice my asymmetrical boobies were facing other problems. The once perky pointy breasts were now pointing downwards. And I was in my mid twenties! Disheartened,I still ignored it told my now husband to f*ck off get over it. But he pressed and said it was more about sexual satisfaction,and would make my body more proportioned etc. I have cellulite,no thigh gap,I get breakouts,have flabby arms plenty of stretch marks from youthful weight gain. He’s never complained about any of those issues. I am not a stick,although I really wish I were! At the time of this early request for breast enhancement,I was super fit,in the be jesus loves me doll t shape of my life and thin at 135 lbs a size 4. I am now still a healthy BMI but have that annoying 10lbs i’d Like gone. My husband has also worked with tons of models in his career. He’s a designer understands symmetry of the body. So after finally getting engaged I relented since he was willing to pay. I figured if nothing else,it would help with wedding dress shopping because with my tiny boobs,clothes never once fit properly I always had to have the bust taken in. We found a surgeon despite tons of fear leading up to it,I went through with it. The immediate improvement to the appearance of my breasts post op completely blew me away. In retrospect,I think I was in complete denial about how severe my asymmetry had become frankly how unattractive my breasts were. I just thought of them as lumps of flesh and perceverated on my many other flaws. I had some nasty backlash from family for getting this done. An aunt I am very close to had some nasty words to say about it behind my back - she hasn’t seen my boobs nor knew my issues. On the contrary,my two best friends,who had seen me naked in locker rooms when we were athletes together in college told me how amazing I looked said they were shocked by the transformation and said I looked great,and completely natural. I’m so happy I went through with it. My body confidence has improved greatly. I disliked being the broad hipped girl with the broad shoulders and no boobs but figured it was my fate. i didn't Think a boob job would solve it. people don’t know I had implants because they look so natural and finally make my body proportional. The few new friends I’ve told Are stunned. The surprising response has been from men walking down the street - I never got hit on at bars or got much attention. Boy has that changed! I think that reaction made me more understanding to my husbands “want” for me to do this. Clearly men respond to breasts. You’d think i’d Realize that earlier on but not being well endowed by nature,I truly didn’t get how hard wired it is in men. Men are so different from women,but that’s for another day… Would I have preferred to marry a man who loved my body exactly as it was? Of course! But it never happened for me… and to be honest,I’ve yet to meet someone who is perfect in life. And if my husband’s biggest flaw is that he didn’t like my breasts,well he joined a club of other men who felt exactly the same. I didn’t hit the genetic lottery and I live in Southern California where each woman I pass is prettier and more perfect than the last. That said,my husband hasn’t asked me to get anything else done. He loves me,cares for me,provides me a wonderful life and is the only person I’ve ever known to love me unconditionally- he was willing to accept me not getting the surgery. He’s my partner in the best sense if altering my physique provides
(11 People Likes) Why are women usually treated like objects/sex dolls in music videos?
14-30. Watch a video featuring a hot babe,cut to commercial with that babe in mind,and the young man may buy the product he's just seen on tv. And of course,there will always be outright misogynistic musicians and directors who w Sex Doll nt to visually make women slaves to their desires. We must also bear in mind that the silicone-drenched,breast-enhanced,zero BMI-scale vixens auditioned for these roles. They made conscious decisions to dress act like the nocturnal desires of teenage boys. At the end of the day,the women get paid fo jesus loves me doll their work. I agree on denigration— watched AC/DC's “You Shook Me All Night Long”,Van Helen's “Hot For Teacher” and Whitesnake's “Here I Go Again”. Not necessarily sexy,but sexist for sure. For those of you too young to remember the 80s,I would suggest “Blurred Lines”. The uncensored version is just a flesh-coloured thong away from porn. Like every other video made,its purpose was to sell the record. And that it did. It topped the charts in 25 coutries,and earned over $16 million in sales. Ironically,the concept for the video was devised
(34 People Likes) Will you buy a silicone doll?
ere are a number of different reasons why someone would buy a sex doll. Some of these reasons include: ● Having a high sex drive,but no partner ● Having an addiction to sex or porn,but no partner ● Looking for a companion ● Being sexually adventurous ● Wanting to feel different sensations ● Wanting to enhance their play time ● Having a sex doll or doll fetish A sex doll can be a great addition for any of the above reasons,and more. In fact,many men argue that having sex with a sex doll sometimes feels even better than the real thing. The Pros of Buying A Sex Doll Now is the perfect time to talk about the advantages and pros of buying a sex doll. Not only because of all of the things mentioned above,but also as a means to open up a dialogue and hopefully remove any negative feelings surrounding this kind of sex toy for men. So,what are the pros of buying a sex doll?Sex Doll ● When you buy a sex doll,you cannot contract nor spread STI’s ● When you buy a sex doll,you cannot get (someone) pregnant ● When you buy a sex doll,you don’t have to use a condom ● When you buy a sex doll,you get the real-feel of a woman ● When you buy a sex doll,you can enjoy all of the physical fun anytime you please ● When you buy a sex doll,you don’t have to deal with emotional issues ● When you buy a sex doll,you can have your own special kind of companion ● When you buy a sex doll,you can customise the doll to look exactly like the woman of your dreams ● When you buy a sex doll,the doll will be a virgin,which is a turn on for many ● When you buy a sex doll,you can fulfill your wildest fantasies ● When you buy a sex doll,you can perfect your techniques ● When you buy a sex doll,you can practice self control With that,we’d like to mention that owning a sex doll is definitely something unique to the buyer. We encourag jesus loves me doll you to do your research and to buy the sex doll that suits your needs and preferences. Whichever sex doll you choose however,be