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(34 People Likes) What are some peer reviewed scientific papers with really fun titles?

unny. . . but the Annals also sponsors the annual Ig Nobel Prizes—in memory of Alfred Nobel’s less famous brother Ignatius, who made his fortune by inventing excelsior wood shavings. Check ’em out at Improbable Research
Some of the Ig Nobel Prizes are given sarcastically. For example, Harold Camping, who predicted the end of the world on October 24, 2011, was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize in Mathematics for 2011; Don Featherstone won the 1996 Ig Nobel Prize in Art for inventing the plastic lawn flamingo; the entire Nigerian Internet won the 2005 prize for Literature; and the directors of Goldman Sachs won the Economics Prize in 2011.
But others go to working scientists who have done real science—often with potentially interesting and useful applications—that just sounds funny. Often the title itself isn’t meant to be funny—there’s not necessarily puns or jokes or anything like that—but if you take a moment to think about what the research must have entailed, the research takes on a somewhat humorous cast. Here are just a few:
Nolan, J. F. et al. 1990. Acute management of the zipper-entrapped penis. Journal of Emergency Medicine 8(3): 305–307. (Medicine, 1993)
Dart, R. C. and Gustafson, R. A. 1991. Failure of electric shock treatment for rattlesnake envenomation. Annals of Emergency Medicine 20(6): 659–661. (Medicine, 1994)
Busch, D. B. and Starling, J. R. 1986. Rectal foreign bodies: Case reports and a comprehensive review of the world's literature. Surgery, September 1986, pp. 512-519. (Literature, 1995)
Kleist, E. and Moi, H. 1993. Transmission of gonorrhea through an inflatable doll. Genitourinary Medicine 69(4): 322. (Public Health, 1996)
Bain, J. and Siminoski, K. 1993. The relationships among height, penile length, and foot size. Annals of Sex Research 6(3): 231–235. (Statistics, 1998)
Wassersug, R. 1971. On the comparative palatability of some dry-season tadpoles from Costa Rica. American Midland Naturalist 86 (1): 101–109. (Biology, 1999)
Moeliker, C. W. 2001. The first case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard, Anas platyrhynchos (Aves: Anatidae). Deinsea 8:243–247. (Biology, 2003)
Harvey, J. et al. 2002. An analysis of the forces required to drag sheep over various surfaces. Applied Ergonomics 33(6): 523–531. (Physics, 2003)
Meyer-Rochow, V. B. and Gal, J. 2003. Pressures produced when penguins pooh: calculations on avian defaecation. Polar Biology 27: 56–58. (Fluid Dynamics, 2005)
Fesmire, F. M. 1988. Termination of intractable hiccups with digital rectal massage. Annals of Emergency Medicine 17(8): 872. (Medicine, 2006)
Hong, C. Y. et al. 1987. The spermicidal potency of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. Human Toxicology 6(5): 395–396. (Chemistry, 2008)
Miller, G. et al. 2007. Ovulatory cycle effects on tip earnings by lap dancers: economic evidence for human estrus? Evolution and Human Behavior 28: 375–381. (Economics, 2008)
Tan, M. et al. Fellatio by fruit bats prolongs copulation time. PLoS ONE 4(10): e7595. (Biology, 2010)
Ladas, S. D. et al. Colonic gas explosion during therapeutic colonoscopy with electrocautery. World Journal of Gastroenterology 13(40): 5295–5298.(Medicine, 2010)

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(42 People Likes) How can I carry a sex love doll?

he top edges of the box to open her up. Be careful not to go too deep with the knife as you don’t want to risk cutting your new favorite sex partner. Once you’ve cut the packing tape along the seams the box will open up much like a coffin.
Step 2: Wash your hands!
Now that your new sex doll is ready to be taken out of her box you don’t want to smudge or mark her pristine skin with your dirty hands! Wash your mitts thoroughly before touching the sex doll.
Step 3: Unpack the head of your new sex doll
Please the sex doll head on top the bag on the floor next to the box. You’ll return to it later once you’ve got the body out.
Tip: You can save the bag to store the head when not in use.
Step 4: Remove any other accessories in the box
Often times accessories will be overwatch sex doll ncluded in the package like clothing, a closet sex doll storage system, and cleaning tools. Remove all of t

(62 People Likes) How do I explain to our SEO partner that my site www.100dolls.com is about sex dolls?

derstand. You started a website about sex dolls but you're, what, embarrassed to talk to someone about them? You probably could have come up with a better excuse to put your URL in a Quora question if you'd given it a bit more thou

(69 People Likes) What is a "5-year/5-year swap rate" used to benchmark inflation?

elow the fixed, the implicit rate differential is usually attributed to expected inflation.
Go to Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates
and pick the interpolated rate for any benchmark. On February 6, 2018, the 10yr was 2.70%
Then revise the search. Under “interest rate type”, selected “Daily Real Treasury Yield Rate”. Again in 2–6–18, it was 0.69%. This rate is the Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or TIPS, provide protection against inflation. The principal of a TIPS increases with inflation and decreases with deflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index. When a TIPS matures, you are paid the adjusted principal or original principal, whichever is greater.
TIPS pay interest twice a year, at a fixed rate. The rate is applied to the adjusted principal; so, like the principal, interest payments rise with inflation and fall with deflation.
The delta (2.01%)

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