love buddy doll Relevant Information

(38 People Likes) Without additional stimulus, will there be a stock market crash in 2021?

pens is first, we hand out tax cuts to the privileged. These tax cuts cause a reduction in the revenue required to meet the current obligations of the Federal Government. Money is then borrowed to make up for this shortfall in revenue (deficit) caused by the tax cuts.
Then, some time later, when the Working Class is required to pay more in taxes and deprived of government services we can “no longer afford” because of the tax cuts, our Working Class can no longer spend as much in the economy as they could before they had to start repaying the debt to cover the handout to the rich.
And that is what causes recession.
When the wealthy take a “hit” because the stock market collapses due to less spending by the Working Class, the government moves with the speed of lightening to appropriate “stimulus” money, most of which is handed out to the privileged so that they will buy up the stock which is now selling at a discount. This “stimulus” buying of discounted bargain priced stock then causes the values of those stocks to rise again.
And just as is the case with the tax cuts that start this process off, the stimulus funds are also borrowed, and it is the Working Class who get to repay that debt as well.
So, to recap…recession which is caused by tax cuts for the rich, causes the stock market to crash. The response of the government then becomes to hand out more borrowed money “stimulus” to the privileged which will make the values of stock go back up, but only makes conditions for the rest of us exponentially worse. The privileged are made richer by taking wealth away from the rest of us. The

(70 People Likes) Why do some Japanese men choose dolls over real girls?

A hardworking rather well paid man, that wants to get married and whom they can introduce to their parents.
Being handsome is a plus.
Being too handsome might mean he is ‘charai’, meaning a player.
In very rare cases, they desire sexual compatibity.
This order starts to be more obvious especially after they turn 30 and realize most of their friends are getting married and start having children.
In short, when they start having the marriage fever.

Just as a note: this happens because Japanese society sees marriage as the achievement of a certain social status.
You are expected to marry before 30.
I attended a women’s college in Japan for a year and they had cooking lessons, cultural lessons (which fascinated me as a foreigner).
But when asking my collegues why they attended that certain college, the answer was to be worthy of a decent man, so they could stay at home. That was 9 years ago!

I am in my 30s and divorced.
Yes, most of my unmarried Japanese friends rather than talking about finding a partner for life, they talk about wanting to get married as soon as possible. Marriage is the objective!
I see it as an unnecessary social pressure that will change over time.
In the same way thag in the past 15 years the percentage of part time workers vs. full time workers has exceeded 40%, which has a lot to say about young Japanese people opening their eyes and not wanting the lifetime employment anymore.

Not all Japanese women have this rush of wanting to get married.
But the ones that don’t, are the ones that appreciate men at their best without putting any pressure on them and themselves at the same time, are the wise ones, with a strong carrier behind, a few relationships, that just want a partner to share their life with.
The above women are the same ones Kanji Kato, Member of the Japanese Parliament, encouraged a few weeks ago to have multiple children as birth rate falls to lowest level since 1899.
Single women a 'burden on the state', says Japanese MP
As a single woman having lived in Japan for almost a decade now I feel compelled to say something from my personal experience.
The Japanese government should maybe act before talking in any of the matters regarding women rights at work and in society.
Paying women on an average less than 1000 dollars/month for the same job, asking if you are married or not at the interview, if you planning to have children or not are just a few of the problems women here in Japan have to struggle with.
So, when the ‘dear’ Japanese MP comes to make such a reckless statement it can only anger me.
I believe this payment and company mentality of not suporting women, to be at the root of most of the problems.
Women here either want to get married to have the security of a man and family in case they get tired of this vicious

(30 People Likes) Is there any evidence showing that the prescription of child sex dolls to pedophiles is effective in preventing the actual sexual assault on real children?

there are two different ways to model the effect of child sex dolls. You might think, “of course they will reduce offenses, because otherwise a pedophile has to stay repressed and has no outlet until it all boils over.” Or you might think, “of course it will only make things worse, because it will encourage the pedophile to keep fantasizing and fantasizing until they actually commit a crime.”
Which theory you believe depends on how you model human sexuality. Which one is true… probably depends on the person. I don’t think it would make me more likely to offend, but I could imagine someone where it would. (I also doubt I would use a doll all that much.) I think in the aggregate, people will think about and fantasize about sex no matter what, so an outlet is probably a good thing, but even better would be a less stigmatized and less dangerous way to talk about it.
However, in the ultimate calculation, don’t forget that many child sex offenders are not primarily attracted to children. For m

(38 People Likes) Psychologists, is it healthy to be in a relationship with a silicone sex doll?

Our brains are organised to refer to the world of people (people self) and the world of things (thing self). Things can be controlled, people can not be. However there is slippage between the two so for example we love buddy doll an refer to objects and treat them as if they are people (naming them for example). And we can treat people like objects.
To try to have meet our sexual needs by use of a sex doll might fulfil one aspect of a relationship with a person, but not even in any meaningful way as it is not reciprocal. It is clear that if you pleasure yourself with your hand you are not having a relationship with your hand! So effectively it is not a relationship of any kind. And of course this logic applies to all the other elements of a relationship with another person. So I would

(19 People Likes) Which Star Trek character(s) would you like to see removed from future movies/TV series and why?

ata again.
Data was the uneasy mixture of Pinocchio and the Tin Man in the WIZARD OF OZ .— neither of which I liked either.
There was so much wasted time in TNG obsessing about Data’s sense of humor; Data’s “creativity;”. Data’s cat; Data’s recitals; blah, blah, blah. In a sense, he was supposed to be “Curious Child” except that NO ONE in the closed environment of class="nturl" style="color: red">mini sex doll a spacecraft would put up with Data’s intrusions and obsessional search for what it means to be “a real boy!”
No one would have put up with all that from Westley Crusher. No one put up with ANYTHING from Westley Crusher. He was a child who worked hard and shut up about it— even when he had valid questions!!
But NOT Data.
The Data character went over the line when we reached “if he can do X, then why can’t he do Y?”
Why can’t he have sex with Tasha Yar? Well, just ewwwwwwww. Essentially Tasha had herself a lifelike inflatable doll which was “fully functional.” Ew, ew, ew, ew!! The world is just full of things which, because we CAN do, doesn't mean we should do. And if we do, we shouldn’t tell anyone we did!!
Then Data procreates— first an odd life-LIKE creature which he morphs into a strange girl android with questionable fashion sense and her android head winsomely cocked to one side.
But STARFLEET wants her— requiring Picard (the show’s STAR, let’s remember!!) to give an eloquent defense on the nature of family.
An then she dies and she TNG writer wring great tears out of the audience.
Data. Data. Data. Data.
In large degree TNG slowly BECOMES “The Data Show.” And honestly at that point, I watched it less and less.
So. My apologies to those who LOVED Data because I have been less than respectful of your guy. But I cannot tell a lie:

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