sex doll funny meme Relevant Information

(67 People Likes) I am 18 and have a job. Is it okay if I still like dolls? It feels childish, but I really like them.

you should see my doll collection. I’ve got some collector Barbies, and quite a lot of porcelains, many of which are costumed as characters from my books, but my favorites are my Asian Ball-Jointed Dolls, many of which are also costumed as characters from my books.
Try popping in here and joining us: Dollieh Sa Silicone Sex Doll ctuary
There are a LOT of us who are way older than you. Even a few mothers with teenage daughters who both love do

(21 People Likes) What can America really do practically, about our ridiculous level of national debt? It just seems inevitable that someday we will reach the end of our rope.

e adverse to their interests.
T Sex Doll e debt crisis is a convenient “Slenderman” used by those who want to help the wealthy keep more money (WSJ / Heritage Foundation / National Review) or the clueless (Tea Party) At it’s core, the crisis cynically plays on the common sense notion that people tend to think the federal governments books are like their family finances. They are not.
But, macroeconomics is often counter-intuitive and confusing. So, ordinary people - too busy to read dry economic research - can be mislead into supporting policies that both hurt their interests and ironically, increase the debt out of a sense of civic responsibility. The recent tax bill is a perfect case-in-point. The Trump sponsored reform was, in-effect, a subsidy gift from the citizens of the U.S. to the wealthiest 0.1% (with particularly large gifts given to those who invest in real estate and those who will inherit their wealth)
How did they do it? They lied.
They told people that U.S. corp tax rates were the highest in the world. They’re not. We’re right in the middle when you look at the actual taxes paid by our companies. They told us that corporations would redeploy the cash into the economy. The problem is that US corporations already have too much cash. In the US, corporations have returned more capital to investors than they’ve raised.
History is a very good guide in these situations and tells us corporations will:
Pay their senior management more (management pay is usually linked to profitability)
Consolidate, acquire and merge (with particularly more hostile mergers) and
“Loosen up” corporate exp (non payroll). Think better offices, planes, perks)
WalMart made a grand effort and slipped each of their employees an extra $1k. I don’t want to diminish the importance of $1000, but keep in mind, (a) they won’t do it again (b) the Walton family will pocket billions and (c) their share price went up after the announcement. In other words, The company got some good PR, the family took home an extra billion and gave their employees a one time gift of couple bucks.
That’s the GOP tax plan in a nutshell. But, I digress….
There are a couple significant factors that prevent us from having a debt crisis.
Our debt is denominated in US dollars. Dollars that we just happen to print. This is an important mechanism called “seniorage”. It basically taxes the currency that people hold in cash by devaluing it slightly. Who holds cash? Most of it is held outside the US and by some people that you probably don’t mind paying a little tax to the US
Our debt is largely held by US citizens. (Over 65%) The reason Greece had problems was that Germans held all of it’s debt. So, the transaction money flows benefit US citizens as they sit in US pensioners, hedge funds, money markets etc. This is more important than it sounds. The main beneficiary of our debt payments is the U.S.
Debt service payments are largely recycled within the U.S. economy. So, when the government pays interest, or repays the principal balance, most of it stays in our country, where it is recycled into our economy
Despite the rhetoric, China owns ~5.5% of our debt and they aren’t gonna stop buying it anytime soon…. they can’t. Despite the handwringing, China needs to buy US debt as badly as we need to sell it. The mechanism by which this works probably would be a standalone topic. But, basically - China has a huge problem. Their cities are absorbing about 15mm people from the countryside every year. If those migrants cant afford to live in the cities and can’t find jobs, China is gonna have another revolution (btw, this is gonna get worse for them, thanks to the growing over-representation of males in their country, resulting from their “one child” policy.
But, I digress… China’s strategy (and it’s a good one) is to export their way out of a spot. But, if they stop finding the US debt, we won’t have money to buy their exports and they could become pretty volatile.
The best way to reduce our debt is through spending that stimulates the economy. I’ve now watched with chagrin as the GOP mechanically blocked every infrastructure spending bill. (Even though, our borrowing rate at the time was negative - investors were offering their money at such low interest rates, that the inflation rate was higher.)
Trump promised a massive infrastructure plan but decided it would be better to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans and then claim we didn’t have enough money.
How do you “payback” the debt, if you’re a country. Well, you don’t have to. You can grow your way out of it (like we did with the WWII debt and we started to do in the 1990s). But, sex doll funny meme here’s the problem, you have to see the wealthy pay their fair share…. So, we get a “debt crisis”
How do you grow your way out of it? Ironically, you increase the debt balance
As a basic rule “infrastructure spending” helps the county. Aside from the natural benefits of better roads, power distribution, schools etc, infrastructure spending creates jobs and supports businesses. But, if you’ve already got a lot of money and don’t want to work hard or innovate, you’ll be worse off.
And, that’s what this all comes down to. The debt crisis is a fabrication, buoyed by moneyed interests who’s primary purpose is to protect their wealth rather than support our countr

(86 People Likes) Will buying a sex doll satisfy all of my sexual needs or is no strings attached sex with strangers on hook up sites thus risking catching STDs all the dangers that come with having sex with strangers my only option for a fullfilling sex life?

x life, get a girlfriend I would say. Having a girlfriend you get to sleep with which is actually reacting to you is really great.
If you want hookup sex, that could also be good, obviously you should use condoms that will limi

(86 People Likes) Where do these people who buy silicone sex dolls hide them from others?

private space so only the usser can use .Another reason is they are expensive silicone sex dolls are not cheap so why would you leave them lying around for other people to look at or even use. Another reason is silicone sex dolls are a very personal thing that you can own, you may allso be embarrssed to say you own one so hide it for this reason. Their is an old saying in sex doll funny meme the adult sex toy business that millions of sex toys are sold every year but no one amits to owning one. Their are the exceptions of course like the man or women who will leave them in display in their car etc for the whole world to see. But most people like to be discreet as most adults would be. One of the first things people alw

(27 People Likes) What is the real origin story of Annabelle doll? How did it get attached to the evil spirit opposed to Annabelle Creation 2017(spin offs of The Conjuring films)?

t saw it. There was no way in hell anybody could look at that thing and not wonder what the maker of that doll was thinking.
And the fact that people wanted to own it? What was the matter with them? If you believed in possessed dolls and things like that, that doll was practically screaming, “I AM EVIL INCARNATE AND WOE TO ALL WHO POSSESS ME! I WILL STARE AT Love Doll YOU IN YOUR SLEEP! I sex doll funny meme ILL SMILE CREEPILY FROM MY CORNER! I WILL MOVE FROM PLACE TO PLACE AND LEAVE AN AURA OF EVIL BEHIND ME! EMBRACE ME AND YOU EMBRACE DARKNESS! BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA!”
The “real” Annabelle was a Raggedy Ann doll. That’s a doll that could fool people into thinking it was just a cuddly cloth doll. That would be terrifying.
As a work of fiction, the idea of Annabelle is cool. Bu

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